direct actions

Greenpeace launches first national day of action against gas-guzzling 4x4s across the UK

Last edited 4 June 2005 at 8:00am
4 June, 2005

Land Rover forecourts across the country branded 'climate crime scenes' with Greenpeace volunteers handcuffed to worst offending cars

Teams of Greenpeace volunteers in seven major cities across the UK this morning have taken action to disrupt sales of some of the most gas guzzling 4x4s on sale at Land Rover dealerships. The activity is part of the UK's first national day of action against 4x4's.

Land Rover forecourts targeted in first national day of action against 4x4s

Posted by bex — 4 June 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

A Greenpeace volunteer on the Land Rover forecourt

Teams of Greenpeace volunteers took action this morning to disrupt sales of some of the most gas guzzling 4x4s on sale at Land Rover dealerships in seven major cities across the UK. The activity kicked off the first national day of action against 4x4s.

Greenpeace shuts down Range Rover assembly line

Posted by bex — 16 May 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

A Landrover is marked with CLIMATE CRIME SCENE tape

Early this morning 35 Greenpeace volunteers shut down the assembly line making gas-guzzling Range Rovers. Urban 4x4s made at this site are wrecking the climate.

Climate campaigners scale Prescott's roof

Posted by bex — 26 April 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Greenpeace protestors fit solar panel on John Prescott's roof

Greenpeace volunteers fitted solar panels to John Prescott's roof and hung a huge banner across his house this morning that says: Oi 2 Jags! Hit targets, not voters.

Climate campaigners scale Prescott's roof

Last edited 26 April 2005 at 8:00am
26 April, 2005

Deputy PM needs to 'get his house in order' on energy efficiency

Greenpeace volunteers have fitted solar panels to John Prescott's roof and hung a huge banner across his house that says, "OI 2 JAGS! HIT TARGETS, NOT VOTERS".

Secret Korean whale-butchery plans exposed

Last edited 7 April 2005 at 8:00am
7 April, 2005

Secret plans by the South Korean Government to build a whale and dolphin meat processing factory, despite an international ban on whaling, have been exposed today (7 April) by Greenpeace.

The factory is planned to be built in the very city that will host this year's meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), the body set up to halt the loss of whale populations. Historically known as the 'City of Whales', the south-east port of Ulsan will host the IWC meeting in June.

Dead dolphins delivered to French government on both sides of the Channel

Last edited 31 March 2005 at 9:00am
31 March, 2005

Dead dolphins bearing the scars of a final struggle in large fishing nets were today (31 March) delivered simultaneously to French government offices in Paris and London. The deliveries came as Greenpeace renewed calls for a total ban on pair trawling - a form of fishing which is estimated to kill thousands of dolphins in the Channel every year.

In London, Greenpeace activists delivered the frozen dolphins to the French Embassy in Knightsbridge. The dolphins were left on the steps to the building. In Paris, the dolphins were delivered to the office of the Fisheries Minister.

Londoners say charge 4x4s more

Posted by bex — 7 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

A banner reading "charge 4x4s 20 pounds"

More than a hundred volunteers from Greenpeace and the Alliance Against Urban 4x4s took to the streets to poll Londoners about a proposal to increase the congestion charge to £20 for gas-guzzling vehicles like 4x4s. Of the more than 5000 people randomly polled throughout London, 85 percent agreed that the Congest Charge should be higher for gas-guzzlers.

Activists disrupt oil industry annual jamboree

Posted by bex — 16 February 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Volunteers hold "climate crime scene" tape

On the day the world finally enacted Kyoto, the oil industry tried to hold a huge party to say, 'we don't care, it's business as usual'. We hope for at least one evening they've been forced to face the reality of what they're doing.

Global oil trading stopped

Posted by bex — 16 February 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

A policeman and a Greenpeace volunteer

Today is a day for action. After a long and arduous process the Kyoto Protocol comes into force and business as usual is not an option.

Thirty-five Greenpeace volunteers halted trading on the global oil market by occupying the International Petroleum Exchange in London. They entered the high security building near Tower Bridge shortly before 2pm, just as the world market in Brent crude was about to switch to London.

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