tony blair

Only action will clear the air

Posted by bex — 8 December 2004 at 9:00am - Comments

Tony Blair says he is personally passionate about solving the problem of climate change, but his passion for business has dominated the agenda for too long. There is only one way Tony Blair is going to regain our trust - take urgent action on climate change.

Greenpeace publishes top ten climate steps for Blair

Last edited 8 December 2004 at 9:00am
8 December, 2004

Global warming roadmap shows what PM must do to regain trust of greens

Greenpeace today published a list of ten steps Tony Blair must urgently take on climate change if he is to regain the trust of environmentalists.

Why we no longer trust Blair on climate

Posted by bex — 19 November 2004 at 9:00am - Comments
Tony Blair

Tony Blair

At regular intervals over the last few years, Tony Blair has given strong speeches on the importance and urgency of tackling climate change. He has told us that this is the single greatest challenge facing the international community, and that the scientific evidence is alarming. He is certainly right about that. He has also said that he is personally passionate about solving the problem.

Greenpeace has been sharply critical of Blair on other issues - on GM, nuclear power and, above all, Iraq. But on climate we have tried to believe in his sincerity. We need politicians to take the lead, and we need to support them when they do. It's not our style to ask automatically, as Jeremy Paxman does, "why is this bastard lying to me?"

Greenpeace attacks Labour hypocrisy on climate

Last edited 10 November 2004 at 9:00am
10 November, 2004

Greenpeace and the political action group ACT today accused Tony Blair and 123 Labour MPs of 'dangerously muddled and hypocritical thinking' following their rejection in Parliament of measures to improve energy efficiency in Britain which they had previously supported (1).

No wonder people don't trust politicians!

Posted by bex — 10 November 2004 at 9:00am - Comments
house flooded

house flooded

Tony Blair says climate change is "probably the single most important issue that we face". He says "there is no doubt that the time to act is now. It is now that timely action can avert disaster."

But the Prime Minister is rejecting two proposals to increase energy efficiency in residential homes and social housing and he is forcing Labour MPs to follow suit.

Emissions trading scheme - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 27 October 2004 at 8:00am
27 October, 2004

Commenting on the government's announcement that it will allow substantially more CO2 to be emitted by Britain under the Emissions Trading Scheme, Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale said:

Offshore wind power could bring up to 38,000 jobs to north east says new report

Last edited 19 October 2004 at 8:00am
19 October, 2004

The growing offshore wind power industry could bring up to 76,000 new jobs to the UK with up to 38,000 of them in the North East region of England according to a new report released today.(1)

The report has already been welcomed by the Prime Minister and two of Britain's major trade unions: the GMB and Community.

Greenpeace response to Blair's climate targets

Last edited 6 May 2004 at 8:00am
6 May, 2004

Responding to the publication of the Government's National Allocation Plan for the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale said:

"Tony Blair should have stuck to his guns. Just days after calling global warming the greatest problem we face, he's retreating in the face of a little light lobbying from business. On the same day new evidence of global warming is published, Mr Blair is sending out all the wrong signals. You have to wonder how he's going to take the really tough decisions on climate when he can't even get the easy ones right."

What part of 'No to GM' don't you understand, Mr Blair?

Last edited 24 September 2003 at 8:00am
24 September, 2003

Greenpeace today (24th September) called on Tony Blair to drop his push for GM crops in Britain after the Government's nation-wide consultation revealed that the public doesn't want the controversial technology. The results of the 'GM Nation?' debate show the essential rejection of GM. The government launched the 'GM Nation?' exercise amid allegations that Downing Street was ignoring huge public disquiet over the proposed genetic modification of food and crops.

Write to Tony Blair!

Last edited 24 January 2003 at 9:00am
Australia: Greenpeace inflatable boat alongside HMAS Kanimbla protesting the deployment of troops to Iraq

Australia: Greenpeace inflatable boat alongside HMAS Kanimbla protesting the deployment of troops to Iraq