Greenpeace Blog

Calling architects and designers

Posted by bex — 14 August 2007 at 4:21pm - Comments

Solar panels in germany

We can shout from the rooftops that nuclear power won't stop climate change and decentralised energy is the way forward; we can produce investigations into what it is, how it can apply to the UK and how much it will all cost; we can write case studies about how it's already being used; we can lobby government to sort out the regulatory framework and the energy markets so that decentralised energy is on a level footing with other forms of energy production; we can ask you to write to your MP to help spread the word.

Bering witness in a mini-sub

Posted by jossc — 13 August 2007 at 12:05pm - Comments

A Greenpeace research mini-sub in the Bering sea

Everything you've ever wanted to know about light bulbs...

Posted by jamie — 7 August 2007 at 10:40am - Comments

A compact fluorescent lamp

A bulb a day keeps climate change at bay (or something along those lines...)

We've had a lot of support for our current light bulbs campaign (and some detractors too, it has to be said) but there have been many queries about whether compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) really are what they're cracked up to be - what about the mercury, can they be recycled, that sort of thing. Many of them have already been covered elsewhere on the site, but it's worth following them up in a slightly more prominent position.

If you have any more queries, just post a comment below or contact us at

The mother of all injunctions becomes the mother of all setbacks

Posted by jamie — 6 August 2007 at 5:46pm - Comments

Despite changing a misleading title on my previous post (which seemed accurate on the scant information available earlier this morning), I'm now beginning to think even 'BAA wins its case' is a bit too strong. Sure, they managed to get something out of their High Court injunction but it's a far cry from what they applied for.

Heathrow injunction: BAA wins its case

Posted by jamie — 6 August 2007 at 12:20pm - Comments

This from Sky News on BAA's injunction:

The operator of Heathrow airport has been granted a High Court injunction banning unlawful behaviour by environmental activists next week.

BAA says it wants to protect the safety of staff and passengers during the busy holiday season.

The yellow monster lurking underground

Posted by jamie — 3 August 2007 at 4:56pm - Comments

In making sure that nuclear power doesn't become part of the UK's energy policy, we tend to focus on the myth that it will solve climate change, the vast expense and the danger from radioactive waste. However, the other end of the supply chain is also fraught with problems and uranium mining can seriously damage your health. Just watch this video:

The real solution to climate change

Posted by bex — 3 August 2007 at 4:27pm - Comments

We recently launched a new film about the real solution to climate change (clue: it's not nuclear power - and the film explains exactly why not). The film's been sent to every MP in the country and is making its way around the interweb nicely. But we think its message - that the UK needs a new, and sane, energy system now - is crucial and we want to push it out further. So we've produced this new trailer.

There are plenty of ways you can help us get the word out: write to your MP asking them to watch the film; embed the film or the trailer on your website, blog or MySpace page; send it to a friend; Hugg it, Digg it or add it to your StumbleUpon favourites.

Climate change is happening. We know exactly what needs to be done to stop it. The technologies already exist. Let's do it.

Injunction ruling due on Monday

Posted by bex — 3 August 2007 at 4:13pm - Comments

Just a very quick update. The Heathrow injunction hearing has closed and Mrs Justice Swift will be ruling at 10am on Monday.

If you want some weekend reading to keep you going until then, The Times has a piece on the legal basis of the injunction attempt (an anti-stalkers law), the BBC has a round-up of yesterday's happenings at the High Court and Sian Berry mulls over what it all means in the New Statesman.

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