press releases

Blair on climate - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 20 October 2006 at 8:00am
20 October, 2006

Reacting to news that Tony Blair has written to EU leaders warning that the world has ten to fifteen years to avert catastrophic climate change, John Sauven of Greenpeace said:

Iceland announces a return to commercial whaling

Last edited 17 October 2006 at 8:00am
17 October, 2006

The decision by Iceland to grant a commercial license to hunt whales makes no economic sense and should be retracted immediately said Greenpeace today.

I Count campaign - Blair's last chance to stop climate chaos

Last edited 11 October 2006 at 8:00am
11 October, 2006

On Wednesday 11th October, Stop Climate Chaos coalition (SCC) turned up the heat on Prime Minister Tony Blair with the launch of its I Count campaign - highlighting that as Blair's premiership melts away, climate change is the most important single issue on which he can leave a lasting legacy.

SolarChill vaccine fridge wins environmental pioneer award

Last edited 6 October 2006 at 8:00am
6 October, 2006

An innovative new solar powered refrigeration unit developed by Greenpeace International and six other international organizations, won the Environmental Pioneer in Refrigeration award in the 2006 Cooling Industry Awards. The SolarChill Vaccine Cooler & Refrigerator Project will enable vaccines to be stored in areas around the world without an adequate electricity supply.

Government's key energy review declared 'legally flawed'

Last edited 5 October 2006 at 8:00am
5 October, 2006

The Government's recent energy review, which backed a new generation of nuclear power plants, was 'legally flawed', according to documents given to the High Court by Greenpeace at the start of a legal battle today.

Lodging legal papers at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, Greenpeace is arguing that the Government did not carry out the 'full public consultation' it had committed itself to before making a decision to back new nuclear power stations.

New league table shows supermarkets leading 'green' revolution

Last edited 5 October 2006 at 8:00am
5 October, 2006

Greenpeace calls for all supermarkets to stop selling beam trawled seafood
One year since Greenpeace challenged the sea food industry to clean up its act by dropping destructively fished species from their shelves, a new report released today shows that major retailers in the UK are leading a revolution that is transforming the entire fishing industry.

Stop Climate Chaos launches the I Count campaign

Last edited 4 October 2006 at 8:00am
4 October, 2006

The Stop Climate Chaos coalition is launching the I Count campaign in October 2006. The campaign will inspire the public to take personal and political action to help tackle climate change.

The coalition is also mounting I Count in the Square - the biggest event of the year to stop climate chaos on Saturday 4th November, 1-3pm, Trafalgar Square. Event line-up to be announced. People that can't come on 4th November can still count by signing up online ( or texting 'I Count' to 84424.

Illegal rainforest timber used in parliament refurbishment

Last edited 29 September 2006 at 8:00am
29 September, 2006

Illegally logged timber from the rainforests of Papua New Guinea is being used during renovation work at the Houses of Parliament.

Greenpeace investigators have found the timber, in the form of at least two tonnes of plywood, in the £5million restructuring of the Press Area. The rainforest wood is protecting floors, stairs and walls while work is being carried out.[1]

And this is the fourth time in as many years that Greenpeace has revealed that the Government is using illegal and unsustainable timber.[2]

Greenpeace investigation exposes Finland's illegal timber trade with Russia

Last edited 19 September 2006 at 8:00am
19 September, 2006

London - 19 September 2006: A Greenpeace International report released today reveals how illegally logged timber from Russia is being freely imported into Finland to factories including those of Stora Enso, which is partly owned by the Finnish State.

In its report, Partners in Crime: A Greenpeace Investigation into Finland's Illegal Timber Trade with Russia, Greenpeace has documented wide-spread illegal logging in the Russian Republic of Karelia.(1)

Illegal GM rice found in the UK

Last edited 5 September 2006 at 8:00am
5 September, 2006

Food products illegally contaminated with genetically modified (GM) rice from China have been discovered in the UK, France and Germany, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace revealed today.

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