Greenpeace Blog

Japanese nuclear safety cover-up - devastating news for British MOX business

Posted by bex — 30 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
BNFL shipment: Pacific Pintail

BNFL shipment: Pacific Pintail

Japan's largest nuclear utility has announced that a safety cover-up at its nuclear power plants has been going on for decades - a devastating blow to an already embattled nuclear industry, with global implications.

The Islay Wave Bus - the world's first!

Posted by bex — 27 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Islay wave bus: the worlds first electric bus to be powered by wave energy

Islay wave bus: the worlds first electric bus to be powered by wave energy

Update: For more on wave power, have a look at our ocean power page.

What is the Islay Wave Bus?
The Islay Wave Bus is the first electric bus in the world to be powered by wave energy. It is also one of only seven electric buses currently operating in the UK. It was formerly used in demonstration projects in Oxford and on Jersey, and has now been refitted with the most up to date electric vehicle technology for community use on Islay. The bus has been upgraded by C&H Bradbury Ltd for Greenpeace, and will be managed and operated by the Islay Development Company (IDC), and used by local community groups.

Argyll and the Islands Enterprise

Posted by bex — 27 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Islay wave bus logo

Islay wave bus logo

What is Argyll and the Islands Enterprise (AIE)?
Argyll and the Islands Enterprise is the local enterprise company. AIE is part of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) network which consists of a strategic office based in Inverness and 10 local enterprise companies. HIE is the government economic development agency for northern Scotland, including Argyll.

Bush, security, and the Rio Earth Summit

Posted by bex — 13 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Earth from Space

Earth from Space

Rémi Parmentier, Political Director, Greenpeace International

You can hardly open a newspaper these days without finding the latest revelations about how the White House and American intelligence failed to interpret signs that the September 11th attack was being prepared. Eleven months after that day, discussions about 'security' seem to have stalled within that very narrow framework.

New nuclear reactors - more radioactive waste

Posted by bex — 29 July 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Map of nuclear Britian

Map of nuclear Britian

Esso chief in UK

Posted by bex — 26 July 2002 at 8:00am - Comments

Stop Esso: Passer-bys ask about climate chang

As Chief Executive and Chairman of ExxonMobil and architect of the company's climate policy, Lee Raymond, visits the ExxonMobil HQ in London, the StopEsso team is there to greet him.


Developing nations reject UK-funded dirty energy

Posted by bex — 19 July 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Choose Positive Energy action at Sual coal power station

Choose Positive Energy action at Sual coal power station

Government creative accountacy to subsidise radioactive waste industry?

Posted by bex — 4 July 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
On 4th July 2002 the Government published its White Paper Managing the Nuclear Legacy which contained plans for dealing with our worsening radioactive waste crisis that has accumulated over 50 years.

Julia Sawalha interview

Posted by bex — 20 May 2002 at 12:03pm - Comments
Stop Esso: Julia Sawalha

Stop Esso: Julia Sawalha

Why particularly Esso?
They make 15.6 billion dollars a year in profit and they are not investing one dollar of that into clean renewable energy and the fact that they invested in President Bush's campaign and as a result of that Bush has backed out of the Kyoto Protocol is deeply disturbing to me. That they are sabotaging any international action on global warming is very frightening. I think that they are being a big bully and I think it's time we stood up to them.

You know I think as an individual you can feel really helpless in the face of environmental issues, I think as long as people know what is going on, this is the kind of campaign, like you can hear people beeping behind, they can really feel like they are doing something.

What would you say to motorists who are still buying from Esso?
I'd say don't put a tiger in your tank

What would your message to Esso be?
Be afraid, be very afraid.

Stop Esso day II

Posted by bex — 18 May 2002 at 8:00am - Comments

Saturday 18th May: Hundreds of protesters gathered at Esso garages around the country - asking motorists to stop buying petrol from Esso.

Stop Esso day: Julia Sawalha and Alan Davies Julia Sawalha and Alan DaviesFamilies, groups of friends, campaigners, celebrities - many dressed as tigers and polar bears or wearing George Bush masks - handed out leaflets and explained to motorists and passers-by why they were there.

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