stop esso

Greenpeace response to President Bush's Kyoto statement

Last edited 2 April 2001 at 8:00am
wave energy:  a green and sustainable energy resource

wave energy: a green and sustainable energy resource

Global warming

Last edited 1 April 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
1 April, 2001

Global warming is bringing flood misery to Britain and drought and disease world-wide. Pollution from fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas) is the main culprit. If companies like Esso carry on unchecked, Britain will experience much more serious and frequent storms and floods.

We can stop this situation from becoming catastrophic by switching from fossil fuels towards renewable energy and green transport fuels.

Download the report:

The case against 'big oil'

Last edited 29 March 2001 at 9:00am

Drillstar: life jacket

Drillstar: life jacket

Guerrilla garage in Glasgow gives drivers green fuel

Last edited 5 March 2001 at 9:00am
5 March, 2001
Glasgow garage: bio-diesel

Glasgow garage: bio-diesel

Greenpeace has taken over an Esso garage and is dispensing free green fuel to drivers. The Green Guerrilla Garage is at 341, Great Western Rd.

Greenpeace volunteers have today stepped up their campaign for real green fuels and locked the diesel pumps at one of Esso's city centre forecourts. In its place, volunteers are offering drivers free bio-diesel - a plant-based fuel that is identical to ordinary diesel but causes only half the damage to the climate. Bio-diesel is widely used in the US, Germany and France, and is guaranteed safe for British motorists, but is not commercially available in the UK [1].

The Greenpeace Guerrilla Garage is open giving away thousands of litres of free bio-diesel

Last edited 13 November 2000 at 9:00am
13 November, 2000

Greenpeace will be giving away thousands of litres of free green fuel to motorists at our Guerrilla Garage.

The garage is located at:
309 - 313 City Rd, on the corner of City Rd and Remington St (N1), 5 - 10 minutes walk from Angel tube station.