renewable energy

Brown budget urged to go green

Last edited 1 December 2004 at 9:00am
1 December, 2004

Greenpeace is urging Gordon Brown to use this year's budget to tackle climate change by supporting energy efficiency, ending fuel poverty and increasing taxes on petrol, inefficient vehicles such as SUVs and aviation.

Why we no longer trust Blair on climate

Posted by bex — 19 November 2004 at 9:00am - Comments
Tony Blair

Tony Blair

At regular intervals over the last few years, Tony Blair has given strong speeches on the importance and urgency of tackling climate change. He has told us that this is the single greatest challenge facing the international community, and that the scientific evidence is alarming. He is certainly right about that. He has also said that he is personally passionate about solving the problem.

Greenpeace has been sharply critical of Blair on other issues - on GM, nuclear power and, above all, Iraq. But on climate we have tried to believe in his sincerity. We need politicians to take the lead, and we need to support them when they do. It's not our style to ask automatically, as Jeremy Paxman does, "why is this bastard lying to me?"

Up in Smoke

Last edited 19 November 2004 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
19 October, 2004

Threats from, and responses to the imapct of global warming on human development


This report represents an unprecedented coming together of leading environmental and development organisations with decades of experience working with poor communities across the world. We fear that global warming could threaten attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and even reverse human development achievements. This report is an expression of our common concern and a call for urgent action from governments.

Download the report:

Greenpeace supporting Little Cheyne Court wind farm on Romney Marsh

Last edited 2 November 2004 at 9:00am
2 November, 2004

Greenpeace will this week submit a statement to the public inquiry into the Romney Marsh wind farm. The environmental campaign group is supporting the construction of the proposed project by nPower Renewables.

Wind power is essential in shifting power generation to methods that don't emit carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas. The statement quotes the UK government's chief scientist, who has stated that global warming is "the most severe problem we are facing today - more serious even than the threat of terrorism".

Booed by small children, pursued by a polar bear, Howard speaks against local wind farm

Posted by bex — 22 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Polar bear confronts Tory leader Michael Howard

Polar bear confronts Tory leader Michael Howard

Polar bear confronts Howard as Tory leader gives evidence to wind farm inquiry

Last edited 22 October 2004 at 8:00am
22 October, 2004

Michael Howard was today confronted by a polar bear angry at the opposition leader's attempt to scupper a proposed wind farm in his constituency. The polar bear carried a placard saying 'HOWARD YOU LIKE YOUR HOME TO MELT?' and 'WE NEED THIS WIND FARM'.

Sparking off the energy revolution

Posted by bex — 19 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
wind turbine manufacturing

wind turbine manufacturing

This man may not look like much of an environmentalist, but he is helping to build a future that is not only clean and green, but one that will generate jobs and create a new industry in Britain.

Wind power is the world's fastest growing energy source, and because of the government's commitment to have 20% of our electricity coming from renewable sources, it has really taken off in the UK too.

Offshore wind power could bring up to 38,000 jobs to north east says new report

Last edited 19 October 2004 at 8:00am
19 October, 2004

The growing offshore wind power industry could bring up to 76,000 new jobs to the UK with up to 38,000 of them in the North East region of England according to a new report released today.(1)

The report has already been welcomed by the Prime Minister and two of Britain's major trade unions: the GMB and Community.

Offshore wind, onshore jobs

Last edited 19 October 2004 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
19 October, 2004

A new industry for Britain


Download the report:

Chief Scientist: we need immediate action on climate change

Posted by bex — 14 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Sir David King

Sir David King

According to the government's chief scientist, Sir David King, while the evidence continues to grow, what we really need to see is action to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

"Action is affordable, inaction is certainly not," said Sir David at the Greenpeace Business lecture on global warming in London.

As scientists around the world study the changes in our climate going back almost a million years, they confirm what many of us know, climate change is already here.

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