Greenpeace Blog

LIVE: Greenpeace activists shut down Centrica HQ

Posted by petespeller — 30 April 2012 at 7:09am - Comments
Giant energy bill outside Centrica offices
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Is your energy bill as big as this?

This morning 50 Greenpeace volunteers shut down the head office of British Gas owners Centrica using the world's biggest energy bill.

We're there to tell Centrica to end its dangerous addiction to expensive and polluting fossil fuels. It is time to get off the gas price rollercoaster and start investing in clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency to bring bills under control and tackle climate change.

Take action now to tell Centrica to end the energy rip-off!

Who's the greenest London mayor candidate?

Posted by petespeller — 26 April 2012 at 4:10pm - Comments
A row of "Boris bikes"
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace
"Boris bikes" were an initiative of Ken Livingstone implemented by Boris Johnson

People look to world cities like London to provide political leadership on national and international problems like ending our oil and gas addiction. With exactly a week to go before the May 3rd London elections, we’ve teamed up with Friends of the Earth to look at how the main four candidates shape up.

Global actions challenge Apple to Clean Our Cloud!

Posted by petespeller — 26 April 2012 at 2:46pm - Comments
'Clean our cloud' poster in the window of Apple's London store
All rights reserved. Credit: Pete Speller/Greenpeace
'Clean our cloud' poster in the window of Apple's London store

Yesterday, Greenpeace volunteers took the Clean Our Cloud message directly to Apple flagship stores around the world. From San Fransisco to Hong Kong, Sydney to Budapest, Apple stores were flooded with coal apples, cleaning crews, balloons and banners - all calling on Apple to Clean Our Cloud!

President Dilma - veto this Amazon forest code hatchet job

Posted by bex — 26 April 2012 at 1:51pm - Comments
Jaguar in the Amazon rainforest
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace/John Novis
The Amazon is the planet's largest remaining rainforest, teeming with more wildlife than anywhere else on Earth.

Following years of intense pressure from the agribusiness sector, Brazil's parliament yesterday afternoon approved sweeping reforms to the country's forest protection law that spell destruction for the Amazon rainforest.

Apple - Time to clean our cloud!

Posted by petespeller — 24 April 2012 at 6:49pm - Comments
'Clean our cloud' poster in the window of Apple's London store
All rights reserved. Credit: Pete Speller/Greenpeace
Pasting up the 'Clean our cloud' banner at Apple's London store

Today, we went to Apple's flagship store in London to challenge them to clean up thier iCloud. Volunteers put up giant banners on the windows to catch the eyes of passers-by, as well as handing out hundreds of apples made from coal to customers at the Regent Street store.

New report shows how Big Six energy utilities are spending your money

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 22 April 2012 at 5:53pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

Across the UK millions of families and businesses are feeling the economic squeeze.

As anybody who has recently received their bill for last winter will be painfully aware, soaring costs of energy are a huge reason for this.

Shocking new analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance for Greenpeace, shows that most of the Big Six energy utilities haven’t been investing money from customer bills in a way that brings energy prices under control and secures a clean energy supply for the UK.

5 important lessons not learnt from Deepwater Horizon

Posted by jamie — 20 April 2012 at 5:54pm - Comments
The stricken Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico

The second anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon disaster is upon us - and looking at the lessons the oil industry got from it, you’d think it never happened. Here are the most important points governments and oil companies didn’t learn.

The government's nuclear dream is failing. It’s time for plan B

Posted by Richardg — 20 April 2012 at 2:32pm - Comments
Setting sun shines through nuclear protest flag with radioactive symbol
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Philip Reynaers
The sun is setting on nuclear power plans for the UK

For years the government has placed its faith in nuclear power and the corporate interests that drive the nuclear industry. Its committment to the nuclear dream has warped Britain’s energy policy at the expense of both bill and tax payers.

10 reasons why investing in Arctic drilling is reckless – according to the world’s top risk assessors

Posted by sara_a — 19 April 2012 at 5:58pm - Comments
Cairn's tugs drag icebergs out the way of its Arctic oil drilling rig
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose / Greenpeace
Cairn's tugs drag icebergs out the way of its Arctic oil drilling rig

Last week, Lloyd’s of London - the world’s leading insurer which sets the global standard for risk assessment - released a report warning investors not to rush in and invest in Arctic drilling. Looking at the industrial onslaught that is likely to hit the Arctic as the sea ice melts, the report covers the environmental impacts and financial risks of industrial fishing, shipping and mining. But it's most scathing on oil drilling, and in particular of the ability of oil companies to clean up after a major spill.

VW Stormtrooper: the comic

Posted by bex — 19 April 2012 at 5:38pm - Comments

For several months, our intrepid active supporters Jedis have been out in force, persuading thousands of members of the public to sign VW Darkside cards - which we've been sending through to the top brass at the VW's headquarters in Milton Keynes, and to their biggest dealerships.

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