Renewable Energy

Balls well that ends well

Posted by kcumming — 26 November 2012 at 2:28pm - Comments
John Sauven and Ed Balls at Eclipse Energy
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace
left to right: Eclipse Managing Director Chris Cash, Ed Balls and John Sauven

Friday was a brave day for Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls to hug a solar panel. Britain had awoken to the - albeit sensationalist and misleading - headline news that households could be paying £170 a year by 2020 to fund renewable energy projects. (The reality being nearly half that cost and overall savings if we get our act together on energy efficiency). But Ed Balls, MP for Morley and Outwood, pulled up to renewable installation company Eclipse Energy in Leeds enthusiastic, engaged and ready to – literally - embrace clean energy.

Government kicks clean electricity into the long grass

Posted by Richardg — 23 November 2012 at 5:39pm - Comments
Giant energy bill outside Centrica offices
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Giant energy bill outside Centrica offices

If a year is a long time in politics, then 2016 is a lifetime away. Yet the government has decided not to commit the UK to clean electricity until after the next election.

We can keep the lights on without nuclear power

Posted by Richardg — 22 October 2012 at 1:10pm - Comments
nuclear power station in Slovakia
All rights reserved. Credit: Tomas Halasz / Greenpeace

The government's nuclear plan isn't going to happen. Government wants to offer ever larger subsidies trying to keep the nuclear industry afloat, but here's a 'plan B' that keeps the lights on without new reactors.

Dear George Osborne, #greenisworking! Love, everyone.

Posted by Richardg — 18 October 2012 at 5:24pm - Comments
Green Is Working event at the treasury
All rights reserved. Credit: Clive Mear / Tearfund
Deborah Meaden joins Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and supporters outside the Treasury to tell the government #GreenIsWorking

Yesterday, I joined 249 other people from green businesses, development charities, trades associations, green groups and the Women's Institute outside the Treasury. We'd come to tell the government that the green economy is working.

Record wind power generation in Spain

Posted by petespeller — 9 October 2012 at 12:04pm - Comments
Technicians put up wind turbines in Spain
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

On a windy night in September, whilst most people were sleeping, wind power reached a record of 64.2% of Spain’s electricity demand.

It's crunch time for the climate

Posted by Richardg — 23 July 2012 at 10:08am - Comments
New wind turbines are constructed at the Butterwick Moor Wind Farm.
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace
New wind turbines are constructed at the Butterwick Moor Wind Farm.

The Chancellor’s assault on our climate must stop. It’s time for David Cameron and Nick Clegg to intervene and stop him.

Centrica’s latest spin still doesn’t address the real issues

Posted by petespeller — 4 May 2012 at 6:04pm - Comments
World's biggest energy bill blocks the entrace to Centrica's HQ
by-nc. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
World's biggest energy bill blocks the entrace to Centrica's HQ

Since we shut down their head office on Monday, British Gas owner Centrica have replied to the thousands of people who emailed them about their overreliance on gas, their lack of investment in renewables and their failure to bring energy bills under control. But whilst they talk a good game, their spin fails to address the real issues.

Centrica's response to our office shut down is to dodge the key issues

Posted by petespeller — 2 May 2012 at 3:35pm - Comments
World's biggest energy bill blocks the entrace to Centrica's HQ
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
World's biggest energy bill blocks the entrace to Centrica's HQ

On Monday we shut down Centrica’s head office telling them to end the gas fuelled energy rip-off – to bring energy bills under control and reduce CO2 by investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

VIDEO: Why we shut Centrica's office

Posted by petespeller — 30 April 2012 at 5:12pm - Comments

Today 50 Greenpeace activists locked themselves to the doors of the headquarters of British Gas owner Centrica, used the world's biggest energy bill to block the road leading to the car park and occupied an office inside.

LIVE: Greenpeace activists shut down Centrica HQ

Posted by petespeller — 30 April 2012 at 7:09am - Comments
Giant energy bill outside Centrica offices
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Is your energy bill as big as this?

This morning 50 Greenpeace volunteers shut down the head office of British Gas owners Centrica using the world's biggest energy bill.

We're there to tell Centrica to end its dangerous addiction to expensive and polluting fossil fuels. It is time to get off the gas price rollercoaster and start investing in clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency to bring bills under control and tackle climate change.

Take action now to tell Centrica to end the energy rip-off!

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