direct actions

We shut down Britain's 'flagship' waste incinerator in South London...

Last edited 25 February 2002 at 9:00am
SELCH incinerator: climber arrested...for nearly four days, to protect our children from cancer.

The latest
A crack squad of specialist bailiffs forced their way through our barricades and up the chimney, cutting their way through the chimney hatch with a circular saw at 9.45 am yesterday.

Greenpeace volunteers shut down Britain's 'flagship' rubbish incinerator

Last edited 25 February 2002 at 9:00am
25 February, 2002

The plant that burns Blair's rubbish is putting Britain's children at risk

Greenpeace vigil demonstrates support for "Star Wars 17"

Last edited 14 August 2001 at 8:00am
14 August, 2001
Vigil for the Star Wars 17Seventeen people, three of whom are British Citizens, known as the 'Star Wars 17' were formally charged at a court hearing in the United States on Monday 13th August. Outside the US Embassy in London on the same day, seventeen people dressed in US prison clothing and handcuffed together, confronted the US authorities holding a "Stop Star Wars not Peaceful Protest" banner.

The 'Star Wars 17' face charges that carry sentences of up to six years in prison, following a peaceful Greenpeace protest which delayed a test of President Bush's Star Wars missile system in July(1).

Greenpeace volunteers shut down Esso's fuel supply

Last edited 25 July 2001 at 8:00am
25 July, 2001

At 5.30am this morning, fifty-two Greenpeace volunteers and five 'rogue' tigers shut down Esso's fuel distribution centre at Purfleet, Essex. The volunteers shut down the plant to put pressure on Esso to protect the planet. Esso is the world's number one global warming villain and is behind George Bush's refusal to sign up the US to the Kyoto climate treaty. Purfleet supplies Esso fuels to the South East from Hastings to the Wash.

Action stations as Greenpeace volunteers shut down Esso's fuel supply

Posted by bex — 24 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Esso Purfleet: tiger and banner

Esso Purfleet: tiger and banner

Update: 02:00
Hot, exhausted and but still growling, the volunteer who spent nearly 15 hours up a 60ft light mast in a tiger costume was finally craned off by the police and arrested at around 8pm. She was one of the last Greenpeace volunteers to be removed from Esso's fuel supply depot. As they were removed, one by one, and led away by the police the volunteers waved to the supporters at the gates and got waves and cheers of support in return.

Greenpeace stops international outlaw President Bush in his tracks

Posted by bex — 19 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments

buckingham palace protestPresident George Bush's motorcade was brought to an abrupt halt by two Greenpeace volunteers. As Bush swept down The Mall on his way to Buckingham Palace for lunch with the Queen, they stepped calmly out in front of him carrying signs saying "George W Bush - International Outlaw" and sat down in the road. The delayed motorcade continued on its way after the two were removed by police officers.

Meanwhile, Greenpeace supporters stood outside the Palace to (un)welcome GW Bush to the country. A giant puppet of Bush, a forest of 'International Outlaw' flags, 4 of the now famous Star Wars missiles (protesting US plans to break the ABM treaty) and an ear-splitting barrage of air horns greeted the Toxic Texan as he arrived.

Greenpeace volunteers take over ExxonMobil tanker in Italy

Posted by bex — 17 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments

Volunteers occupy tanker- Italy17th July- Four Greenpeace volunteers boarded a tanker chartered by US oil company ExxonMobil (known as Esso in parts of Europe) in the port of Vado Ligure to stop the discharge of oil from the 80,000 tonne tanker Clare Spirit. The ship was carrying oil from the North Sea Forties field. The activists are aiming to prevent the discharge pipe from being connected to stop operations.

The action comes at the beginning of the renewed climate talks in Bonn and 3 days before the G-8 government leaders are due to meet in Genoa which will discuss both the climate treaty and the recently released G-8 renewable energy task force report.

Greenpeace volunteers in custody after Star Wars protest

Last edited 15 July 2001 at 8:00am
'Stop Star Wars' protest at  Vandenburg air baseFifteen Greenpeace volunteers from around the world are in custody after their action which delayed the Star Wars missile test at Vandenberg Airforce Base in California yesterday.

Greenpeace volunteers invade Menwith Hill

Last edited 3 July 2001 at 8:00am
Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

Who shut Britain's biggest waste incinerator? Jury retires to consider verdict in trial of Greenpeace volunteers

Last edited 12 June 2001 at 8:00am
12 June, 2001

Octover 200: Greenpeace volunteers occupying Edmonton incinerator

The jury at Wood Green Crown Court were sent out today (1pm, Tuesday 12th) to consider their verdict in the trial of five Greenpeace volunteers charged with criminal damage over the shutdown of Britain's biggest waste incinerator. 

The charges relate to the occupation of Edmonton incinerator in October last year when the five volunteers closed the plant for four days by camping on top of the chimney. The defendants had argued that their occupation of the plant was lawful because the incinerator was breaking pollution laws and discharging hundreds of tonnes of toxic chemicals, which threatened people, property and the environment.