Greenpeace Blog

Esso and global warming

Posted by bex — 4 April 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
Global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas). It is the biggest environmental problem we face today, and the effects - extreme weather, drought and disease - are already being felt.

To counter the effects of global warming, the burning of fossil fuels must be reduced and phased out over the next 30-40 years.

Bad company

Posted by bex — 24 March 2003 at 9:00am - Comments

Don't Buy Esso: Bad CompanyEsso (also known as ExxonMobil) is the most powerful company in the world, and one of the biggest. Esso will stop at nothing to keep its largest market, the USA, addicted to oil. This oil addiction is fuelling war and causing global warming, putting millions of lives at risk.

Dirty politics
Esso has always opposed any policy that would reduce the need for oil in the US. It is no coincidence that Esso's campaign has met with increasing success since George W Bush entered the White House. Esso helped him get there.

Bush's road to the White House was paved with oil money. Esso gave more dollars to the Republican Party than any other oil company in the lead-up to Bush's election in 2000.

Energy white paper sounds a death knell for the nuclear industry

Posted by bex — 24 March 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
By Stephen Tindale

Back in the summer of 2001 there was much talk of a nuclear renaissance. Brian Wilson, a passionate advocate of nuclear power, was appointed Energy Minister and Tony Blair made several supportive statements.

Driven by oil

Posted by bex — 4 March 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
Spoils of war

Spoils of war

Esso is doing more than any other company to keep the US hooked on oil. This is fuelling Bush's war and causing global warming.

For decades Esso (ExxonMobil in the USA) has opposed any policy seeking to reduce the need for oil in the US.

Broken oil tanker brings ecological disaster

Posted by bex — 19 November 2002 at 9:00am - Comments
Oil spill from Prestige tanker

Oil spill from Prestige tanker

Oil is now covering more than 500 km of the Spanish Coast, carried by the Gulf Stream. The Spanish Government has conceded that more than 20,000 metric tonnes has leaked from the Prestige. And experts expect the Portugese coast to be affected next...

As the clean-up operation continues to lack co-ordination, Greenpeace activists protested outside the Galician provincial Government building in La Coruna on Saturday - confronting the Vice President with buckets of oil collected from a nearby beach.

Stop Esso campaign spreads across the globe

Posted by bex — 10 October 2002 at 8:00am - Comments

Stop Esso campaign spreads across the globe

Esso garage closed by Greenpeace

In 2002, action against Esso got well underway in the USA, Europe and New Zealand, as Greenpeace activists around the world joined in the protest.

MAY 2002

United States: Greenpeace USA launches it's campaign against the richest company in the planet.

Canada: Greenpeace activists lock themselves to fuel pumps at Esso stations in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, while volunteers in Bush masks urge motorists not to buy Esso.

New Zealand: Greenpeace issues "A Decade of Dirty Tricks" report outlining how Esso has undermined international climate change policy.

Earth Summit delivers nothing for the poor or the climate

Posted by bex — 4 September 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Mozambique river bed

A dried up river bed in Mozambique

The Johannesburg Earth Summit will go down in history - as a missed opportunity to deliver energy to the 2 billion people on this planet with no access to energy services, and as a failure to kick-start the renewable energy revolution that is required to protect the climate.

Writing on the wall for fossil fuels

Posted by bex — 2 September 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Choose Positive Energy petition hand in

Choose Positive Energy petition hand in

Greenpeace and The Body Shop presented 1,602,489 signatures to the Earth Summit in the form of an interactive mural calling upon delegates to agree to get clean, reliable, renewable energy into the hands of 2 billion of the world's poorest people by 2010.

Greenpeace and The Body Shop teamed up about a year ago to create the Choose Positive Energy Campaign, launched in January of this year. The demand: that governments vastly expand renewable energy for people across the world - the industrialised governments should expand their renewable energy supplies and all governments should commit to providing small-scale renewable solutions like solar and wind power, small-scale hydro, and biomass, to the world's poorest.

Rainbow Warrior supports Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla

Posted by bex — 2 September 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Nuclear free seas flotilla 2002

Nuclear free seas flotilla 2002

The Rainbow Warrior took its place among The Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla at an official launch in Dublin on Sunday.

Dublin's Lord Mayor, Councillor Dermot Lacey, along with politicians and celebrities unveiled the flotilla, which will sail out into the Irish Sea to peacefully protest against the two nuclear freighters carrying rejected plutonium fuel back from Japan.

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