
Greenpeace activists scale Apple's HQ in Ireland

Posted by petespeller — 18 April 2012 at 11:23am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Kim Haughton / Greenpeace
Greenpeace activists on the glass frontage of Apple's HQ in Ireland

Early this morning climbers from Greenpeace International scaled the European HQ of computer giant Apple in Cork, Ireland challenging Apple to clean up its act and stop powering their iCloud with dirty coal. The very public message covering 15 metres by 5 metres across the glass roof of the HQ asks the company to ‘Clean Our Cloud’.

Ireland legislates to ban inefficienct light bulbs by 2009 - Greenpeace responds

Last edited 6 December 2007 at 6:19pm
6 December, 2007

The UK government's position on energy inefficient lightbulbs was thrown into doubt today after its Irish counterpart announced legislation to introduce mandatory efficiency standards for light bulbs which will see them banned by the beginning of 2009.

Ireland agrees to ban the bulb by 2009

Posted by jossc — 6 December 2007 at 4:39pm - Comments

Ban the Bulb! Greenpeace capaigning on the streets of Dublin.

Good news on the energy conservation front - Ireland will be the first EU country to ban energy-wasting incandescent lightbulbs.

The Irish government announced today that, as part of its national Carbon budget, the old-style power hungry bulbs will be banned from 2009. Greenpeace congratulates the Ireland on its decision to lead the world in this simple but essential step in tackling climate change.

Stop Esso campaign spreads across the globe

Posted by bex — 10 October 2002 at 8:00am - Comments

Stop Esso campaign spreads across the globe

Esso garage closed by Greenpeace

In 2002, action against Esso got well underway in the USA, Europe and New Zealand, as Greenpeace activists around the world joined in the protest.

MAY 2002

United States: Greenpeace USA launches it's campaign against the richest company in the planet.

Canada: Greenpeace activists lock themselves to fuel pumps at Esso stations in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, while volunteers in Bush masks urge motorists not to buy Esso.

New Zealand: Greenpeace issues "A Decade of Dirty Tricks" report outlining how Esso has undermined international climate change policy.

United Nations tribunal judgement should stop UK plutonium MOX plant

Last edited 4 December 2001 at 9:00am
4 December, 2001

The United Nations International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea issued a significant ruling on the case brought by the Irish government against the UK Government over the controversial Sellafield nuclear complex. The Tribunal, made up of 21 judges, issued a unanimous ruling that puts pressure on the UK to stop the operation a new plutonium fuel manufacturing facility, the Sellafield MOX Plant (SMP).

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