
Cheating on climate

Posted by jamie — 21 June 2007 at 3:25pm - Comments

I was chatting to the guys from the Centre for Alternative Technology earlier today (they're running the Bluetooth Takeaway in our field at Glastonbury) about some videos we might film about what they're up to at the festival. It seems, however, that they're already video stars in their own right, having filmed and starred in their own production, Cheat Neutral.

Your climate change videos

Posted by jossc — 20 June 2007 at 3:25pm - Comments

A big thanks once again to all of you who took part in our Glastonbury competition. Here are some of the best entries in the video section - it's a shame there could only be one winner in each category.

My birthday in the park (living with climate change...)

Welcome to Glastonbury

Posted by jamie — 20 June 2007 at 2:46pm - Comments

Glastonbury is once again upon us and even though the festival proper doesn't start until Friday, the gates are open and happy campers are pouring in through every entrance. I'm currently holed up in a portacabin behind a replica of the Ark, madly editing video Tracy and I have shot over the past couple of days. We've a few technical hitches (lack of internet access being one of them) so we're a bit behind but now we're online, the stories will be coming thick and fast.

Climate change - what you think

Posted by bex — 18 June 2007 at 12:57pm - Comments

The entries for our competition to win Glastonbury tickets are in. We asked you to create images and videos about climate change, from how it makes you feel to what you're doing about it. We had around 60 entries - and the quality was fantastic! Apparently there's a lot of creative genius out there...

After a lot of discussion and deliberation here at Greenpeace HQ, we've chosen the winners:

Best image (click to see the full size):

My machine can save the world
"My machine" by Matthew. © All rights reserved.

This could be you...

Posted by bex — 13 June 2007 at 4:23pm - Comments

Just a reminder to get your wellies on and enter our online video and photo competition. There are four days left to win a pair of Glastonbury tickets!

Glastonbury: skating, soulmates and carbon dating

Posted by jamie — 13 June 2007 at 11:37am - Comments

A skateboarder rides an FSC ramp at Glastonbury in 2005So, we've covered the Techno-Dome and some of the highlights in the Greenpeace field. Let's see - what else have we got lined up for Glastonbury?

If you've ever wondered what your carbon footprint looks like, you can get your own carbon calculator installed on your mobile at the Bluetooth Takeaway. The Centre for Alternative Technology will be offering them to download via Bluetooth.

Then you can stroll over to the Guardian Soulmates for some 'carbon' dating. They'll match you a mate with some speed dating and carbon mating. There'll be dancing and cabaret in the evenings between 8pm and 10pm, and if you get serious we'll 'marry' you on Sunday afternoon for a year and a day, just like in the fairy tales.

Sharing is good, especially when it involves cars

Posted by jamie — 13 June 2007 at 11:01am - Comments

Treehugger reminds us that tomorrow is National Liftshare Day, when everyone is encouraged to make sure as many seats as possible are filled for those essential car journeys.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Win Glastonbury tickets!

Posted by bex — 9 June 2007 at 1:30pm - Comments


UPDATE (18/06/07 9.30am): The competition has now closed. Thanks for all the fantastic entries! View the winners, images, animations and other videos.

We have two pairs of Glastonbury tickets to give away to whoever creates the best picture or short video about climate change.

The theme of this year's Glastonbury is climate change, so we're asking you to create a picture or short video on the subject. We'll choose two winners - one picture and one video - and each winner gets a pair of tickets.

Your entry can be about pretty much anything to do with climate change – what you think about it, how it makes you feel, what you're doing about it, what you think others should be doing, the impacts, the solutions etc. It can be serious, heart-breaking, funny or downright daft. It can be a photo, a sketch, a graphic, a film, an animation, mash-up or pretty much any format you like. It can be abstract, with the connection to climate change explained in the title or caption. It just can't be offensive. And videos must be less than two minutes long.

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