Greenpeace Blog

Rock with Live Earth, take action on climate change

Posted by jamie — 6 July 2007 at 6:38pm - Comments
Save the planet

With 2 billion pairs of eyes expected to be firmly clamped on the Live Earth concerts tomorrow, the word about climate change will be spread far and wide. Although, as George Marshall argues, perhaps enough people already know and they're just waiting to be forced into doing something about it through new laws introduced by their government.

We don't have to wait, though - in fact, we can't wait. Even the most optimistic predictions about the effects of climate change say that we need to take immediate action. So if watching Madonna cavorting around has spurred you on, what can you do here and now? Funny you should ask...

Brown lets the nuclear cat out of the bag

Posted by bex — 6 July 2007 at 4:06pm - Comments

Gordon Brown"We have made the decision to continue with nuclear power."

With those ten words, Gordon Brown managed to break the law, sabotage an ongoing public consultation and do a U-turn on his promise to listen to the people - all during his first Prime Minister's Question Time.

As head of government, Brown's meant to be abiding by a high court ruling that says the government can't legally make a decision on whether to build new nuclear power stations before a proper public consultation has been carried out.

The last consultation, said Justice Sullivan, was "seriously flawed"; the process was "manifestly inadequate and unfair" because insufficient information had been made available by the government for consultees to make an "intelligent response".

It now looks like this consultation is as much of a sham as the last one; the government seems to have already made up its mind on nukes, before the consultation's even really underway.

Here's a pdf of the letter our lawyers sent Brown this morning.

Congo timber ship blocked

Posted by jamie — 6 July 2007 at 3:16pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers climb a crane at La Rochelle port in France

Right now, a group of Greenpeace climbers are perched on top of a set of cranes in the port of La Rochelle on the French Atlantic coast. They've been there since Wednesday night and as well as admiring a no-doubt magnificent view, they're also preventing a ship unloading its cargo of timber which has come from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Too hot to handle: the future of civil nuclear power

Posted by bex — 6 July 2007 at 3:01pm - Comments

We've been arguing for a long time that nuclear power can't stop climate change - because replacing our whole fleet of nuclear power stations would only reduce our carbon emissions by four per cent, some time after 2024 (far too little, far too late).

The Oxford Research Group has just published an interesting study on the subject. It says that, for nuclear power to make any significant contribution to a reduction in global carbon emissions in the next two generations, the industry would have to construct nearly 3,000 new reactors globally - about one a week for 60 years.

The month in pictures

Posted by jamie — 5 July 2007 at 5:00pm - Comments

Greenpeace projects the words 'Coal causes climate change' onto the side of a coal transport ship in Australia

Over at our international office in Amsterdam, the web team have just published the June edition of their monthly round-up of images from the Greenpeace world. Being signed up to far too many internal email groups, I get to hear about what other offices are up to, but there's nothing quite like a striking image to make events in Bali or Belgium come alive.

Here's a bright idea - new banners to spruce up your site

Posted by jamie — 4 July 2007 at 4:20pm - Comments
Greenpeace: Change your light bulbs, not the climate

Is your website feeling drab? Is your blog looking a bit boring? We've got just the thing for you - a new set of snazzy banners to add to your site, pointing towards our ongoing campaign to remove old-fashioned and inefficient light bulbs from the shelves of UK retailers.

Ten years in China

Posted by jamie — 2 July 2007 at 4:37pm - Comments

With Blair's recent departure, recollections of 1997 in the media have been dominated by two things: his ascension to power and the Spice Girls. On the other side of the world in China, that same year was important for a couple of other reasons. Most famously, the lease ran out on a small but strategic piece of land called Hong Kong and the British Empire lost one of its last outposts as ownership return to the People's Republic of China.

But on that same piece of land, about the same time Chris Patten was bidding a teary farewell, something else significant happened (at least, we like to think it was) - Greenpeace China opened its doors. The importance of this particular office to the organisation can't be underestimated and, as this video shows, many of our campaigns can't help but take China's astonishing economic and social development into account. And with China now possibly the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, the next ten years are going to be even busier over there.

Let's hear it for consumer pressure

Posted by jossc — 27 June 2007 at 12:39pm - Comments

Our campaign against toxic e-waste in computers and electronic equipment is starting to show results, with many of the biggest names in the business tripping over themselves in the rush not to be left on the bottom rung of our Green Electronics Guide.

Glastonbury in pictures

Posted by bex — 26 June 2007 at 3:44pm - Comments

The tents are down, the wellies are drying out and the mayhem is over. Here are a few of our favourite pics from Glastonbury 2007 (you can see lots more on Flickr):


Toilet trip Pink wellies

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