
Sharing the Blame: China's role in ancient forest destruction

Last edited 29 March 2006 at 5:35pm
Publication date: 
29 March, 2006


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Sharing the blame: China's role in the illegal timber market

Posted by admin — 29 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Timber from Papua New Guinea in a Chinese timber yard

Of China, Napoleon once said to let it sleep. When it wakes, he warned, the world will tremble. It will have escaped no one's attention that that time has almost certainly come, and as China grows in virtually every measurable way, so does its appetite for raw materials including timber.

DEFRA offices blockaded with illegal timber

Posted by admin — 19 October 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

A Greenpeace activist chained to a pallet of illegal rainforest plywood at DEFRA

Shortly after 7.30 this morning, Greenpeace volunteers blockaded the entrance to the Department for the Environment,Food and Rural Affairs DEFRA offices on London's Millbank, in protest at the tonnes of illegal timber continuing to flood into the UK from the world's last rainforests.

China could become the world leader in wind power

Last edited 18 October 2005 at 8:00am
18 October, 2005

Hong Kong, 17 October 2005 - China is in a prime position to become the world leader in wind power, according to a Greenpeace report released today.

Wind Guandong, a study of wind power potential in the heavily industrialised Guandong province in southern China, finds that the region could by 2020 alone, produce as much energy from wind power as Hong Kong's total current electricity supply.

Illegal GE rice contamination spreads to major Chinese city

Last edited 13 June 2005 at 8:00am
13 June, 2005

Beijing - Greenpeace has discovered illegal genetically modified rice in Guangzhou, the largest city in Southern China, raising fears that the untested GM rice is spreading out of control and has entered the food chain in major Chinese cities.

The new evidence was revealed only weeks after Greenpeace exposed the growing of illegal GM rice in Hubei Province.(1) Chinese officials announced they would conduct an investigation into the scandal but it appears that no action has yet been taken - meanwhile contamination appears to be spreading.

Genetically engineered rice: illegal and unwanted in China

Last edited 13 April 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2005


Greenpeace has discovered that GE rice seeds have been sold and grown commercially for a number of years. The GE rice is illegal, and has not been approved as safe for either human consumption or the environment. It has entered the Chinese food chain and environment, and may have contaminated Chinese rice exports.

Download the report:

'13 steps' to a nuclear-free future

Last edited 27 April 2004 at 8:00am
An army guard

An army guard at Fylingdales in Yorkshire

Diplomats from around the world have gathered for an international nuclear weapons control conference. The meeting will test the international community's resolve on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

Heralding the world's renewable energy future

Last edited 15 April 2004 at 8:00am
Robin Oakley (right)  with the Greenpeace China team

Robin Oakley (right) with the Greenpeace China team