
You did it! Princes will indeed change their tuna, and so will Asda

Posted by jamie — 9 March 2011 at 12:48pm - Comments

It's with enormous pleasure that I can reveal that Princes has (finally) got the message that bycatch is killing the oceans and has announced that it will clean up its tinned tuna.

Tuna league table 2008: Morrisons

Last edited 6 August 2008 at 11:02am

Morrisons - 5th in our Tuna League Table



After a slow start, Morrisons began to show a more serious commitment to sustainable fish sourcing, introducing a sustainable seafood procurement policy in 2006.

ASDA and Morrisons make a move on light bulbs

Posted by jamie — 26 July 2007 at 5:30pm - Comments

We're beginning to see the first positive results from the light bulb retailers league table we published nearly two weeks ago. Both ASDA and Morrisons have just announced they will improve their game plan and phase out those power-crazy incandescents by the end of 2010, which moves them a couple of places up the league table, leapfrogging several other retailers.

Light bulb retailers league table

Last edited 14 July 2007 at 9:43am

Ban the Bulb campaign archive: content last updated 14 July 2007

Which retailers are seizing the light to take a lead on energy efficiency, and which are lagging way behind? Our league table of light bulb retailers makes it easy to distinguish the bright sparks from the dullards.

Retailers have been rated on when they will completely phase out inefficient incandescent bulbs - as their policies improve, they move up the table.

Ask your supermarket to make the switch

Last edited 30 April 2007 at 1:10pm

Supermarkets league table 2006: Morrisons - 5th place

Last edited 12 February 2007 at 5:11pm

Morrisons has made a substantial commitment to sourcing sustainable seafood by delisting aMorrisons ranking rose 32 places to 5th in 2006 large range of species and increasing the range of alternative species available to customers.

Supermarkets and sustainable seafood

Last edited 12 January 2007 at 5:04pm

How sustainable are the fish your supermarket is selling?

How sustainable are the fish your supermarket is selling?

'Trawler trash' at Birmingham supermarkets

Last edited 5 December 2006 at 9:00am
5 December, 2006

Greenpeace 'fish mongers' hold a banner reading "ban beam trawling!"

'Fishmongers' lay out dead fish, crabs, sponges and coral at entrances to Asda, Morrisons and Tesco

Today, (Tuesday 5th December) Greenpeace volunteers have displayed hundreds of dead fish, crabs, sponges and coral - outside the entrance to a Birmingham Asda superstore, the fishmongers will also visit a Birmingham Morrisons and Tesco, later today (1). The action is part of a "trawler trash tour", visiting the same supermarkets across the UK (2).