energy efficiency

Collaboration between Jason Bruges and Greenpeace gains top spot at 100% Design show

Last edited 17 September 2007 at 1:39pm
17 September, 2007

World’s first fully dimmable CFL bulb makes shortlist in “most innovative lighting” category 

An interactive, low energy light bulb installation designed by Jason Bruges Studio and commissioned by Greenpeace has been moved to the front of house feature space at the 100% Design exhibition which begins next week in London. Exhibition organisers have recognised that the combination of style and efficiency embodied in Bruges' "Light Garden" will be a major draw for the show and a groundbreaking example of low energy technology.

Flagging up the light bulb issue with Woolworths

Posted by jamie — 14 September 2007 at 4:32pm - Comments

Flags adorned with customers signatures outside Woolworths head office

Some of the flags bearing customers' signatures, telling Woolworths to seize the light and ditch inefficient light bulbs, hanging outside their London HQ

It's been a while since we heard from Woolworths about their policy on light bulbs, so we thought we'd deliver a little something to let them know we haven't forgotten about them.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Design for light

Posted by jamie — 11 September 2007 at 12:30pm - Comments

The design for Jason Bruges's installation using energy efficient light bulbs

So far in our light bulb campaign, we've bashed companies like Woolworths for not being proactive enough in sweeping inefficient incandescent bulbs from their shelves, but we're also working on more positive angles to demonstrate the plus-points of energy saving light bulbs or compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). One of the frequent excuses used for not switching to CFLs is that they're unattractive/ungainly/ugly/inconvenient (delete as applicable), but that's not so. They now come in an exhaustive variety of shapes, sizes and colours and can be just as aesthetically pleasing as old-fashioned bulbs.

Jason Bruges certainly thinks so. One of the UK's top interactive installation designers, he’s currently working with us on a new work to demonstrate the versatility of CFLs. He's no stranger to low-carbon design projects - his recent installation at the South Bank in London, Wind to Light, featured mini-wind turbines powering hundreds of LEDs, and his studio's latest work will be the front of house feature at this year's 100% Design at Earls Court Exhibition Centre later this month.

20% renewables by 2020? Not without a new energy policy...

Posted by jossc — 22 August 2007 at 1:59pm - Comments
Bad energy: inefficient centralised energy generation is a major contributor to global warming

Bad energy: inefficient centralised energy generation is a major contributor to global warming

Over the next decade, Britain needs to invest tens of billions on renewing its dilapidated energy infrastructure. Many of our current nuclear, coal and gas power stations will close, and the electricity transmission and distribution grids themselves will need replacement.

Which provides us with a once-in-a-generation chance for the government to redesign our energy market. We have the perfect opportunity to go for maximum environmental efficiency, whilst ensuring energy security and reliability of supply.

Jason Bruges teams up with Greenpeace to create ultra-efficient light installation

Last edited 20 August 2007 at 4:13pm
20 August, 2007

Award winning designer’s bulb 'garden' will showcase next generation of lighting technology

Award-winning designer Jason Bruges is teaming up with the environmental organisation Greenpeace to create an interactive installation made up of hundreds of energy efficient light bulbs that will feature at this years 100% Light exhibition at Earl's Court this September. It is also part of Kinetica's latest exhibition, 'In Flux'.

Calling architects and designers

Posted by bex — 14 August 2007 at 4:21pm - Comments

Solar panels in germany

We can shout from the rooftops that nuclear power won't stop climate change and decentralised energy is the way forward; we can produce investigations into what it is, how it can apply to the UK and how much it will all cost; we can write case studies about how it's already being used; we can lobby government to sort out the regulatory framework and the energy markets so that decentralised energy is on a level footing with other forms of energy production; we can ask you to write to your MP to help spread the word.

Everything you've ever wanted to know about light bulbs...

Posted by jamie — 7 August 2007 at 10:40am - Comments

A compact fluorescent lamp

A bulb a day keeps climate change at bay (or something along those lines...)

We've had a lot of support for our current light bulbs campaign (and some detractors too, it has to be said) but there have been many queries about whether compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) really are what they're cracked up to be - what about the mercury, can they be recycled, that sort of thing. Many of them have already been covered elsewhere on the site, but it's worth following them up in a slightly more prominent position.

If you have any more queries, just post a comment below or contact us at

ASDA and Morrisons make a move on light bulbs

Posted by jamie — 26 July 2007 at 5:30pm - Comments

We're beginning to see the first positive results from the light bulb retailers league table we published nearly two weeks ago. Both ASDA and Morrisons have just announced they will improve their game plan and phase out those power-crazy incandescents by the end of 2010, which moves them a couple of places up the league table, leapfrogging several other retailers.

A little light relief from India

Posted by jamie — 25 July 2007 at 5:20pm - Comments

I've been meaning to write about these videos for some time but somehow it never seemed the right moment (and all our Woolworths work kept getting in the way), so apologies if you've already seen them elsewhere. Yet in the lull after the hard launch of our light bulbs campaign, it's worth pointing out that it's not just in the UK that a shift to energy-efficient bulbs is being sought.

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