Greenpeace Blog

Brighton rocks with the Climate Clinic

Posted by jamie — 16 September 2007 at 12:49pm - Comments

Climate ClinicIt's that time of year again. From this weekend, politicians, journalists and the party faithful will be congregating in seaside towns beginning with the letter B - Brighton, Bournemouth and Blackpool - as the three main parties hold their annual love-ins.

Flagging up the light bulb issue with Woolworths

Posted by jamie — 14 September 2007 at 4:32pm - Comments

Flags adorned with customers signatures outside Woolworths head office

Some of the flags bearing customers' signatures, telling Woolworths to seize the light and ditch inefficient light bulbs, hanging outside their London HQ

It's been a while since we heard from Woolworths about their policy on light bulbs, so we thought we'd deliver a little something to let them know we haven't forgotten about them.

Tesco spends £25 million to change a light bulb (amongst other things)

Posted by jamie — 13 September 2007 at 5:25pm - Comments

Something of a debate has developed on the venerable Today programme about light bulbs. It kicked off when Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy appeared yesterday plugging a £25 million investment in a sustainable consumption institute.

Taking your message to Medway: no new coal

Posted by bex — 12 September 2007 at 10:57am - Comments

Delivering the message to Medway
Our energy expert Robin, delivers a giant, coal-filled postcard to Medway Council

A few months ago, I wrote that the UK could be facing a new coal rush; Medway Council was considering an application to build the UK’s first new coal-fired power plant in over 30 years.

The story had a huge response, with over 13,000 of you writing to Medway Council to ask them to turn down the application (thank you!).

This morning, a team from Greenpeace HQ hand delivered a huge batch of your postcards to Medway Council, adding a giant, coal-filled, perspex postcard of our own to the thousands of messages from people in Kent and around the country.

A personal account of the government's nuclear consultation

Posted by jamie — 12 September 2007 at 10:40am - Comments

The government's public consultation on the future of nuclear power in this country - part of its shambolic energy review - was held on Saturday, but no one from Greenpeace was there. Along with several other organisations, we withdrew from the process as its become clear it's just another stitch-up in the government's attempts to force nuclear power on us.

Design for light

Posted by jamie — 11 September 2007 at 12:30pm - Comments

The design for Jason Bruges's installation using energy efficient light bulbs

So far in our light bulb campaign, we've bashed companies like Woolworths for not being proactive enough in sweeping inefficient incandescent bulbs from their shelves, but we're also working on more positive angles to demonstrate the plus-points of energy saving light bulbs or compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). One of the frequent excuses used for not switching to CFLs is that they're unattractive/ungainly/ugly/inconvenient (delete as applicable), but that's not so. They now come in an exhaustive variety of shapes, sizes and colours and can be just as aesthetically pleasing as old-fashioned bulbs.

Jason Bruges certainly thinks so. One of the UK's top interactive installation designers, he’s currently working with us on a new work to demonstrate the versatility of CFLs. He's no stranger to low-carbon design projects - his recent installation at the South Bank in London, Wind to Light, featured mini-wind turbines powering hundreds of LEDs, and his studio's latest work will be the front of house feature at this year's 100% Design at Earls Court Exhibition Centre later this month.

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