
Tuna league table 2008: Sainsbury's

Last edited 7 January 2011 at 2:22pm -

Sainsbury's - top of the table


Tinned tuna's hidden catch

Last edited 30 July 2008 at 4:27pm

Who's at the bottom of our tuna league table?

Click on the image to find out!

Tuna - you've probably got a tin or two in your cupboard. Cheap, convenient and versatile. It is also very big business. The tinned tuna trade is worth around US$ 2.7 billion a year.

And in the UK, we love it: we are the second biggest customer for canned tuna in the world after the USA.

Esperanza confronts world's biggest tuna ship

Posted by jossc — 27 May 2008 at 4:42pm - Comments

The crew of Esperanza taking action against the world's biggest purse seiner, the  Albatun Tres

Our 25 metre long 'No Fish No Future' banner looks tiny alongside the giant Albatun Tres

After last week's good news about Pacific Island nations banding together to stop foreign fishing fleets decimating their tuna stocks, the crew of Esperanza yesterday took action against the biggest and most devastatingly efficient tuna catching vessel in the world, the Spanish owned purse seiner Albatun Tres.

Tide turns for Pacific tuna

Posted by jossc — 23 May 2008 at 12:32pm - Comments

Is the tide turning for Pacific tuna?

Hurrah! At last some good news for threatened Pacific tuna. Eight Pacific Island nations have signed an agreement to stop foreign fishing fleets taking their tuna. Our ship the Esperanza has been in the Pacific for the last seven weeks confronting unscrupulous foreign fleets that take 90 per cent of the fish, and even more of the profit.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace stops the trading of endangered species

Posted by bex — 23 April 2008 at 5:47pm - Comments

Time and tuna are running out

You'd probably find the idea of an event for trading in rhinoceros horns or tiger skins pretty shocking. But today, 1,600 companies from 80 countries came together in Brussels to trade all sorts species, including some threatened and endangered ones: fish, also known as our global marine life.

The Brussels Seafood Expo is the world's biggest sea food trading event, where species on the brink of collapse - like Mediterranean bluefin tuna and North Sea cod - are, literally, served up on a plate.

Tuna traders shut down at world's largest fish market

Last edited 23 April 2008 at 12:02pm
23 April, 2008

Five of the world's principal tuna suppliers were forced to stop doing business at the seafood industry's largest trade fair by almost 100 environmental campaigners this morning.

The Greenpeace volunteers entered the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels - where many UK supermarkets buy from the 1,600 exhibitors - at 10am. Using fishing nets and chains, they shut down the tuna traders' stands and used the public address system to urge industry buyers to purchase only sustainable seafood.

Videos from our oceans campaign

Last edited 3 August 2007 at 12:50pm

Greenpeace is committed to defending the world's oceans and the life that depends on them by ending whaling and destructive fishing practices, and working for global marine reserves. Catch up on some of our latest campaign videos from around the world here. You can scroll through the list by clicking the left and right arrows on either side of the 'playlist button'.

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