stop esso

Greenpeace silences Exxon executive

Last edited 5 November 2003 at 9:00am
5 November, 2003
Activists locked underneath a trucked parked outside Oil & Mone

Activists locked underneath our loudspeaker truck - parked outside the Oil & Money conference

Esso, we've got you surrounded

Posted by bex — 5 November 2003 at 9:00am - Comments

An activist chained to a truck outside the Oil and Money conference

An activist chained to a truck outside the Oil and Money conference

World Climate Change Conference 2003

Posted by bex — 4 October 2003 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace activists launch a banner at the World Climate Change Conference in Moscow

Greenpeace activists launch a banner at the World Climate Change Conference in Moscow

Turning up the heat on Esso

Posted by bex — 30 May 2003 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace tigers at Esso HQ in Texas, USA

Greenpeace tigers at Esso HQ in Texas, USA

Greenpeace turned up the heat this week as the biggest oil company in the world prepared for its annual general meeting in Texas.

As a result, more shareholders supported a resolution calling for Esso (ExxonMobil in the US) to act on two hot issues: global warming and renewable energy.

Exxonmobil shareholder vote on climate a wake up call

Last edited 29 May 2003 at 8:00am
29 May, 2003

The StopEsso UK coalition said today that the 22% shareholder vote against ExxonMobil on climate change at its annual meeting in Dallas should be a wake-up call for the company's anti-global warming stance.

The vote, worth around $44 billion worth of share value, called on ExxonMobil to report to shareholders on how it will mitigate the risks presented by climate change. Another, similar, resolution calling on the company to present a similar report on renewable energy, garnered 21%, up from last year's vote of 20.3%.

Greenpeace Global Crimes Unit bust Esso's global headquarters in Texas

Last edited 27 May 2003 at 8:00am
27 May, 2003

Dallas, Texas. Business at the international headquarters of ExxonMobil, parent company of Esso, the world's most powerful company ground to a halt this morning as the Greenpeace Global Warming Crimes Unit converged on at their compound in Irving, Texas. The move comes as ExxonMobil's Board of Directors and international executives attempt to gather from across the world for tomorrow's Annual General Meeting.

Esso executives charged!

Posted by bex — 27 May 2003 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace activists inside Esso HQ, Texas

Greenpeace activists inside Esso HQ, Texas

Stop Esso campaign history

Posted by bex — 3 May 2003 at 8:00am - Comments
Stop Esso campaign logo

Stop Esso campaign logo

The UK Stop Esso campaign was launched in May 2001 by coalition members Greenpeace, People and Planet and Friends of the Earth.

Bianca Jagger unveiled a "Boycott Esso" mobile billboard at the campaign launch. The Body Shop, Annie Lennox, Ralph Fiennes, Jerome Flynn, Damien Hirst, Keith Allen and several politicians signed up to the boycott.

On the first Stop Esso Day, in villages, towns and cities across the UK and Ireland, over 3000 people peacefully and legally campaigned at Esso petrol stations.

Stop Esso Day II saw Julia Sawalha and Alan Davies join the protests at Esso petrol stations.

These were the largest non-violent direct actions against global warming ever seen in the UK.

May 2002 also marked the launch of Stop ExxonMobil, a US campaign aimed at Esso's parent company. Over the following months, Stop Esso spread around the globe.

Esso and war on Iraq

Posted by bex — 4 April 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
Esso's drums of war

Esso's drums of war

The links between the Bush administration and Esso are an "open secret" in the US. A Deutsche Bank report stated that Esso's "political clout" means it "may find itself in pole position in a changed-regime Iraq".

Esso and global warming

Posted by bex — 4 April 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
Global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas). It is the biggest environmental problem we face today, and the effects - extreme weather, drought and disease - are already being felt.

To counter the effects of global warming, the burning of fossil fuels must be reduced and phased out over the next 30-40 years.

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