
As the hermit crabs go, so goes the Gulf

Posted by jamie — 15 June 2010 at 2:12pm - Comments

Unlike these pelicans, hermit crabs are less obvious victims of the Deepwater disaster (proper crab imagery below the fold, honest) © Magan/Greenpeace

John Hocevar, team leader of the oceans campaign at Greenpeace USA, is currently in Louisiana helping with Greenpeace's response to the BP oil spill. Here's his latest report from the centre of the ever-growing disaster.

Greetings from Grand Isle, Louisiana, one of the growing number of places unlucky enough to win a "heavily oiled" classification on the government maps tracking the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Despite BP's efforts to keep it under wraps, we're here to document the impacts of the spill. The public has a right - and a responsibility - to know the true cost of our continued reliance on offshore oil, and fossil fuels in general.

Slideshow: rebranding BP HQ

Posted by jamie — 20 May 2010 at 10:54am - Comments

A quick selection of images which have come in from BP HQ in St James's Square, where climbers have installed themselves to rebrand the company. Also included is the full page advert appearing in today's Guardian.

And you can submit your own ideas for BP's new logo in our competition.

Update: Canadian tar sands action wraps up

Posted by jamie — 1 October 2009 at 11:10am - Comments

Yesterday's fantastic direct action at Suncor's tar sands complex in Alberta is over. Two giant conveyor belts were blockaded for 10 hours and a giant banner was floated on the nearby Athabasca river. You can still catch some of the footage from the live video feeds and there are some great images in the slideshow above.

Live: Greenpeace shuts down tar sands facility in Canada. Again

Posted by jamie — 30 September 2009 at 4:21pm - Comments
Streaming .TV shows by Ustream

Check this out. The video above is a live feed from a tar sands facility in Canada, where Greenpeace teams are shutting down a conveyor belt and blocking a bridge. It just started in the last half hour so details on this side of the Atlantic are scant, but keep an eye on the live feeds from the two locations (location one here, location two here) and keep up with the #stoptarsands tag on Twitter, helpfully Scribbled below.

Shell coughs up to keep human rights trial out of court

Posted by jamie — 9 June 2009 at 2:46pm - Comments

Shell has ducked out of the major international trial it faced over human rights abuses in Nigeria, and last night opened its wallet to fork out $15.5m (£9.6m) in a last minute settlement. After 13 years of bringing this case to court, it's a relief for the relatives of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight others executed for campaigning against Shell's human rights abuse and environmental crimes in the Niger Delta.

BP wins coveted 'Emerald Paintbrush' award for worst greenwash of 2008

Posted by jossc — 22 December 2008 at 10:23am - Comments

BP - energy mix or PR fix?

The tension built as the judges deliberated. Then at last the results were were all in and - ta-da! It was time to announce the winner of the first annual Greenpeace 'Emerald Paintbrush' award for greenwashing above and beyond the call of duty. Cue a quick roll on the drums, and step forward into the spotlight - BP!

The energy corporation with an income larger than most of the world's nation states has spent a lot of time and money restyling itself as being 'Beyond Petroleum' in recent years, but a trawl through their accounts quickly reveals just how empty that assertion really is - 'Back to Petroleum', more like it.

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