Greenpeace Blog

Seeing the light at Earls Court

Posted by bex — 21 September 2007 at 3:17pm - Comments

Judging from recent comments on this site, it seems there are a few people out there who still believe the myths that compact fluorescent bulbs are ugly, ungainly and undimmable.

But going green doesn't mean sacrificing good design, and CFLs can be versatile, stylish and even beautiful. We've been working with designer Jason Bruges (he of Wind to Light renown) on an installation using fully dimmable, compact fluorescent bulbs and, well, I'll let the film do the talking:

A meeting with the UN, or how Greenpeace supporters make all the difference

Posted by bex — 21 September 2007 at 10:22am - Comments

From our Making Waves blog:

Yesterday, a Greenpeace delegation met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. Here's a first hand account from Greenpeace Executive Director, Gerd Leipold:

It's official. You, our supporters, make all the difference. Today I met with the world’s highest official – Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations. Moon, a career diplomat, surprised me earlier this year when he put climate change at the top of his agenda. He has stressed the links between climate change and security. He clearly means it. Moon was composed and charming with a message determined and clear: We have the technology and the resources to fight climate change. We even have a real sense of urgency - as the impacts of climate change are starting to be felt around the world. What is lacking is political will. “We need you, Greenpeace, to mobilize public opinion and enable politicians to do the right thing.” - Are you ready? We are.

Electronics companies clean up their acts

Posted by bex — 20 September 2007 at 2:18pm - Comments

It's that time again; we've just released our latest quarterly Greener Electronics Guide, which ranks manufacturers on their toxics and recycling policies and practices.

Woolies customers demand they seize the light

Posted by jamie — 19 September 2007 at 8:27am - Comments

Woolies customers signed our flags asking the company to remove incandescent bulbs from their shelves

Remember those flags we hung outside Woolworths' head office last week? We have more of those. A lot more. Over 100 of them, each carrying dozens of signatures from Woolies customers eager to see the company selling only energy efficient bulbs. This morning, all those thousands of signatures are being delivered directly to the Woolworths board of directors at their meeting being held at head office, but of course we're doing it with a bit of style.

GM: back with a vengeance?

Posted by jamie — 17 September 2007 at 11:16am - Comments

As if Monday mornings weren't generally bad enough, the Guardian's headline this morning warns of the "return of GM". Biotech companies and government ministers are preparing to shoehorn GM technologies into UK agriculture, using climate change as an excuse. Their reasoning is that they'll be able to win the public over this time round if they claim that GM crops are needed to keep us fed as the climate becomes less favourable to regular varieties.

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