Greenpeace Blog

Illegal timber imports into Europe: what we are doing to stop this trade

Posted by admin — 23 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Protesters dressed as gorillas blockade a shipload of illegal rainforest timber entering the port of Livorno, Italy

As a major market for tropical hardwood, the European Union plays a key role in the international trade in illegal and destructively sourced timber. Yet, currently no laws in Europe allow authorities to seize shipments of illegally logged timber, nor hold importers and traders of illegal timber accountable. These traders remain free to profit from forest destruction.

HarperCollins goes green

Posted by admin — 22 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Great news! HarperCollins has adopted a new paper purchasing policy which commits the company towards phasing out paper from ancient and endangered forests and towards ancient forest friendly solutions like recycled and FSC certified paper for all of its books. HarperCollins has worked with the Greenpeace Book Campaign to develop this policy.

Downing Street blocked with tonnes of coal

Posted by bex — 14 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Downing Street blockaded with tonnes of coal

This morning we sent a reminder to Tony Blair of his commitment to tackle climate change - several tonnes of coal.

Greenpeace volunteers blockaded three entrances to Downing Street as Tony Blair rows back on his commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. In a series of statements in recent weeks the Prime Minister has cast doubt on his long-term support for the global agreement, while British emissions of carbon-dioxide have risen since he came to power.

Nuclear power - increasing carbon emissions

Posted by bex — 11 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Nuclear power has justifiably had a bad press in recent years. It's expensive to the point of being uneconomic without massive government subsidies, produces dangerous radioactive wastes, and the consequences of a serious accident or terrorist attack on a nuclear plant could be devastating.

Recently the nuclear industry has seized on concerns over climate change and high oil prices to get nuclear power back on to the British political agenda. Tony Blair is being urged to allow construction of 10 new nuclear power stations. This would provide a lifeline for the beleaguered nuclear industry, which is arguing that new reactors would help the government as it struggles to keep its promise to reduce emissions of CO2 (the greenhouse gas primarily responsible for climate change) by 20% by 2010. The industry claims this is an obvious 'solution', because nuclear reactors emit virtually no CO2 at the point of electricity generation.

Activists attacked in the Philippines

Posted by bex — 10 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments
philippines action

philippines action

Ditch the dodgy nukes!

Posted by bex — 8 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments
Solar panels beside Sizewell B Nuclear Plant

Solar panels beside Sizewell B Nuclear Plant

Greenpeace blocks pulp cargo from destroyed forests

Posted by admin — 7 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace activists prevent Finnlines freight ship 'Antares' from loading pulp and paper in the Finnish port of Kemi

A huge cargo of pulp and paper made from wrecked ancient forests has been blocked from leaving Finland today by Greenpeace activists.

Future radiation doses from waste dumping to exceed 2005 limits

Posted by bex — 4 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments
Estimates of radiation doses to the public in the future, from the release of radioactive materials from the Drigg nuclear dump site, could reach up to 30 times than the legal maximum permissible now! Moreover, Drigg, the UK's main low-level waste dump is likely to be destroyed by coastal erosion in 500 years.

Volunteers on trial for Prescott Solar panel gift

Posted by bex — 2 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers with solar panel on Prescott's roof

UPDATE - verdict in:
Eight Greenpeace volunteers expressed disappointment at being found guilty by Hull Magistrates Court of charges relating to a protest on April 26th this year during which they installed solar panels on the roof of Deputy PM John Prescott's Hull residence.