renewable energy

Transcript of Sir David King speaking at the Greenpeace Business lecture on global warming

Last edited 13 October 2004 at 8:00am
Flood measure

Flood measure

It's a great honour for me to be here speaking at the Greenpeace business lecture and it's also a wonderful opportunity for me to talk to you about the issue that, as Doug has just said, I consider to be the most serious issue facing us this century and beyond. What I'm going to do is run through the science behind climate change and then I'll run through what the British government is doing and what the international situation is and the sorts of things that we all ought to be doing on this issue. So just kicking off with the science.

Welsh assembly gives green light to Scarweather

Last edited 5 October 2004 at 8:00am
5 October, 2004

Wind farm will be built after Tory wrecking effort defeated

The Scarweather Sands offshore windfarm will now be built after the proposed project scaled its last remaining hurdle in the Welsh Assembly. Assembly Members today blocked an effort by Tories to have a decision by the Assembly planning committee overturned. Opponents of the clean energy project have now run out of options to defeat the proposal.

Victory: Offshore wind farm will be built in Wales

Posted by bex — 5 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
off-shore wind farm

off-shore wind farm

The future is looks brighter from Swansea bay, the Scarweather Sands offshore wind farm has made it over the last remaining hurdle in the Welsh Assembly and the project can go ahead without delay.

Assembly members blocked last minute Tory efforts to force another debate on the wind farm, and opponents of the clean energy project have run out of options to try to defeat the proposal.

Although opponents claimed the farm sitting three miles off the coast would be an eyesore, the wind farm will prove to be a boon to the local tourist industry. In a survey carried out last summer, 96% of visitors questioned said they were more likely or just as likely to return to the Swansea Bay resort of Porthcawl if the turbines go up.

Tory assembly members accused of "unjustifiable hypocrisy" over plans to block wind farm

Last edited 27 September 2004 at 8:00am
27 September, 2004

Greenpeace has accused the Welsh Tory party of hypocrisy and being a serious impediment in the battle against global warming after Tory Welsh assembly members moved to block an offshore wind farm. Michael Howard, in his keynote speech on the environment and the threat of global warming last week (13th September), accused the Labour government of neglecting offshore wind energy, pointing to its environmental and economic benefits. Despite this, Tories on the Welsh Assembly are trying to stop an offshore windfarm, at Scarweather Sands in Swansea Bay, from getting the go-ahead.

Assembly members confronted with support for wind power

Posted by bex — 20 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Yes2Wind campaigners project their message onto the Assembly building in Cardiff

Yes2Wind campaigners project their message onto the Assembly building in Cardiff

Assembly building covered by 30ft high message

Last edited 20 September 2004 at 8:00am
20 September, 2004

Campaigners this morning projected a huge message onto the Assembly building in Cardiff. The environmental group Greenpeace emblazoned the words "80% Want Offshore Wind" across the front of the Cardiff Bay building in 30ft high letters. The move came as Assembly Members returned today for the new session, ready to decide the fate of a proposed wind farm at Scarweather Sands off Porthcawl.

Michael Howard's speech - Greenpeace comment

Last edited 13 September 2004 at 8:00am
13 September, 2004

Commenting on Michael Howard's speech on global warming this morning, Greenpeace campaigner Jim Footner said:

Public behind renewable energy as Howard and Blair speak on global warming

Last edited 13 September 2004 at 8:00am
13 September, 2004

More people than ever support building wind farms, despite a concerted campaign against them over recent months. A new poll by ICM, released today, shows that 80 percent support government plans to significantly increase the number of wind turbines in Britain, with just eight percent opposed.

The poll is released as the leaders of the two major political parties make speeches on global warming. Michael Howard will speak tomorrow morning at the Institute of Directors while Tony Blair will address a business and environment conference hosted by Prince Charles on Tuesday.

Majority support wind energy in run up to the election

Posted by bex — 13 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
North Hoyle View

North Hoyle View

66% support renewable energy in comprehensive Somerset survey

Last edited 31 August 2004 at 8:00am
31 August, 2004

Our campaign supporting the planning proposal for a new on-shore wind farm at Hinkley Point in Somerset has received a timely boost - poll results from Somerset County Council's recent Environment and Quality of Life Survey, show a high level of public awareness and concern about environmental issues. The survey was undertaken between February and April this year, and sought the views of over 4,000 local people on local environmental policy and quality of life.