
Recipe for disaster

Last edited 26 October 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
27 October, 2005

Supermarkets' Insatiable Appetite for Seafood


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Greenpeace's campaign for real milk set up cardiff's first GM-free pub on Queen Street, Cardiff

Last edited 20 July 2005 at 8:00am
20 July, 2005

Greenpeace teamed up with professional jokesters the Ministry of Fun to promote the Campaign for Real Milk. The aim of the campaign is to rid Wales of GM milk. For one day only a fake pub, The Cow Major, will be opening its doors on Queen Street serving up pints of GM free milk and alerting the people of Wales to the fact that most milk sold in Wales comes from cows fed on GM feed.

Cardiff wide day of action against supermarkets selling GM milk

Last edited 12 March 2005 at 9:00am
12 March, 2005

Greenpeace are holding a Cardiff wide day of action against supermarkets still selling genetically modified (GM) milk. Shoppers the length and breadth of Cardiff will be offered the chance to exchange their GM milk for an organic alternative free of charge to show their rejection of GM goods.

Cows in Cardiff deliver GM cowpat awards

Last edited 1 March 2005 at 9:00am
Scary dairy - the cows uncover Asda's GM milk

Scary dairy - the cows uncover Asda's GM milk

Cows take to the streets of Cardiff to deliver GM cowpat awards

Last edited 1 March 2005 at 9:00am
1 March, 2005

A herd of costume cows and milkmen and women hit the streets of Cardiff to protest about supermarkets selling genetically modified (GM) milk in Wales. The campaigning cows will be touring Cardiff in an open top bus and visiting supermarkets that continue to use GM animal feed for their dairy herds. The worst offenders will be awarded the "Greenpeace Cowpat Award for Supporting GM milk".

Greenpeace campaign sees Sainsbury's trial non-GM milk

Last edited 4 June 2004 at 8:00am
An activist with the GM milk

An activist with the GM milk

Cows let loose in Sainsbury's to protest against GM milk

Last edited 22 April 2004 at 8:00am
Outside the Greenwich store, London

Outside the Greenwich store, London

There's something scary in the dairy ...

Last edited 18 September 2003 at 8:00am
What's lurking in the dairy?

What's lurking in the dairy?

Brussels votes for world's strictest GM label rules

Last edited 2 July 2003 at 8:00am
2 July, 2003

The European Parliament today voted to adopt strict rules that will see all GM foods labelled across the EU. The move is certain to infuriate the Bush administration and GM-lobbyists in the United States, where the European proposal was fiercely opposed. Tony Blair and the Food Standards Agency were also known to oppose the legislation. The comprehensive new rules mean that all food and animal feed containing or deriving from genetically modified organisms will have to be clearly labelled, making it possible for farmers, food producers and consumers to avoid using or eating them.

Is the baby food you buy really non-GM?

Last edited 8 March 2001 at 9:00am
8 March, 2001
smaGreenpeace today released a guide to which baby food brands are fully non-GM. The guide, which is part of Greenpeace's Shoppers Guide to GM, can be accessed online or by sending a SAE to Greenpeace.

None of the baby food on sale in the UK directly contains GM ingredients. However it can contain products, such as cheese, eggs or meat, from animals fed on GM feed.