stop esso

Survey reveals British public think oil is the main reason for war with Iraq

Last edited 3 April 2003 at 9:00am
3 April, 2003

A MORI poll, released today by Greenpeace, has found that the British people believe that oil rather than humanitarian issues is the main reason for President Bush going to war with Iraq.

Responding (unprompted) to the question 'What do you think is the main reason or reasons for President Bush going to war with Iraq?' the most common response was 'to protect US oil supply/control Iraqi oilfields' (32%).

Anti-Esso 'poems on the underground' mystery solved as Greenpeace admits responsibility

Last edited 26 March 2003 at 9:00am
26 March, 2003

Weeks of confusion and amusement for commuters and tube bosses came to an end today as the perpetrators of an anti-Esso guerrilla advertising campaign admitted responsibility. Thousands of spoof 'poems on the underground' posters attacking George Bush and oil giant Esso have been appearing on the Northern, District, Metropolitan, Hammersmith and City and Bakerloo lines. Esso are known to be furious, while London Underground controllers were perplexed.

Bad company

Posted by bex — 24 March 2003 at 9:00am - Comments

Don't Buy Esso: Bad CompanyEsso (also known as ExxonMobil) is the most powerful company in the world, and one of the biggest. Esso will stop at nothing to keep its largest market, the USA, addicted to oil. This oil addiction is fuelling war and causing global warming, putting millions of lives at risk.

Dirty politics
Esso has always opposed any policy that would reduce the need for oil in the US. It is no coincidence that Esso's campaign has met with increasing success since George W Bush entered the White House. Esso helped him get there.

Bush's road to the White House was paved with oil money. Esso gave more dollars to the Republican Party than any other oil company in the lead-up to Bush's election in 2000.

Driven by oil

Posted by bex — 4 March 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
Spoils of war

Spoils of war

Esso is doing more than any other company to keep the US hooked on oil. This is fuelling Bush's war and causing global warming.

For decades Esso (ExxonMobil in the USA) has opposed any policy seeking to reduce the need for oil in the US.

Anti-war campaigners shut scores of Esso garages and bar entrance to company HQ

Last edited 23 February 2003 at 9:00am
23 February, 2003

Greenpeace UK says oil giant is shoulder to shoulder with Bush on war and global warming

Civil disobedience by peace campaigners has this morning seen the UK operation of the world's most powerful company severely disrupted across seventeen counties.

The Tiger in the Tanks

Last edited 23 February 2003 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
5 April, 2007

ExxonMobil, oil dependency and war in Iraq

Publication date: February 2003

Despite the Bush administration's claims that the proposed war on Iraq is only about weapons of mass destruction, simmering below the surface is Bush's 'need' to secure a continued supply of cheap oil.

Download the report:

Exxon's weapons of mass deception

Last edited 25 October 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
10 July, 2009

Foreword by Bianca Jagger

Download the report:

600 protesters Stop Esso in Luxembourg

Last edited 25 October 2002 at 8:00am
25 October, 2002

Stop Esso: Luxembourg

Jagger dossier reveals Esso's 'weapons of mass deception'

Stop Esso campaign spreads across the globe

Posted by bex — 10 October 2002 at 8:00am - Comments

Stop Esso campaign spreads across the globe

Esso garage closed by Greenpeace

In 2002, action against Esso got well underway in the USA, Europe and New Zealand, as Greenpeace activists around the world joined in the protest.

MAY 2002

United States: Greenpeace USA launches it's campaign against the richest company in the planet.

Canada: Greenpeace activists lock themselves to fuel pumps at Esso stations in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, while volunteers in Bush masks urge motorists not to buy Esso.

New Zealand: Greenpeace issues "A Decade of Dirty Tricks" report outlining how Esso has undermined international climate change policy.

Esso pays for global warming sabotage as consumers turn their backs

Last edited 3 September 2002 at 8:00am
3 September, 2002

New figures released today show that the boycott of Esso petrol is hitting the oil giant at the pump. The news comes as the company stands accused of sabotaging a deal at the Earth Summit to deliver renewable energy to the world's poorest regions.

Polling by MORI Social Research Institute shows the number of petrol buyers who say they regularly buy their petrol from Esso has fallen by around a quarter in a year, while more than one million motorists say they are boycotting Esso because of their stance on global warming.

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