Co2 Emissions

Video: Fish on climate change and China

Posted by jossc — 14 August 2009 at 11:21am - Comments

Just in via our Climate Rescue weblog, here's a beautiful little filmic essay on the realities of climate change from Greenpeace China campaigner Xin Yu (otherwise known as "Fish"), made aboard the Arctic Sunrise during the current expedition to monitor a 100 km2 ice island breaking off Greenland's Petermann glacier.

Will Ed make Britain a global leader on climate change?

Posted by jossc — 17 June 2009 at 4:44pm - Comments

Ed Miliband today announced the details of his new coal consultation. While recognising the need to reduce emissions from coal-fired power stations, as promised, it places equal emphasis on maintaining a "diverse, secure energy mix".

YANC wins open cast campaign

Posted by jossc — 10 June 2009 at 12:22pm - Comments

Some of the YANC team outside Leeds Town Hall before the planning meeting

Good news in from Leeds last week, where a group of energised anti-coal campaigners with the marvellous acronym YANC (Yorkshire Against New Coal) pulled off a fairly stunning coup by persuading the local council to turn down plans for a climate-wrecking open cast coal mine.

Cool IT leaders needed to tackle global warming

Posted by jossc — 28 May 2009 at 11:50am - Comments

If saving our climate was a game of poker and all the various stakeholders - our heads of state, the energy industry, environmentalists, etc - were players, there would be one player at the table who hasn't yet shown their cards. The hold-out in this particular game is the Information Technology (IT) Industry, a player who is sitting on a lot of chips in a high stakes game, despite holding a winning hand.

Success! Polish coal mine construction halted

Posted by jossc — 13 March 2009 at 11:10am - Comments

Greenpeace climbers make their point at Jozwin II B open cast mine site last December

Greenpeace climbers making their point at the Jozwin II B site last December

Great news just in from Poland, where work on the giant Jóźwin IIB open-cast pit and coal mine near Konin has been suspended. Following a legal challenge submitted last December by Greenpeace, a Polish court has ruled that there were problems with the environmental assessment process undertaken before work began on the site. Construction has now been halted while the process is reviewed.

This is a big victory - Jóźwin IIB was the site for our most recent Climate Rescue Station, set up last winter to remind delegates at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in nearby Poznań that tackling climate change and building new coal-fired power stations are fundamentally incompatible aspirations. It will be particularly well-received by many of the peaceful activists who were attacked by mine workers at the end of last year during the protests.

BP wins coveted 'Emerald Paintbrush' award for worst greenwash of 2008

Posted by jossc — 22 December 2008 at 10:23am - Comments

BP - energy mix or PR fix?

The tension built as the judges deliberated. Then at last the results were were all in and - ta-da! It was time to announce the winner of the first annual Greenpeace 'Emerald Paintbrush' award for greenwashing above and beyond the call of duty. Cue a quick roll on the drums, and step forward into the spotlight - BP!

The energy corporation with an income larger than most of the world's nation states has spent a lot of time and money restyling itself as being 'Beyond Petroleum' in recent years, but a trawl through their accounts quickly reveals just how empty that assertion really is - 'Back to Petroleum', more like it.

Clean coal - the reality

Posted by jossc — 10 December 2008 at 3:34pm - Comments

Clean coal technology like this is at work right now in a coal-fired power station near you

Clean coal technology like this is at work right now in a coal-fired power station near you

Energy companies putting in bids to run new coal-fired power stations have been quick to seize upon carbon capture and storage (CCS) as the ideal solution to their biggest problem - explaining why they're so keen to return to using the dirtiest fossil-fuel possible at a time when we need to cut CO2 emissions dramatically to reign-in climate change.

"More scared of climate change than jail": Plane Stupid shuts down Stansted

Posted by jossc — 8 December 2008 at 1:13pm - Comments

Plane Stupid activists occupy Stansted's only runway and effectively shut the airport down

'Please DO something' - Plane Stupid send a message to the government

My favourite climate protesters Plane Stupid struck again this morning when they shut down Stansted, London's third airport.

Taking advantage of a temporary maintenance closure in the small hours of the morning, they set up a camp on the runway. Wearing high visibility vests with the message, "Please DO something", and raising a banner which read 'Climate Emergency', they barricaded themselves with fortified security fencing. The blockade led to 56 Ryanair short-haul flights being cancelled, and the eventual arrest of over fifty young climate activists. Oh, and prevented the release of thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere in the process - the average flight out of Stansted has a climate impact equivalent to 41.58 tonnes of CO2.

Turner report advises against new coal plants

Posted by jossc — 4 December 2008 at 12:15pm - Comments

Carbon dinosaur? Ferrybridge coal-fired power station in Yorkshire

The Turner Report - a nail in the coffin of coal-fired power?

Lord Turner's Committee on Climate Change, which reported to the government on Monday, has gone a long way towards ruling out new coal plants like Kingsnorth from playing a role in any future UK energy mix.

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