road transport

Car manufacturers put the brakes on climate law

Posted by bex — 29 January 2007 at 2:51pm - Comments

Emmissions from transport are on the rise

Car manufacturers are trying to sabotage a new European climate law that would force them to improve the efficiency of their new vehicles. But there's time to act to make sure that Europe's cars are cleaner and greener in future.

Sales of 4x4s dip for first time

Last edited 15 August 2006 at 8:00am
15 August, 2006

As new figures showed sales of 4x4 vehicles dipping for the first time, Greenpeace urged Tony Blair to enact proposals to tax polluting vehicles more heavily. A total of 105,196 new SUVs were sold in the first seven months of 2006 compared with 106,732 in January-July 2005.

What does your car say about you?

Posted by jamie — 21 July 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

The UK is baking in the summer heat - and in London, the Motor Show has started. So ask yourself, what does your car say about you?

(Warning: the video contains some mildly rude words...)

The Budget: a chance to combat climate change

Posted by bex — 22 February 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

A traffic jam at night

While the global suffering caused by climate change escalates every day, UK vehicles are pumping out more greenhouse gases than ever before.

CO2 emissions from road transport are rising. Car manufacturers, unlike most other sectors, aren't legally bound to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Instead, when put under pressure to do something about their immense contribution to climate change, they agreed to voluntarily reduce emissions of the average new car by 2008.

Greenpeace launches first national day of action against gas-guzzling 4x4s across the UK

Last edited 4 June 2005 at 8:00am
4 June, 2005

Land Rover forecourts across the country branded 'climate crime scenes' with Greenpeace volunteers handcuffed to worst offending cars

Teams of Greenpeace volunteers in seven major cities across the UK this morning have taken action to disrupt sales of some of the most gas guzzling 4x4s on sale at Land Rover dealerships. The activity is part of the UK's first national day of action against 4x4's.

Land Rover forecourts targeted in first national day of action against 4x4s

Posted by bex — 4 June 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

A Greenpeace volunteer on the Land Rover forecourt

Teams of Greenpeace volunteers took action this morning to disrupt sales of some of the most gas guzzling 4x4s on sale at Land Rover dealerships in seven major cities across the UK. The activity kicked off the first national day of action against 4x4s.

Climate Crime File: Ford

Last edited 1 May 2005 at 12:04pm
Publication date: 
1 May, 2005

Ford claims to agree that climate change is real and the time for action is now. In its Corporate Citizenship report of 2001, Ford’s CEO Bill Ford Jr writes: ‘The global temperature is rising and the evidence suggests that the shift is being affected by human activity, including emissions related to fossil fuels used for transportation …We believe it is time to take appropriate action.’

Download the report:

Tax gas-guzzlers off our roads

Posted by bex — 15 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Exhaust of a 4x4

Climate change is already killing 150,000 people a year. If the government takes climate change as seriously as it says it does, Gordon Brown will tax gas-guzzlers off our roads tomorrow when he presents the budget.

Earlier today the Chancellor made a keynote speech describing climate change as an issue of justice and recoginsed that the millennium development goals cannot be met without stabilising the climate. He also declared his ambition to make British business the world leaders in environmental productivity.

Londoners say charge 4x4s more

Posted by bex — 7 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

A banner reading "charge 4x4s 20 pounds"

More than a hundred volunteers from Greenpeace and the Alliance Against Urban 4x4s took to the streets to poll Londoners about a proposal to increase the congestion charge to £20 for gas-guzzling vehicles like 4x4s. Of the more than 5000 people randomly polled throughout London, 85 percent agreed that the Congest Charge should be higher for gas-guzzlers.

Brown budget urged to go green

Last edited 1 December 2004 at 9:00am
1 December, 2004

Greenpeace is urging Gordon Brown to use this year's budget to tackle climate change by supporting energy efficiency, ending fuel poverty and increasing taxes on petrol, inefficient vehicles such as SUVs and aviation.

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