stop esso

Stop Esso campaign spreads from Tyneside to Texas

Last edited 13 May 2002 at 8:00am
13 May, 2002

Esso Purfleet:   villains

The Stop Esso campaign today launched an international week of action against the oil giant, which culminates on Saturday with protests outside more than 400 garages across the United Kingdom.

Stop Esso week was launched in response to the corporation's role in the sabotage of international action on global warming. Esso (ExxonMobil) has done more than any other company to block efforts to reverse climate change. It has run a ten year dirty tricks campaign against scientists and politicians who think we should reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Saturday May 18th will see Britain's biggest-ever global warming protest as thousand of people demonstrate outside hundreds of Esso garages, asking drivers to fill up elsewhere. To join an event at your local Stop Esso garage, visit or phone 0870 010 9510.

Fury as oil giant Esso pulls off UN coup

Last edited 19 April 2002 at 8:00am
19 April, 2002

Stop Esso campaign logo

The Stop Esso campaign today condemned oil giant Esso for the role it played in ousting Dr Bob Watson, the respected British-born head of the UN panel on climate change. 

Esso's dirty tricks

Last edited 17 April 2002 at 8:00am
Mozambique river bed

Mozambique river bed

Esso (Exxon Mobil) spend millions every year on misleading propaganda, lobbying politicians and actively attempting to discredit climate science. They have:

The following is a leaked memo - from Esso (ExxonMobil) to the White House

Last edited 5 April 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
5 April, 2007

Publication date: April 2002

The latest of Exxon's outrageous dirty tricks to distort climate science, this memo demands the Bush administration to oust the head of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - a supposedly independent panel. Exxon are unhappy with Dr Robert Watson because he has spoken out in the past about the need to tackle global warming. He has also criticised the US for failing to meet environmental targets.

Download the report:

Leaked memo exposes Esso attempts to oust top UN scientist

Last edited 4 April 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
10 July, 2009

Publication date: April 2002

A leaked memo - from Esso (ExxonMobil) to the White House - has exposed attempts by the world's biggest oil company to oust a top UN scientist.

The latest of Exxon's dirty tricks, this memo to the Bush administration criticises Dr Robert Watson, Head of the UN International Panel on Climate Change. The scientist has spoken out in the past about the need to tackle global warming, and has criticised the US for failing to meet environmental targets.

Download the report:


Last edited 24 January 2002 at 9:00am
24 January, 2002

Warning: Lee Raymond

He's on the run - armed and dangerous

Greenpeace today issued a Wanted poster for the renowned global warming outlaw Lee Raymond. Hundreds of the pictures have been posted all over London, where he is thought to be in hiding.

Blair meets "Darth Vader" of global warming

Last edited 22 January 2002 at 9:00am
22 January, 2002

Meeting Lee Raymond: Downing Street

Greenpeace calls for UK Government to take a position on Esso boycott

Greenpeace can reveal that Tony Blair had a secret meeting today with the head of the company that effectively blocked the Kyoto agreement in America. Lee Raymond, who met the Prime Minister at Downing Street, is the CEO of Exxon-Mobil - known as Esso in the UK. He has done more than anyone else to rubbish efforts to halt climate change.

Interview with a Stop Esso activist

Last edited 29 November 2001 at 9:00am

Interview with a Stop Esso activist

stop esso boycott

Will St Leger is 29 years old and lives in London. He is an active supporter of both Greenpeace and the Stop Esso campaign.

Stop Esso day

Posted by bex — 3 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
Stop Esso Day: copyright Alex Snelling

Stop Esso Day: copyright Alex Snelling

On the first Stop Esso day, in villages, towns and cities across the UK and Ireland, over 3000 people peacefully and legally campaigned at Esso petrol stations.

They spent the day handing out leaflets and stickers, explaining to motorists and passers-by why they should join in boycotting Esso. There were even several Esso tigers roaming around, keeping the kids entertained.

Motorists were shocked to hear about Esso's dirty tricks and many vowed not to buy from Esso again.

An international campaign to stop Esso

Posted by bex — 3 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
Stop Esso Day 18th May man posting sign

Stop Esso Day 18th May man posting sign

The Stop Esso campaign is a coalition of Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and People & Planet.

The Stop Esso campaign is calling on the public not to buy any Esso products until the US based oil company changes their stand on global warming.

Year by year we see more devastating floods, droughts, storms, melting icecaps and dying coral reefs around the world. Global warming is to blame. And UN scientists have agreed that pollution from fossil fuels is the main cause.

ESSO doesn't give a damn about global warming. The biggest oil-company in the world, Esso (Exxon Mobil):

  • PRETEND global warming isn't happening
  • Do more than any other company to keep the USA hooked on oil fuelling President Bush's war
  • Spend millions on DIRTY TRICKS to gain the favour of politicians such as Bush, to discredit climate science and to sabotage international climate negotiations such as Kyoto
  • Invest NOTHING in renewable energy or green fuels such as bio-diesel