direct actions

Woolworths won't stop selling power crazy light bulbs, so we've cleared the shelves for them

Posted by jamie — 14 July 2007 at 10:20am - Comments

A Greenpeace volunteer locked on to baskets of inefficient light bulbs

It's going to be a busy day at branches of Woolworths across the UK today as the Greenpeace Light Brigade pay them a visit to ask why they're still selling old-fashioned, power crazy light bulbs. Woolworths came bottom of our new league table, ranking light bulb retailers according to their commitments to phase out inefficient bulbs, so our volunteers have decided to take matters into their own hands.

Congo timber ship blocked

Posted by jamie — 6 July 2007 at 3:16pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers climb a crane at La Rochelle port in France

Right now, a group of Greenpeace climbers are perched on top of a set of cranes in the port of La Rochelle on the French Atlantic coast. They've been there since Wednesday night and as well as admiring a no-doubt magnificent view, they're also preventing a ship unloading its cargo of timber which has come from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Greenpeace sets up 'climate ticket exchanges' in airports across UK

Last edited 19 June 2007 at 8:24am
19 June, 2007

Campaigners offered free train tickets to travellers at Edinburgh airport this morning

Campaigners offered free train tickets to travellers at Edinburgh airport this morning

Video and stills available.

Greenpeace boats deliver the message: G8 Act Now!

Posted by bex — 7 June 2007 at 12:54pm - Comments

An hour or so ago, 11 inflatable boats carrying 24 Greenpeace volunteers, sped towards the G8 summit. Chased by police, two boats entered the exclusion zone around the Heilingendamm summit, where world leaders are due to discuss climate change later today. The police stopped some of the inflatables, knocking two of them over (three Greenpeace folk were injured and are on their way to hospital now).

Behind the lens in the Himalayas and other stories

Posted by bex — 5 June 2007 at 12:41pm - Comments

We regularly put photos of Greenpeace events here in the UK on Flickr, but sometimes we neglect to share pics from our 30 other offices around the world. And, what with the G8 coming up, there's been quite a lot going on in Greenpeace world over the past few days. Here's a selection of our favourite pics:


Cranes, canoes and rainwater collectors

Posted by bex — 31 May 2007 at 3:15pm - Comments

Volunteers at the top of a crane in Olkiluoto

The things you learn when working for Greenpeace. Today, I found out how to collect several litres of rainwater using a banner, two hard hats, a hollow cross-member of a crane and a CamelBak water bag - while 80 metres up in the air, hanging onto a crane.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace continues to disrupt North Sea cod fishing

Last edited 14 May 2007 at 10:39am
14 May, 2007

Greenpeace volunteers have taken direct action for the second time in three days to halt North Sea trawlers fishing cod towards extinction.

At 8am this morning, 40 miles east of Unst, the most northerly point of the UK, a Greenpeace swimmer, clad in a survival suit and holding onto a buoy emblazoned with 'STOP BATTERING COD', positioned himself in front of the Scottish trawlers Carisanne II and Demares, who were fishing for cod by dragging a huge net between them. The trawlers then immediately stopped fishing and hauled their net.

Stopping cod trawlers fishing the hard way

Posted by jossc — 12 May 2007 at 11:30am - Comments

A Greenpeace swimmer attempts to prevent a North Sea cod trawler from fishing

We're still out here in the North Sea talking to trawlermen to convince them to stop fishing cod to extinction, and taking action against those who just won't listen.

For a few days now, we've had no luck locating cod fishing vessels, but that finally changed last night when we came across a Scottish trawler fishing for cod 40 miles east of Unst, the most northerly point of the Shetland Isles. They were reluctant to talk to us, so we decided to wait until morning and pay them a visit.

Greenpeace swimmer in North Sea cod drama

Last edited 12 May 2007 at 12:00am
12 May, 2007

A Greenpeace activist swims in front of a Scottish fishing trawler

Campaigners attempted to save North Sea cod from being pushed towards extinction plunged into the ocean 40 miles from land today and tried to stop a Scottish trawler by placing themselves in its course.

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