
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Campaigners swim in front of 20,000 tonne coal freighter to block Kingsnorth shipment

Last edited 22 June 2009 at 10:12am
22 June, 2009

12.30am - A dramatic stand-off is unfolding at Kingsnorth power station in Kent where climate change campaigners have boarded a moving bulk freighter carrying coal to Britain's most controversial power plant. Three women are swimming in the river Medway in front of the massive freighter and are stopping it loading while climbers are hanging off the side of the ship. Dozens of police officers and a helicopter are on the scene.

Miliband coal consultation - Greenpeace response

Last edited 17 June 2009 at 11:34am
17 June, 2009

Commenting on the launch today of a new government consultation on the future of coal in Britain, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

May 2009 - the month in pictures

Posted by jossc — 12 June 2009 at 4:36pm - Comments

May's round up of images from around the Greenpeace world come from as far afield as Australia, where activists shut down a giant digger at the most polluting power station in the developed world; India, where we've been installing solar panels in schools; and Thailand, where volunteers canoed 350km to document the toxic damage being done to the Chao Praya, the country's most iconic river.

YANC wins open cast campaign

Posted by jossc — 10 June 2009 at 12:22pm - Comments

Some of the YANC team outside Leeds Town Hall before the planning meeting

Good news in from Leeds last week, where a group of energised anti-coal campaigners with the marvellous acronym YANC (Yorkshire Against New Coal) pulled off a fairly stunning coup by persuading the local council to turn down plans for a climate-wrecking open cast coal mine.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace podcast: 'A Time Comes'

Posted by jossc — 29 May 2009 at 11:46am - Comments


In this edition of our podcast we talk to award-winning film maker Nick Broomfield about his latest project. 'A Time Comes' is an 18 minute documentary about our very own Kingsnorth Six, who were arrested for shutting down a coal-fired power station but found 'not guilty' at the subsequent trial.

But first let's head down to the Airplot to meet veteran comedian and star of fabled 1970s tv series 'The Good Life', Richard Briers. Richard turned up at our plot of land on the site of the proposed new runway at Heathrow to help us dig for victory in the campaign by starting an allotment – Christian Hunt grabbed a spade and went along to meet him.

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Help save the climate: come to the Mili-band

Posted by jossc — 28 May 2009 at 2:27pm - Comments

We've made some progress on the coal campaign lately, with Climate and Energy Minister Ed Miliband finally ruling out any new coal-fired power stations that don't capture a proportion of the carbon they emit. But that's not nearly enough to save the climate.

The Mili-band: how to get there and what's happening on the day

Last edited 21 May 2009 at 3:25pm


On Saturday July 4, thousands of people will come together to form what we are calling the Mili-band (in honour of Climate Change secretary Ed) - a human chain surrounding Kingsnorth power station in Kent, in opposition to building a dirty new coal-fired power plant. 

If you're planning to come (and we really hope you will - as Kingsnorth has become an iconic symbol in the battle over whether Britain is serious about tackling climate change), here's some logistical information that should come in useful. 

Getting there

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