
Scale back investment in wind, EDF and EON tell Miliband

Posted by jossc — 17 March 2009 at 3:54pm - Comments

offshore wind at work

Prepare to be unsurprised. Very unsurprised. Those lovable energy giants EDF and E.ON have put their collective boots into government plans to generate 35 per cent of our electricity from renewable sources.

According to their submissions to the latest energy consultation, the figure is not only unrealistic but also damaging to alternative schemes such as nuclear plants. So damaging that, um, they may be forced to drop their plans to build a new generation of nuclear power plants in the UK unless the government scales back its targets for wind power.

BP presented with 2008 'Emerald Paintbrush' award by Greenpeace

Last edited 22 December 2008 at 4:47pm

Oil giant accused of using advertising to ‘greenwash’ massive new investment in fossil fuels

22 December, 2008

Greenpeace representatives in dinner jackets and bow ties were today ejected from BP's London headquarters after attempting to present the British oil giant with the first annual "Emerald Paintbrush" award.

Security guards threw out the smartly dressed protestors after they staged an impromptu awards ceremony in the lobby of the building.

Greenpeace plans to award the new prize each year to any company it deems guilty of hiding its environmental impact with misleading advertising.

Will the real Ed Miliband please stand up?

Posted by jossc — 22 December 2008 at 3:51pm - Comments

Coal power - no thanks!

Ed Miliband demonstrated the confusion at the of the heart of the government's energy and climate change strategies this morning when he refused to rule out new coal plants which don't capture and bury their emissions – just weeks after his own advisers warned there was no future for these power plants.

He attacked Conservative plans for the introduction of green standards for power stations that would rule out the dirtiest coal plants like E.ON's for Kingsnorth, as "knee jerk" and "not thought through". Apparently, he's happy to play party politics with coal and climate change, just days after he called for a people-powered movement on global warming. Hardly the way to inspire action on the most important issue of our time.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

A Google bomb for Eon

Posted by jamie — 8 December 2008 at 2:54pm - Comments

The noble art of Google bombing - of making a website rise up the search results by encouraging other websites to link to them in a particular way - is being harnessed by blogs campaigning against new coal-fired power stations, especially Kingsnorth. The idea is to make the No New Coal website appear at the top of the list anytime a search is done for 'Eon' (which is, of course, the company so intent on building a plant at Kingsnorth).

Anyone with a website, blog or profile on the likes of MySpace or Facebook can help out, so if you'd like to help here are the full instructions I purloined from Climate Change Action:

Turner report advises against new coal plants

Posted by jossc — 4 December 2008 at 12:15pm - Comments

Carbon dinosaur? Ferrybridge coal-fired power station in Yorkshire

The Turner Report - a nail in the coffin of coal-fired power?

Lord Turner's Committee on Climate Change, which reported to the government on Monday, has gone a long way towards ruling out new coal plants like Kingsnorth from playing a role in any future UK energy mix.

Turner advice would kill coal plans, says Greenpeace

Last edited 1 December 2008 at 5:22pm
1 December, 2008

Lord Turner's Committee on Climate Change today recommended that new coal plants are not built in the UK unless they can capture all of their emissions by the early 2020s. If accepted by the Government, the proposal would kill controversial plans by German energy giant Eon to build a new coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent. 

John Sauven, the executive director of Greenpeace - which has led the campaign against Kingsnorth - said today: 

Rainbow Warrior impounded; 90 arrested

Posted by bex — 17 November 2008 at 11:19am - Comments

Dutch police board Rainbow Warrior in Rotterdam

Two Greenpeace ships - one of them the Rainbow Warrior - have been impounded and their captains and 90 others arrested after three days of nonviolent direct actions in the Netherlands.

Shutting down construction at Eon's proposed new coal site, Netherlands
Some of the 100 volunteers occupying the construction site of a new E.on coal plant in Rotterdam.

I'll start at the beginning. On Friday evening, nearly 100 Greenpeace volunteers pitched tents next to the construction site of a new E.on coal plant in Rotterdam (one of eight E.on plans to build in Europe), to bear witness to the unfolding climate disaster.

At first light on Saturday, they moved onto the site and occupied it, stopping construction for 10 hours before all being arrested.

Forest crimes and climate crimes: Greenpeace ships take action

Posted by bex — 10 November 2008 at 3:48pm - Comments

The hoses are turned on a climber, attached to the anchor chain of the Gran Couva. © Greenpeace/Novis

The Esperanza in Indonesia

The small (wet) figure above is a crew member of the Greenpeace ship Esperanza. Darkness has fallen on the port of Dumai (Indonesia) since this photograph was taken several hours ago, but our climber is still there, in the dark, occupying the anchor chain and preventing the tanker from setting off to the Netherlands with its 27,000 tonne cargo of palm oil. As Jamie wrote on the Forests for Climate blog, it takes only one person to stop a giant palm oil tanker.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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