
UPDATE: Climate negotiations from an American girl in China

Posted by jossc — 11 October 2010 at 1:32pm - Comments

Tcktcktck's Paul Horsman delivers a traditional Chinese stamp to UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres to mark the wall in support of collective action against climate change.

Michelle Meideros writes from Tianjin, where the latest round of climate talks have just ended. She has been living and working in Beijing for 6 months and tells us how her perspective has changed this year.

I haven't been to a climate talk since Copenhagen and not a whole lot has changed inside the negotiations. One thing that has changed is how I see this US/China "I won't, until you will" rhetoric. In the US our government is always pointing its finger at China, now the largest emitter in the world, claiming China is to blame, all the while hiding from its own lack of ambition.

A funeral and a celebration: grim clouds over Dalian

Posted by jamie — 28 July 2010 at 1:35pm - Comments

Fishermen scoop oily sludge from the oil spill in Dalian, China (c) Arthur JD/Greenpeace

Arthur JD writes from Dalian in China...

I arrived in Dalian on the day of the funeral for firefighter Zhang Liang, who drowned beneath the thick crude when his crew jumped into the ocean - without safety gear - to attempt, in vain, to fix an underwater pipe. Our lead photographer, Jiang He, who by now has reached legendary status globally for capturing the final seconds of Zhang's life, continued to cover the very emotional moments of this oil spill disaster.

Slideshow: Tackling dirty oil in China

Posted by jamess — 20 July 2010 at 4:54pm - Comments

Dramatic pictures from our Beijing office today showing what a dangerous substance dirty oil really is.

China: why coal takes more than it gives

Posted by jossc — 23 April 2010 at 10:58am - Comments

China is the king of coal. It is the world's biggest producer and consumer - but this reliance on coal is costing the country dear.

Because coal kills.

From the miners who dig it, to the people who breathe in its fumes, to the skies that swallow immense clouds of carbon dioxide, heating the earth and causing climate change and rising seal levels, coal takes more than it gives.

Video: Fish on climate change and China

Posted by jossc — 14 August 2009 at 11:21am - Comments

Just in via our Climate Rescue weblog, here's a beautiful little filmic essay on the realities of climate change from Greenpeace China campaigner Xin Yu (otherwise known as "Fish"), made aboard the Arctic Sunrise during the current expedition to monitor a 100 km2 ice island breaking off Greenland's Petermann glacier.

Exposing climate fugitives in Hong Kong

Posted by jamie — 24 June 2009 at 12:36pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers in Hong Kong have been protesting about the lack of effort the territory's government has put into tackling climate change. On Monday, a team dropped a huge, seven-storey banner down the front of a government office building marking out chief executive Donald Tsang as a 'climate fugitive'.

Rice is life: traditional farming in China

Posted by jamie — 8 June 2009 at 1:55pm - Comments

In a new photo essay, rice farming in southern China is put under the spotlight to show how traditional methods are still working well without any tinkering from the GM industry.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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