
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

PaanLuel Wël Media (PW): The Best Articles, and Opinion Writers, for the Year 2020

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PaanLuel Wël Media (PW): The Best Articles, and Opinion Writers, for the Year 2020

2020 in Review: PaanLuel Wël (PW) Media’s Best Articles and Opinion Writers for the Year 2020: “We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing”

Prepared by the Editorial Team, Juba, South Sudan

Sunday, January 10, 2021 (PW) — PaanLuel Wël (PW) Media occupies a central stage in publishing opinion articles and news analysis featuring ordinary South Sudanese, which make sense of the dire situations in our beloved country. This makes it an instrumental informant to South Sudanese worldwide as it publishes writings from South Sudanese, both within and outside the country, expounding on the general and specific lives and situations of South Sudanese in countries such as Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, USA, UK, EU and many other places where South Sudanese are taking refuge.

Today, PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website is celebrating the diverse and excellent opinion articles and news analysis of our best writers and acknowledging the work of other numerous contributors, columnists and opinion-writers whose names or works may not necessarily appear in this highlights. As we usher in the New Year 2021, it is imperative to motivate and encourage our best writers with something unique to mark the end of the year 2020 and the commencement of a happy – peaceful and prosperous – New Year 2021. On the eve of 2020, we celebrated our writers by showcasing their works for the year 2019 on our website. As part of that tradition, we bring to your screen the best of 2020 as featured on PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website.

Instead of being constrained by the ritual of the “top 10” best writers, opinion articles and news analysis, we have elected to showcase the rich compilations of the best writings from the best opinion writers and news analysts. For instance, a piece of writing that highlights the horrors of the civil war and economic crisis that our people are enduring in dignified humiliation, particularly the one that best capture and present not just a constructive criticism of our leaders from all sides of the political, economic and conflict divides, but also a viable resolution of the ills that have been ailing our dear country from the 2005 CPA era and to the dawned of the civil war in December 2013 and presently characterize the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement in the Republic of South Sudan.

Here is the Year 2020 in Review:

Best Opinion Writers: Best Opinion Writers and Analysts for the Year 2020

  1. PaanLuel Wël Media (PW): The Best Articles, and Opinion Writers, for the Year 2019, By the Editorial Team, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Our sovereignty is under threat: Recognizing the absence of a capable government in South Sudan, By Aweng Mangar-Achol, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Why President KiiRiek Should Step Aside as Recommended by the National Dialogue Report, By Kuach Loch Garang Deng, Calgary, Canada
  4. 9 Years Down the Line, South Sudan is Still Mired in Fear, Death, Hunger, and Human Rights Violations, By Nhial Gatkuoth Chung, Accra- Ghana
  5. How Juba-Rumbek Highway Fiasco Exposes Mess in Public Procurement in South Sudan, By Daniel Athior’o Atem, Juba, South Sudan
  6. How to Curb the Detrimental Effect of Dollarization Proliferation on South Sudan’s Economy, By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  7. Hon. Elizabeth Achuei: The Trigger that killed Dr. Riek Machar’s Reforms Agenda in South Sudan, By Taban Gabriel, Juba, South Sudan
  8. South Sudan media freedom: From Arab repression to Africa oppression, By Joseph Oduha, Nairobi, Kenya
  9. The Imperatives of Making a More Permanent Constitution in South Sudan Under the 2018 Agreement, By Santino Ayuel Longar (PhD), Juba, South Sudan
  10. How Oil Exploration and Exploitation is Destroying Pristine Landscapes in South Sudan, By Lueth Reng Lueth, Juba, South Sudan
  11. Too much Loans from Foreign Banks: Mortgaging the Future of Next Generations in South Sudan, By Ariik Kuol Ariik Mawien, Juba, South Sudan
  12. Damming the White Nile: The Panacea to the Recurrent, Destabilizing Flooding in Jonglei State, By Philip Ayuen Dot, Juba, South Sudan
  13. South Sudan VIPs Series (Part VI): Kerbino Kuanyin & William Nyuon, the Controversial Giants of South Sudan’s Liberation Struggle, By Malith Kur, Montreal, Canada
  14. South Sudan VIPS Series (Part VII): Kuol Manyang Juuk, from a Humble Civil Engineer to a Strong Political & Military Man of the SPLM/SPLA, By Malith Kur, Montreal, Canada
  15. Jonglei Crisis: What compelled Greater Bor and Lou-Nuer to unite and moved jointly to invade Murle land?, By Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit, Juba, South Sudan
  16. Dear Gen. Salva Mathok: There is a conflict between Apuk and Aguok; What have you done about it?, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  17. Padang Dinka Community: We Reject Proposal of Johnson Ulony Thupi as Governor of Upper Nile State, Upper Nile State Padang Community
  18. The revitalized agreement (R-ARCSS) is being used to legitimize the untenable status quo in South Sudan, By Capt. Mabior Garang de Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya
  19. Dr. Riek Machar Should Choose Between his love for Upper Nile State People and Johnson Olony, By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan
  20. Does the R-ARCSS Gives Padang Community the Political Veto to Dictate the Governorship of Upper Nile State?, By Bol Khan, Juba, South Sudan
  21. Jesh Amer: The Unsung Heroes of South Sudan, By Willy Mayom Maker, British Columbia, Canada
  22. The Bitter Reality of the Hard Sacrifices of Liberation Struggle in South Sudan, By Ariik Kuol Ariik Mawien, Juba, South Sudan
  23. South Sudan Economy on Unresolvable Leaks: Change of Currency, the Tactical Wish Hunt Decision, By Madit Them Arop, Juba, South Sudan
  24. The contested policy of changing the South Sudan pound is not going to fix the economy, By Deng Duot Bior-bar, Washington-Seattle, USA
  25. Where is “Tomorrow” in the Republic South Sudan?, By Joseph Achiech Mathen, Juba, South Sudan
  26. Mr. Majur Achol Athou: Successes and Weaknesses of the outgoing BCYA Leader, By Manyang David Mayar, Juba, South Sudan
  27. This Long Tenure in Leadership in South Sudan is Characteristic of Liberation Movements in Africa, By Malith Alier, Perth, Australia 
  28. Tragedy of Liberation: Today We have Failed the People of South Sudan, By Ariik Atekdit – Juba, South Sudan
  29. Together Against COVID-19 in South Sudan: Are the Public Universities Leading from Behind? By David Malual Wuor Kuany, Bor, South Sudan
  30. Coronavirus Pandemic: The Untold Crisis in the Health System of South Sudan, Dr. Jok Gang, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  31. Time -Up: Architects of pervasive corruption must face the other side of the law in South Sudan, By Taban Gabriel, Juba, South Sudan
  32. The Jieng people of Greater Bahr el Ghazal are evaluating their support for the SPLM party, By Aweng Mangar-Achol, Juba, South Sudan
  33. South Sudan Economy: Central Bank and Lack of Foreign Reserves, By Jok WaMonychok, Juba, South Sudan
  34. South Sudan: A shameless government that doesn’t learn from its own mistakes for a decade, By Malong Akoch, Juba, South Sudan
  35. Why technocrats must keep away from delusional Jonglei politics?, By Manyuon Mayen Manyuon, Juba, South Sudan
  36. South Sudan Oil Industry Transformation is failing unless there is a Reform in the Ministry of Petroleum and Nile Petroleum Corporation, By Gabriel Matut Maliah, Juba, South Sudan
  37. The Sudd Sustainable Development: Contextualizing the current flooding levels in South Sudan and the Nile Basin region, By Deng Majok Chol, High Point, NC, USA
  38. #Mamarasakit: Marriage is not a business contract but rather a loving partnership between two consenting adults, By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya Sunday
  39. The Origin of Bor Town Embankment Dyke and reasons for current floodings!, By Makwei ACHOL THIONG, Bor, South Sudan
  40. South Sudan should establish postgraduate educational programs at public universities to produce skilful professionals, By Abraham Mabior Rioc, Juba, South Sudan
  41. President Kiir should Respect Right of Access to Information Law in South Sudan, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Juba, South Sudan
  42. South Sudan Economy Collapsed Around Oil and a Bank, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia 
  43. What is this bad blood between Hon. Nhial Deng and Dr Majak D’Agoot and their fanatical foot soldiers?, By Abraham Mabior Rioc, Juba, South Sudan
  44. The presumption of innocence in criminal law and the court of public opinion in South Sudan, By Juliet Yaiya Mang’ok Kuot, Juba, South Sudan
  45. Hon. Malek Cook-Dwach: The Man Who Replaced Dr Riek Machar as MP for Leer at the National Legislative Assembly in 2016, By Hon. Malek Cook-Dwach, Juba, South Sudan
  46. Resettlement’s Nightmare: The Plight of the “Lost Boys and Girls of South Sudan” in the West, By Willy Mayom Maker, Canada
  47. A Flaring Stone Age Culture: Child abduction and cattle rustling in South Sudan, By Mayak Deng Aruei, California, USA
  48. Are Tonj Politicians too “Big” and “Above” Tonj’s Problems or Simply “Too Busy” on National Issues? By Ariik Atekdit Mawien, Tonj, South Sudan
  49. How South Sudan’s Traitors Edged Bona fide Liberators, Assumed Central Role of National Affairs, By Chol Duang, Nairobi, Kenya 
  50. The sad reality of the state of oil revenue’s ownership in South Sudan, By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  51. Find the good and praise it: Fascinating changes brought by Prof. Abraham Matoch Dhal to Dr. John Garang University in Bor, Jonglei State, By Lueth Reng Lueth, Juba, South Sudan 
  52. Achai Wiir: A Patriotic Philanthropist on a Generous Mission to Sewing Patriotism in South Sudan, By Zechariah Makuach Maror, Juba, South Sudan
  53. Why Gen. Akol Khor Should Clean Up and Repair the Tarnished Image of NSS, By Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit, Juba, South Sudan
  54. Exploring Natural Resources and Attendant Conflicts of Interests across South Sudan, By Philip Ayuen Dot, Nairobi, Kenya 
  55. Social Contract: Juba Government distributing violence as service to civil population, By Chol Duang, Nairobi, Kenya
  56. The Plan to Free South Sudan of Illegal Arms: A Road to Political and Economic Stability in the World’s Newest Nation, By Malith Kur, Montreal, Canada
  57. Letting the Cat out of the Bag: The Futility of Jieng Dinka Attempt to Impose Hegemony and Domination in South Sudan, By Peter Adwok Nyaba, Juba, South Sudan
  58. Jieng Council of Elders (JCE): Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba, A Controversial Character in South Sudan, By Joshua Dau, Juba, South Sudan
  59. Poaching is the biggest threat to wildlife in South Sudan, By Beek Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya 
  60. Sharing the Nile Waters: Will Egypt Oppose Dams Projects in South Sudan?, By Ater Amogpai, Juba, South Sudan 
  61. The dilemmas facing Prof. John Akech: On the right to education and the school fees at Juba University (Part 1-2), By John Deng Diar Diing, Mombasa, Kenya
  62. Why South Sudan Should Adopt Renewable Energy, By Philip Ayuen Dot, Juba, South Sudan
  63. From a Ghanaian to a Tanzanian: The Plight of the South Sudan’s National Revenue Authority (NRA), By Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia 
  64. Who are KiiRiek: The Two Men Who Failed South Sudan, By Matai Muon, Nairobi, Kenya
  65. Total Lock-down Approach to COVID-19 Pandemic is Disruptive to Poor Countries like South Sudan, By Dr. Isaac Ayii Ayii (PhD), Juba, South Sudan
  66. Making Sense of the Stalemate over the Establishment of State Governments in South Sudan, By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  67. Of the 32 States, the Transitional Constitution, R-ARCSS, and Extra-Legal Considerations, By Mading Gum, Juba, South Sudan
  68. The Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of South Sudanese journalist, Ijjo Bosco Modi, in Torit is Unjustified, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  69. Abyei Continuously Bleeds: The Blind Eyes to Scorched Earth Policy in Abyei Region, By Jok WaMonychok, Abyei, South Sudan
  70. Ruweng Administrative Area Has Morally Justifiable Administrative Boundaries: A Reply to the Rebels’ False Assertion, By Santino Ayuel Longar (PhD), Juba, South Sudan
  71. The Good Shepherd Academy: A Spirit of Nationalism and Volunteerism for National Development in South Sudan, By Daniel Athior’o Atem, Juba, South Sudan
  72. #MaMaraSakit: A Woman is a Trailblazing Reformist Warrior in the National Development of South Sudan, By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya
  73. Why Murle Community Must Learn from their Past Actions against Themselves and their Neighbors, By Peter Maze, Pibor, South Sudan
  74. South Sudan: The Impact of Incompetent Government on Social Cohesion and National Integrity, By Francis M. Malwal, Houston, Texas, USA
  75. Why Adolescent Girls are More Likely to Miss out on Quality Education in South Sudan, By Ustaz Abraham Mabior Rioc, Juba-South Sudan
  76. Sherkat’s Killing of Innocent Civilians is a Litmus Test for Justice in South Sudan, By Ayuen John, Kampala Uganda
  77. What Legacy Will SPLM Be Remembered For in South Sudan? By Gatkuoth Kutei Chany, Nairobi, Kenya 
  78. Indiscipline Army is Cause of Army Brutally against Civilians in Sherkat, Juba, By Emmanuel Malual Makuach, Nairobi, Kenya
  79. Killing of unarmed civilians in South Sudan is disgraceful act on SSPDF, By Atem Garang DeKuek, Juba, South Sudan
  80. High Tension in Juba and Bor after Kiir’s Nephew Kills Five Civilians, including a Woman, By Heskey Deng, Juba, South Sudan 

R-ARCSS: Best Articles and News Analysis on the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS) for the Year 2020

  1. Why Government Should Prioritize R-ARCSS and Civilian Disarmament over COVID-19 in South Sudan, By Ariik Kuol Ariik, Rumbek, South Sudan
  2. Is the September 2018 revitalized peace agreement on an intensive care unit (ICU)?, By Akol Abiong Bol, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Taking Stock of the R-ARCSS: Lessons to RJMEC and the Rome Peace Process, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  4. R-ARCSS Impasse: The Republic of South Sudan’s Thin Line of Sovereignty has Reached its Final Elasticity, By Molana Bol Joseph Agau, Juba, South Sudan
  5. R-ARCSS Stalemate: Highly Expected but Sorely Unwelcome, By Zalson Khor, Juba, South Sudan 
  6. South Sudan: R-ARCSS Under Implementation with Threats and Blackmails, By Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit, Juba, South Sudan
  7. South Sudan: Three Recommendations to President Kiir, National Dialogue & Critics, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya 
  8. Genuine Implementation of R-ARCSS is the Best Hope for South Sudan, By Manyang Rwei Gach, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Mabior Garang de Mabior: Why I am resigning from the revitalized government of national unity, Official Resignation Letter
  10. Dr Riek Machar’s deadly love for Johnson Olony and the fate of R-ARCSS, By Deng Vanang, Nairobi, Kenya 
  11. Political Stalemate in Upper Nile: Jieng Apadang Calls for Administrative Area; Chollo Kingdom for Nationhood, By Gwado J. Ador, Juba, South Sudan
  12. The spokespersons of parties to R-TGONU should observe positive communication in South Sudan, By Ariik Atekdit Mawien – Juba, South Sudan
  13. UNMISS PoCs: The Paradoxical Sanctuaries for IDPs in South Sudan, By Manyang Rwei Gach, Juba, South Sudan
  14. SPLM-IO: We are making steady progress on R-ARCSS Implementation, By James Gatdet Dak Lampuar, Juba, South Sudan 
  15. Sunday de John: My Suspension from SSUF/A is a Conspiracy from Gen Paul Malong, By Dr. Sunday de John, Nairobi, Kenya
  16. SPLM-IO: Alive in the Bush (War), Dead on Arrival in Juba (Peace), By Deng Vanang, Juba, South Sudan
  17. The International Community should support South Sudan Peace Implementation, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Kampala, Uganda
  18. President Kiir Announces the Revitalized Transitional Government (R-TGONU) as Dr. Lam Akol Cries Foul, Press Statement
  19. Formation of R-TGNOU: I Got my Position; the Rest are None of my Business, By Gatkuoth Jal Gatluak Nyak, Juba, South Sudan
  20. Dr Riek Machar reports President Kiir to R-JMEC for making appointments without due consultation, Official Letter
  21. Why both Dr. Santino Ayuel Longar and Dr. Lam Akol are wrong in their arguments for and against the legality of 32 states in South Sudan, By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda
  22. Intractable Problem or Indispensable Solution: Who are the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) in South Sudan? By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda
  23. President Kiir & Dr. Riek Machar Should Seize the Political Moment & Hold True To Their Words on the R-ARCSS, By Ariik Atekdit, Tonj, South Sudan
  24. South Sudan: It is time for accountability on the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS), By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  25. Advice to South Sudan Peace Process via Sant’Egidio Community (Rome) mediation – Part 1-2, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya

Politics & Government: Best Articles and News Analysis on Politics, Democracy and Governance for the Year 2020

  1. Major Political and Socioeconomic Challenges to State-Making and Nation-Building in South Sudan, By Baak Chan Yak, Juba, South Sudan
  2. South Sudan Politics is too important to be left to politicians alone, By Taban Gabriel, Juba, South Sudan
  3. South Sudan: Once a Glorious Country in Africa, By Dr. Ben Guarken Chiman, Juba, South Sudan
  4. State building is different from liberating it, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  5. A Call for a Federal Government for South Sudan (Part 1-2), By Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia
  6. Myth or Reality: The SPLM Party is Finally Regrouping to Put their House in Order, By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  7. From Chuei-Thon to Chuei_Kheer: The Heartless MPs of Jonglei State, By Majak Kuany Alier, Juba, South Sudan
  8. Let’s Stand in Solidarity with the Impoverished Students of the Five Public Universities in South Sudan, By Ariik Kuol Ariik Mawien, Juba, South Sudan
  9. The Politics of Greed and Deception Responsible for Africa Backwardness, By Joseph Oduha, Juba, South Sudan
  10. South Sudanese Students Stranded at their Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe, By John Mabil Manyok, Harare, Zimbabwe
  11. Dear Juba City Council: Where is Juba City Central Business District?, By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  12. “Döm Cuar Ku Tit Röt”: President Kiir, the Victim of a Square Peg in a Round Hole, By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan
  13. In Quest for Freedom: A History of the South Sudanese Liberation Struggle, By Manyuon Dhieu Chol, Duk Padiet, South Sudan
  14. The Majestic Return of Hon. Deng Alor Kuol, the Prince of Diplomacy in South Sudan, By Jok WaMonychok, Juba, South Sudan
  15. The Case for the Federal Republic of Cush, By David Gurak, Nevada, USA 
  16. Dear New Governors: Don’t get soak in power ecstasy; formidable challenges awaits you at the states, By Taban Gabriel, Juba, South Sudan
  17. Generational Exit: Why Youth Must Save South Sudan from Traditional Elites, By Makoi Mayen Chienggan, Juba, South Sudan
  18. Jieng Theology of Leadership: Unity in Diversity and Social Progress, By Gabriel Kuchdit Kachuol, Nairobi, Kenya
  19. When Greediness Transcends Nationalism, The Nation Perish and People Suffer, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  20. Professional career guidance is an important element in the standardized education system, By Abraham Mabior Rioc, Juba, South Sudan
  21. The Tidiness of Juba city is everyone’s responsibility in South Sudan, By Tong Lueth Matiok, Juba, South Sudan
  22. South Sudan: On Right of Access to Information, Media Associations and Related Matters, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  23. The Model South Sudan, By Atem Abuoi, Juba, South Sudan 
  24. Dear Bor County and Jonglei State: The Thony of Mading Community Deserves a Payam of their Own, By Ayuen Achiek Mayen, Mading Bor, South Sudan
  25. Why President Kiir should capitalize on the power of social media to engage with South Sudanese online, By Peter Thon Madol, Nairobi, Kenya
  26. Politicians to Blame for South Sudan’s Central Bank Foreign Cash Reserve Woes, By Daniel Athior’o Atem, Nairobi, Kenya 
  27. People’s Revolution at a Cross-Road: Is the National Salvation Front (NAS) of Gen. Thomas Chirillo Swaka Facing a Leadership Crisis?, By Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia
  28. The Socially Segregative and Professionally Disintegrative Article from Prof. Taban Lo-Liyong of Juba University, By Ustaz Abraham Mabior Rioc, Kuajok––South Sudan
  29. South Sudan: The Case against the Three Administrative Areas of Abyei, Ruweng and Pibor, By James Gatdet Dak Lampuar, Nairobi, Kenya
  30. Dear Youth: Making it to the University Doesn’t Qualify You to Become Politicians, By Tong Lueth Matiok, Juba, South Sudan
  31. The Court of Public Opinion: This is South Sudan in the Making, By Ariik Atekdit Mawien, Kuajok, South Sudan
  32. South Sudan’s VIPs Series (Part I): The Turbulent Political Journey of Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, By Malith Kur, Montreal, Canada
  33. South Sudan VIPs Series (Part II): Dr. Riek Machar’s Violent Quest for Power in South Sudan, By Malith Kur, Montreal, Canada
  34. South Sudan VIPs Series (Part III): Dr. James Wani Igga, a Loyal and Humble Cadre of the SPLM/SPLA, By Malith Kur, Montreal, Canada
  35. South Sudan VIPS Series (Part IV): The Political and Military Legacy of President Salva Kiir in South Sudan, By Malith Kur, Montreal, Canada
  36. South Sudan VIPs Series (Part V): John Garang’s Philosophy of “The New Sudan”: A Guide to Fixing South Sudan, By Malith Kur, Montreal, Canada
  37. Making Sense of the Mass Defection from SPLM-IO of Dr. Riek Machar to the Govt of President Kiir, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  38. The Adverse Impact of Presidential Decree on the Legal System and the Rule of Law in South Sudan, By Bul Deng Yol, Nkumba University, Uganda
  39. SPLM/SPLA Day: Commemorating the 37th Anniversary of May 16th, By Willy Mayom Maker, Canada
  40. Here is Why Dr. Riek Machar Appointed Hon. Angelina Teny as the Defence Minister, By Chol Deng Anyieth, Juba, South Sudan
  41. Battle Royale: Ignore Riek, Taban and Tutkew Choices for Governor in Unity State, South Sudan, By Dak Buoth, Nairobi, Kenya
  42. The state of communal violence and the way forward in South Sudan, By Jok Kuol Deng, Juba, South Sudan
  43. Challenges Hindering the Adaptation of the National Teacher Competency Framework in South Sudan, By Ustaz Abraham Mabior Rioc, Juba, South Sudan
  44. Water Crisis on the Nile: Why Egypt Needs to Wake Up, By Matai Muon, Nairobi, Kenya
  45. How a Rotten System is Spoiling Good People, Making Crooks of them, in South Sudan, By Francis M. Malwal, Houston, USA

Peace & Reconciliation: Best Articles and News Analysis on Peace, Unity and Reconciliation for the Year 2020

  1. The Agony of Losing our War Veterans to Senseless Tribal Conflict in South Sudan, By Biong Deng Biong, Melbourne, Australia
  2. Injustice after Injustice has Created a State of Anarchy and Chaos in South Sudan, By Joseph Oduha, Nairobi, Kenya 
  3. The bigger Picture! The church and quest for durable peace in South Sudan, By Makwei Achol Thiong, Bor, South Sudan 
  4. The Bewildering Conundrum of Disarmament Exercise in South Sudan, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  5. Journalism in war times: The case of South Sudan, By Joseph Oduha, Nairobi, Kenya
  6. What are the expectations from the Presidential “Peace Committee” on the Jonglei Crisis?, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan 
  7. The Tears of Choice! Kush society has history of hating their leaders, By Madit Them Arop, Juba, South Sudan 
  8. Chasing the Wind: Digging out the Truth on our J-1 Man Response to Peter Biar, By Zechariah Makuach Maror, Juba, South Sudan
  9. #Mamarasakit: The role of women in the search and achievement of long-lasting peace in South Sudan, By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya 
  1. The Guns have Ruined our Culture: Gelweng and the Gun-Class Mentality in South Sudan, By Willy Mayom Maker, Canada
  2. Tribalism, or Lawlessness? How to Stop Inter-Communal Violence and Maintain Peaceful Coexistence in South Sudan, By Marial Chagai Matet, Juba, South Sudan
  3. The South Sudan We Want Plus the Unity of President Kiir, Riek Machar and Sixty Four Cultures, By Beek Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya
  4. South Sudan: Failing to Come Together as One Community is a Recipe for National Disaster, By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia
  5. Appreciating the gifted Bor Unionists of our time: John Garang, Bishop Garang Anyieth, and Ustaz Panchol Deng Ajang, By Dr. Sunday de John, Nairobi, Kenya
  6. Back to the Drawing Board: What is our Main Problem in South Sudan?, By Francis M. Malwal, Houston, Texas, USA
  7. Is Kenya’s Political Handshake a Perfect Peace Modality for Conflict Resolution in South Sudan? (Part 1-2), By Aketch Peter Amet, Nairobi, Kenya
  8. Jonglei State Community-USA: Call for Peaceful Coexistence in South Sudan’s Jonglei State, By the Jonglei State Community-USA 
  9. Take Precise, Concrete Actions to End Perennial Inter-communal Violent Conflicts in the Greater Jonglei Region, By Kuir Mayen Kuir, Nairobi, Kenya
  10. Let’s embrace Peace and Unity to the People of South Sudan (Part 1-4), By Baak Chan Yak – Juba, South Sudan
  11. Tribalism is the Political Oil of the Marginalized Masses in South Sudan, By Deng Mangok Ayuel, Juba, South Sudan
  12. National Dialogue has shown us that consensus is possible in South Sudan, By Aweng Mangar-Achol, Juba, South Sudan 
  13. The politics of monopoly and peace settlement in South Sudan, By Joseph Oduha, Nairobi, Kenya
  14. VP Wani Igga holds 3-day consultative talks with Greater Bor Dinka Community in Jonglei State, By Deng Kooch Diing, Bor, Jonglei Sate
  15. An Open Letter to Gen. Rin Tueny and Gen. Bol Akot: Learn from Previous Failed Attempts of Disarmament in South Sudan, By Madit Achuil Deng, Juba, South Sudan
  16. The vulcanization of ethnic politics in South Sudan, By Joseph Oduha, Nairobi, Kenya
  18. Never Stop Learning Because Life Will Never Stop Teaching Us Hard Lessons, By Ustaz John Garang Ayii Riak, Juba, South Sudan
  19. Dinka Folktales: Aluel and Her Heartless Stepmother, By Garang Kuot, Juba, South Sudan
  20. The Prospects of a Brighter Education for South Sudan, By Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia
  21. South Sudan: Why can’t we decide our own affairs?, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  22. The Neglected Roles by Actors of Humanitarian Responses in South Sudan: The Case of Jonglei Flood-Victims in Mangala IDPs Camp, By Garang Biar Manyuon, Juba, South Sudan
  23. An Appeal for Peace in South Sudan this 2020 Christmas Season, By Lucy Ayak Malek, Juba, South Sudan
  24. Dear Juol Nhomngek: Why do Nuer and Shilluk randomly attack us over Salva Kiir‘s deeds who is from Bahr El Ghazal?, By Choldit Kiir Dau, Juba, South Sudan
  25. BCYA Elections: Congratulations to Dr. Bior Kwer on his Election Victory, By Manyang David Mayar, Juba, South Sudan 
  26. Rev. James Makwei vs. Rev. Akuong Ninrew: Dok-phobia in the Pretext of Presbyterian Church Election!, By Hon. Malek Cook-Dwach, Juba, South Sudan

COVID-19 & Economic: Best Articles and News Analysis on COVID-19 and Economy for the Year 2020

  1. With 4 Ventilators to Spare, South Sudan Announces 34 Confirmed Cases of COVID-19, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Covid-19 Pandemic and the Future of South Sudan’s Economy, By Daniel Athior’o Atem, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Strategies to Stock Foreign Currency Reserves and Strengthen the Pound in South Sudan, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia 
  4. South Sudan: Lack of Political Will Has Killed Our National Economy, By John Garang Ayii Riak, Bor, South Sudan
  5. The Central Bank Should Channel the Incoming Loan into Interdiction of the Shadow Economy in South Sudan, By Kuir Mayen Kuir, Nairobi, Kenya 
  6. The Economic Impact of COVID -19 and Global oil prices on South Sudan, By John Deng Duot, Seattle, USA 
  7. The Paradoxical Reality of South Sudan Economy, By Kuir Mayen Kuir, Nairobi, Kenya 
  8. It doesn’t need axes or guns to fix South Sudan’s deteriorating economy?, By Manyuon Mayen Manyuon, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Why do Countries Change their National Currencies?, By Yach Atiop Yach, Juba, South Sudan
  10. Why the Proposed Change of Currency will Exacerbate Economic Crisis in South Sudan, By Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia
  11. Poverty Eradication in the Continent of Africa, By Kuir Mayen Kuir, Nairobi, Kenya 
  12. It is Time to Transition to Political Stability and Socioeconomic Development in South Sudan, By John Makur Garang, Abyei – South Sudan
  13. Stop Escape-Goating Hon. Salvatore Garang Mabior for Systemic Failures in South Sudan, By Abit Kuir Abit, Kabarak, Kenya
  14. Amidst Covid-19 and Unprecedented Flooding, South Sudan Must take a Permanent Break from Endless Civil Wars, By Beek Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya
  15. Do Fiscal Deficits Cause Economic Instability: The Case of South Sudan, By Prof. Marial Awuou Yol, Juba, South Sudan
  16. Salaries Disparity Between South Sudanese Nationals and International Colleagues Amount to remuneration Discrimination, By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  17. Nile-pet should stop being a mere messenger between the government and oil investors, By Eng. Kurthii Manyuat Makuach, Juba, South Sudan
  18. What next after the removal of economic officials?, By Akol Abiong, Juba, South Sudan
  19. Will South Sudan Control COVID-19 without Complying with Essential Precautionary Orders? By Francis M. Malwal, Houston, Texas, USA
  20. Doing the Opposite: The easing of COVID-19 restrictions in South Sudan, By Job Bulek, Juba, South Sudan
  21. COVID-19: When should Authorities Recommend Social Distancing and Total Lockdown? By Francis M. Malwal, Houston, Texas, USA 
  22. COVID-19 Measures: Adopt Social Distanced Compensatory Teaching and Learning Strategies in South Sudan, By Abraham Mabior Rioc, Juba, South Sudan
  23. Corruption – The Pandemic of Economies in South Sudan: Dura Saga, Crisis Management Committee Saga, Letters of Credit Saga, and Funds Embezzlement saga, By Prof. Marial Awuou Yol, Juba, South Sudan 
  24. River Nile Dispute: What is South Sudan’s Position and Share in the Management of the Nile Waters? By Perinho Garang, Wau, South Sudan
  25. The Significance of Infrastructural Development as a Foundation for Social Prosperity and Stability in South Sudan, By Francis M. Malwal, Houston, Texas, USA 
  26. Cartels Issuing “Fake COVID-19 Negative Test Certificate” at Juba Airport, Press Release
  27. In South Sudan, taking tea is the only medicine to fight the stress of unemployment, By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan
  28. Water and Order on the Nile Valley: What is Juba’s Position on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam? By Deng Mayik Atem, New York, USA
  29. South Sudan Government Should Rethink Over-dependency on a Single Commodity – Oil, By Daniel Athior’o Atem, Juba, South Sudan
  30. Industrialization is crucial for South Sudan’s national development, By Beek Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya
  31. The Rapidly Deteriorating South Sudan Economic Troubles (Part 1-3), By Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia 
  32. R-TGONU should Not Repeat The Mistakes of The Past in Economic Development, By Ariik Atekdit – Wau, South Sudan
  33. Fixing South Sudan: Roads Minister Calls for Review of Oil-For-Road Projects in South Sudan, video interview by Mading Ngor, Juba, South Sudan
  34. Economic, Governance, and Demographic Pressures: The Political Ideological Driving Violence in South Sudan, By Baak Chan Yak Deng, Juba, South Sudan
  35. South Sudan: Prioritizing Education For National Development, Social Prosperity and Cohesion, By Ustaz John Garang Ayii Riak, Zhejiang Province, China
  36. Persistent Challenges Facing Higher Education Institutions (HEIS) in South Sudan, By Ustaz John Garang Ayii Riak, Zhejiang, China
  37. Juba Power Station: South Sudan launches its first electricity grid and power distribution system in Juba, By Beatrice Mahlonga, Juba, South Sudan
  38. What is the Best Solution for Flood’s Crisis in South Sudan?, By Philip Ayuen Dot, Nairobi, Kenya
  39. The Government Should Include Local Engineers and Companies in the Construction of Roads and Bridges in South Sudan, By Eng. Awet Benjamin Maker, Nanjing, China
  40. Comparative Development: What Does Rwanda Have That South Sudan Does Not? By Francis M. Malwal, Houston, Texas, USA
  41. Nile Waters: A naturally-rich country like South Sudan may attract many conflict entrepreneurs, By Mayen Kuol Mayen, Juba, South Sudan
  42. South Sudan: Making Sense of Extreme Poverty Amidst $Billions of Natural Resources, By Beek Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya
  43. The youth and unemployment against the backdrop of economic collapse in South Sudan, By Jok WaMonychok, Juba, South Sudan
  44. South Sudan: Let’s save our food, let’s save our economy, from wastage, By Gum Makur Gum, Yirol, South Sudan
  45. Let us do farming, nobody will come from heaven to help us, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  46. Fixing South Sudan economic crisis requires a competent government, not just recipes, Francis M Malwal, Texas, USA
  47. The Daunting Task of Organizing for Socioeconomic Development of South Sudan – Part 1-2, By Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia
  1. Why Prices are still High after the fall of dollar in the South Sudan’s Exchange Market, By Kuir Mayen Kuir, Nairobi, Kenya
  2. South Sudan’s Development Agenda: What Role Can China Play?, By Makwei Achol Thiong, Bor, Jonglei State
  3. Confession of the Lost Boy’s Wife: “I only married him because of his wealth”, By Anyieth Mayen, Kampala, Uganda
  4. #Mamarasakit: The shocking realities of teenage girls’ pregnancies in South Sudan, By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya

National Identity & Integration: Best Articles and News Analysis on National Identity and Integration for the Year 2020

  1. Turning Australia into Kakuma Refugee Camp: Some bitter truth for South Sudanese in the Diaspora, By Mariak Michael, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Luo of Western Bahr el Ghazal: We have officially restored our tribal identity from Jurchol to Luo, By Charles Kon Bona Magot, Juba, South Sudan
  3. My Identity is not a Refugee! My Identity is not an IDP, By Dr. Ben Guarken Chiman, Juba, South Sudan
  4. #Mamarasakit: End gender-based violence against women in South Sudan, By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya
  5. Thony of Mading Community Deserves Recognition, Respect, and Equality from Bor County and Jonglei State, By Ayuen Achiek Mayen, Mading Bor, South Sudan
  6. “Yirol Fok Kulushi”: Yirol Community In Nimule – An Epitome of Hard-work, Solidarity, and Resilience, By Appollo A’Anyang, Nimule, South Sudan
  7. South Sudan: Whining about Foreign Workers while Playing Dominos is a Bad Idea, By Grace Akon Andrew Biar, Nairobi, Kenya
  8. Dear Luo Ethnic Group: Our Demand is enshrined in the Interim Constitution of South Sudan, By Yaiya Bol, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Independent and Educated, but Arrogant Ladies, Hardly Have Stable Families in South Sudan, By Grace Akon Andrew Biar, Nairobi, Kenya
  10. Who are the People of Yirol West and what are their Origins? By Ater Yuot Riak (PhD), Juba, South Sudan
  11. July 9th: Celebrating the 9th Independence Anniversary is Just but a Mockery in South Sudan, By Mabil Manyok Nhial, Gweru, Zimbabwe 
  12. I CHERISH MY COUNTRY, SOUTH SUDAN, By Gabriel Kuchdit Kachuol, Nairobi, Kenya
  13. 9th Anniversary of July 9th: Rakuba Intellectual’s Pledge of Freedom to the Revolutionary People of South Sudan, By Mike Mabor, Juba, South Sudan 
  14. Luo tribe’s right to identity is neither a demand nor a request but constitutional Necessity, By Charles Kon Bona Magot, Juba, South Sudan
  15. Youth and politics in South Sudan: Big belly, suits, and uncle, By Jok WaMonychok, Abyei, South Sudan
  16. My Small Concern: Is Traditional Facial Scarification Still Being Practiced among the Nuer Community in South Sudan, By James Gatdet Dak, Nairobi, Kenya
  17. South Sudan: There is a progressive change at the University of Juba, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  18. Reel are Part of the Dinka Nationality: The Irritating Atuot Identity Politics in South Sudan, By Abolich Makoi, Juba, South Sudan
  19. The Reel are Neither Dinka Nor Nuer: A Rebuttal to Abolich Makoi’s Flawed and Confused Opinion Article, By Bol Joseph Agau Adhil, Juba, South Sudan
  20. Atuot vs. Reel: The Nuerisation and Dinkanisation of South Sudan’s Politics is Counterproductive, By Malual Zacharia, Kampala, Uganda
  21. South Sudan: What is the Role of Civil Society in building Democracy? By Bol Khan, Kampala, Uganda
  22. The 37th Anniversary of SPLM/A: What lessons to learn from May 16th Commemoration? By Cde. Akol Maduok Madut Akol, Juba, South Sudan
  23. Tributes: Saluting our fallen heroes and heroines on the 37th anniversary of 16th May, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan 
  24. Who will Build a New Civilization in South Sudan?, By Joseph Oduha, Nairobi, Kenya
  25. Piece of Advice to Hon. Bona Panek Biar, the New Governor of Warrap State, South Sudan, By Zechariah Makuach Maror, Juba, South Sudan
  26. Girl-Child Education and its Impact on National Development in South Sudan, By Daniel Athior’o Atem, Juba, South Sudan
  27. How to achieve lasting peace and political stability in the Republic of South Sudan, By Beek Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya
  28. In Living Memory of ‘Yaba’ Alfred Taban, the father of the media in South Sudan, By Mayen Kuol Mayen, Juba, South Sudan
  29. Debunking the Myth that President Kiir Must be Supported in Reciprocity for “Standing with John Garang” By John Deng Diar Diing, Mombasa, Kenya
  30. Exercise Cunning Humility: South Sudanese Leaders will Prematurely Destroy us with our Visions, By Willy Mayom Maker, Canada
  31. Advice to the Regrouping SPLM Liberators: Put your House in Order and Shun Internal Wrangling of 1983, 1991, 2004 and 2013, By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan
  32. Sacrifice, Responsibility, or Riches: What Does It Mean Being A South Sudanese To You? By Chol Duang, Nairobi, Kenya
  33. Martyrs’ Day and the Question of National Cohesion in South Sudan, By Chuol Jany Bol, Juba, South Sudan
  34. South Sudan: Legends and the Construction of our New Identity, By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia
  35. The Jieng people are committed to democratic participation and good governance in South Sudan, By Aweng Mangar-Achol, Juba, South Sudan 
  36. How will South Sudan make viable democracy without political tolerance of dissenters and plurality of ideas? By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan
  37. The Recycled Past: South Sudan History Under Oppression, By Zalson Khor, Juba, South Sudan 
  38. Meshach Ajang Alaak: The Father of the Lost Boys – A Memoir by Yuot Ajang Alaak, By Kur Wel Kur, Sydney, Australia
  39. Arranged and forced marriages: The aged-old chauvinistic weapon killing young girls in the patriarchal South Sudan, By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Brisbane, Australia
  40. South Sudan: Corruption is a devilish act, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

Letters & Speeches: Best Speeches and Open Letters for the Year 2020

  1. President Kiir’s Statement at the Closing Ceremony of the National Dialogue Conference in Juba, South Sudan, Statement by H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit
  2. 37 Years Later: It is Painfully Hard to Reconcile the Sweet Aspirations, with the Bitter Realities, of the Liberation Struggle in South Sudan, Dr. John Garang de Mabior’s Speech
  3. Declaration Letter: Dr Achol Marial Rejoins Dr Riek Machar, Declaration letter for Dr Achol Marial Deng to SPLM-IO
  4. SPLM-IO SG, Peter Tingo, Resigns; Accusing Riek Machar of Dictatorial Management, Letter of Resignation
  5. Does Taban Deng Ghai Deserve to be a VP in South Sudan? A Petition Letter to President Kiir, Petition letter
  6. SPLM/A Day: President Kiir’s Speech Marking the 37th Anniversary of May 16th Bor Uprising, Speech by President Kiir
  7. July 9th: President Kiir’s speech marking the 9th anniversary of South Sudan’s independence, Official Speech
  8. An Open Letter to Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor: Disregards the lobbyists and pleases the majority of NBeG state, By Tito Awen Bol, Juba, South Sudan
  1. An Open Letter to Dr Riek Machar: Ensures Full and Timely Implementation of R-ARCSS, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan 
  2. An Open Letter to Hon. Samson Oyay, Chairman of Chollo Community in Khartoum, Sudan, Letter from Joshua Dau Diu, a member of the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE)
  3. An Open Letter to Hon. Denay Jock Chagor, the Governor of Jonglei State, By Bol Deng Bol, Juba, South Sudan
  4. An Open Letter to the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, By Dut Deng Kok, Juba, South Sudan
  5. An open letter to Prof. John Akech, Vice Chancellor of the University of Juba in South Sudan, By Dut Augustino Agei, Oslo University, Norway
  6. An Open Letter from Equatorian Intellectuals: Why Prof. John Akech Should Reinstate Prof. Taban Lo-Liyong, An Open Letter from Equatorian Intellectuals
  7. An Open Letter to Prof. Taban Lo-Liyong: A Professor of English and Literature at the University of Juba in South Sudan
  8. An Open Letter to President Salva Kiir & the 1st Vice President Designate Dr. Riek Machar, By Dr. Luke Geng Geng, Kuacjok, South Sudan
  9. James Kok Ruea: Letter of Resignation from the SPLM National Liberation Council and the SPLM Party, By James Kok Ruea – Letter of Resignation
  10. Greater Pigi Community in Diaspora: Evacuate the Occupying SPLM-IO Forces from Atar & Khorfulus land, Petition Letter from Greater Pigi Community in Diaspora
  11. An Open Letter to His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, By David Nyuol Vincent, Australia
  12. President Kiir Conveys “Get-Well Wishes” to Dr Riek Machar and his Wife, Official Letter
  13. Dear Governor Tong Akeen Ngor: Learns from the past and starts from where you stopped last time, By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan
  14. Dear President Kiir: Why are Dinka Bor vs. Dinka Bahr el Ghazal Killing Themselves over our Land? Official Letter
  15. Letter to President Kiir: Repatriate all the IDPs in the UNMISS PoCs, An Open Letter
  16. Luachjang Community in Diaspora: Condemnation Letter from Australia, North America, New Zealand, and Europe on the killing of civilians in Romic, Tonj East, Press Release
  17. Kiir-Adem: Mile 14 Should not be Sacrificed to Sudan’s Messieriya and Rizeigat Arabs, Letter of Condemnation on Kiir-Adem (Mile 14) 

Press Releases and Statements: Best Press Statements for the Year 2020

  1. CEPO Deplores the Killing of Radio Journalist, Marko Agei Makor Chol, in Tonj, South Sudan, Press Statement
  2. Family Press Release: Events Surrounding the Killing of Maj. Gen. Bior Ajoh Bior in Sherkat, Juba, Press Release
  3. President Kiir Establishes an Investigation Committee Over Killing of Civilians in Sherkat, Juba, Press Release
  4. Greater Bor Community’s Position on the Killing of Innocent Civilians in Sherkat, Juba, Press Release
  5. CEPO: Fact-Sheet on the 35% Women Quota in the Power Sharing Arrangements of the R-ARCSS, Press statement from CEPO
  6. CEPO: Deep Mistrust and Lack of Confidence Among Political Elites is Hindering R-ARCSS Implementation, CEPO Press Statement
  7. Defrocked Bishop Ruben Akurdid “Defrocks” Bishop Commissary Rev. John Panchol Kon Achiek, Press Statement
  8. Gen. Lul Ruai Koang: Over 120 People Killed in Tonj East County of Luachjang Dinka Community, Press Release
  9. Establishment of Mangala as an IDP Camp to Settle Flood Victims from Jonglei State, Press Statement
  10. PoC Leadership: Why is UNMISS Falling Short of its Civilians Protection Mandate in South Sudan?, Press Statement
  11. ARC Press Release: We are a Law-abiding National Corporation That Pays all Taxes in South Sudan, Press Statement
  12. Ecobank Press Release: We are Investigating all Allegations of Sexual Harassment and Unethical Behavior in South Sudan, Press Statement
  13. Press Statement: Ugandan Army Kills Two Soldiers, Captures One, at Pogee, Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, Press Statement
  14. State Gov’t Quarters and Ministries Under Water in Bor, Jonglei State, Press Release
  15. Rome peace talks update – Day Two, 10th October, 2020, Press Update from Rome 
  16. Government Sends Peace Delegation to Rome to Negotiate with Paul Malong, Thomas Chirillo and Pagan Amum, Press Statement
  17. CDR James Koang Chuol: Why I am Resigning from SPLM-IO, Press Statement
  18. Chinese Company Releases Public Statement as Sections of Juba-Rumbek Highway are Washed Away by Heavy Rains, Press Release
  19. AU Commission Kicks out South Sudan for Failure to Pay Membership Contributions for 3 Years, Press Release
  20. Call for Justice: A South Sudanese Journalist Demands Justice for his Slain Elder Brother, “#NoJusticeNoPeace# Campaign
  21. SSOMA Kicks out SSUF/A as Gen Paul Malong Dismisses Sunday de John from SSUF/A, Press Release
  22. You can’t “talimatize” the national economy like the national army., Press Release
  23. Egyptian President to Visit Juba, as War Rages in Ethiopia amidst Regional Dispute over Renaissance Dam, Press Release
  24. President Kiir decrees six deputy governors, four pending further consultations, Press Statement
  25. SPLM-IO: Final Resolutions of the 6th National Conference in Juba, South Sudan, Press Release

Eulogies and Biographies: Outstanding Eulogies and Obituaries for the Year 2020

  1. Martyrs’ Day: Weep My Soul, Weep ye Daughter of Kush, for thy Son is Slain on July 30th, “Real heroes don’t die”
  2. Tribute to John Luk Jok: One of the Brightest and Most Articulate Lawyers of South Sudan, By Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  3. Tributes and Eulogy to Brig. Gen. Chol Ghai Arou: An Exemplary Teacher and Fearless Revolutionary Freedom Fighter, By Mangar Malith Deng, Washington DC, USA
  4. Remembering a true Public Servant: An Interview with Dr. Toby Maduot Parek – Circa 1981, Obituary
  5. The Late Hero Isaiah Abraham: 8th Year’s Reminiscence of Realist Think Tank, Obituary
  6. Commanding the Martyrs in Heaven: Dr. John Garang, Kerbino Kuanyin, William Nyuon and Arok Thon Arok, By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan
  7. CDR Kerubino Kuanyin Bol: An Oscillating Legacy between the National Dream and Multiple Camps of Loyalty – Part 4-1, By Dengdit Ayok, Cairo, Egypt 
  8. Tributes to educationist Dr el Samani Abdalla Yaccoub, former Vice Chancellor of Juba University, By Pesuech Arok Deng, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Obituary: Tributes to Paramount Chief Malong Yor Lual of Ajuong, Aweil Dinka, By Dr. Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey, Juba, South Sudan
  10. Two Years Later: Tributes in Loving Memory of My Dad, Mayendit Arok Nul Lual, By Lual Mayendit Arok, Juba, South Sudan
  11. Tribute to Comrade Edward Lino Wuor Abyei, One of the Founding Members of the SPLM/SPLA, By Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  12. Alfred Taban: An Inspirational Story of a Patriotic Journalist Who Fought for the Liberation of His People, By Dengdit Ayok, Cairo, Egypt
  13. 7th Anniversary: Remembering Abyei Paramount Chief Kuol-Adol Deng Kuol, Media Release
  14. Obituary: Remembering John Luk Jok, the Prolific Lawyer and Shrewd Politician of South Sudan, By Deng Vanang, Juba, South Sudan
  15. Tribute to Col. Amos Ajak Garang: The Legendary Musician Who Sang for Love and Justice in South Sudan, By Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  16. Riaak ë Baai: Hon. Deng Alier Mading’s Elderly Message to the Youth of Jonglei, Speech by Hon. Deng Alier Mading
  17. Tribute to Cde Edward Lino Wuor Abyei, an Epitome of Bravery and Patriotism in South Sudan, By Jok WaMonychok, Abyei, South Sudan
  18. Tribute to Brig. Gen. Diing Aruei Bol, former head of signal unit, Hadid Battalion, under Lt. Col. Francis Ngor-Makiech, By Atem Yak Atem, Sydney, Australia 
  19. Dr. Salman Mohammed Ahmad: Eulogy and Tribute to the Friend, the Late Revolutionary Edward Lino, By Dr. Salman Mohammed Ahmad
  20. R.I.P Ambassador Telar Ring Deng, Death Announcement
  1. Tributes to Gen. Atem Aguang – One of the Most Iconic and Heroic Commanders of the Liberation Struggle, By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Alfred Taban: A Patriotic South Sudanese Veteran Journalist Who Caught Khartoum Regime by the Horn, By Deng Awur Wenyin, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Mourning Justice Majok Mading Majok: My Personal Account of the Iconic Lawyer and Legal Advisor to President Kiir, By Kur Ayuen Kou, Melbourne, Australia
  4. Tributes to Ustaz Antipas Arok Biowei: Homage to a Creative Teacher and Great Man of Culture, By Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  5. The Freedom Fighter: Remembering General Chagai Atem Biar, By Atem Yaak Atem, Australia
  6. Tributes to Alfred Taban: Remembering South Sudanese Veteran Journalist, Alfred Taban Logune, By Mangar Marial Amerdid, Juba, South Sudan
  7. Eulogy of Gen. Gabriel Achuoth Deng: Celebrating the Life of Gen. Achuoth Deng Achuoth (Kärkäwään), By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  8. Tributes to Charles Manyang D’Awuol Padiet: Superstar Sportsman and Accomplished Diplomat, By Atem Yaak Atem, Australia
  9. Tributes to Lt. Gen. Johnson Gony Biliu: Former SPLA Sector Two Commander and Governor of Akobo State, Press Statement, 1stVP Taban Deng Ghai
  10. Tributes to Deng-Panan: South Sudanese Legendary Artist of the Liberation Struggle, By Willy Mayom Maker, Canada
  11. Eulogy and Tributes to the Late Lt. Gen. Anthony Bol Madut Bol, By Ustaz Abraham Mabior Rioc, Kuajok, Gogrial State
  12. Tribute to Ustaz Aquila Kelei Madol: The veteran teacher who led and mentored Jesh-Amer in Kakuma, Kenya, By Atem Yaak Atem, Gosford, Australia
  13. Remembering Mother Teresa Nyankol Mathiang Dut; on the occasion of women day in South Sudan,  By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan
  14. Our Fallen War Hero: Obituary and Tributes to the Patriotic Life of Maj. Gen. Atem Aguang Atem, By Manyuon Dhieu Chol, Kongor, Jonglei State
  15. In living Memory of Gen. George Athor Deng, an Outstanding SPLM/SPLA Commander, A Biography of Gen. George Athor Deng
  16. R.I.P Lt. Gen. Chagai Atem Biar: The Illustrious Life of the Most Respected Veteran of the War of Liberation, By Atem Ayuen Biar (Ayuen Matok), Melbourne, Australia
  17. The Biography of the South Sudanese administrator and politician, Uncle Aggrey Jaden, By Dr. Sam L. Laki, Ohio, USA
  18. The Unexpected Demise of Justice Majok Mading, Head of Legal Department in the office of the President, By Samuel Reech Mayen, Kampala, Uganda
  19. Condolences and Tributes to Manyang Dut, the South Sudanese student who passed away in China, By John Garang Ayii Riak, China
  20. Commemorating the 10th Anniversary: Who Killed Dr. John Garang de Mabioor?, By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan

History and Reports: Best Documentaries and Reports on South Sudan for the Year 2020

  1. Final Report of the Panel of Experts on South Sudan Submitted to the UN Security Council, April 2020, Final Report
  2. Governance and Social Cohesion: Resolution of the National Dialogue in South Sudan, Summary of the Final Report
  3. South Sudan National Dialogue: Summary of the Final Report, December 2020, Summary of the Final Report
  4. What Transpired in July 2016: The Long Marathon from J-1 Dogfighting to the DRC Congo (Part 1-2), By Tut Gr. Chuol, Summary of the 2016 J-1 Dogfighting leading to the long Marathon of SPLM/A-IO from Juba to the DRC Congo
  5. Tale from the Blue House: A Review of the Book ‘No Justice, No Mercy’ by William Endley, By Dr. Robert Portada, Pennsylvania, USA
  6. Final Investigation Report – President Kiir’s Investigation Committee Over the Killing of Civilians in Sherkat, Juba, South Sudan, June 2020, Final Investigation Report
  7. Research Report: Reasons Behind Girl Child’s Dropout in Primary Schools – The Case of Awerial County, Lakes State, in South Sudan, By JOHN GARANG AYII RIAK, China
  8. August 18th: Commemorating the 65th Anniversary of The 1955 Torit Uprising, By PaanLuel Wel, Juba, South Sudan
  9. UN SC Report on South Sudan: The Security, Economic and Political Situation in South Sudan, 08 Sept 2020, Final Report
  10. The Murle cattle raider is a National Threat, not Greater Jonglei region’s threat alone, By Noble Leek Goi, Jonglei State, South Sudan
  1. Motion for the Impeachment of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly Speaker, Anthony Lino Makana, Press Statement
  2. The Dangerously Slow Wheel of Justice in the Republic of South Sudan, By Dut Deng kok, South Sudan
  3. “We were better off in the warzone than in Australia” – The cries of South Sudanese women in Victoria, By Biong Deng Biong, Melbourne, Australia
  4. Yirol Liberation Day – Saturday, 14 June 1997: Tributes to Our Fallen Comrades and Martyrs, By Gad Abraham Majak Makur, Juba, South Sudan
  5. July 9th: The Roles of CDR Arok Thon Arok and CDR Edward Abyei Lino in the Liberation of South Sudan, By Engineer Deng Diar Diing, Mombasa, Kenya
  6. The “Trust Deficit Factor” in the December 2013 Crisis and Civil War in South Sudan (Part 1-6), By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  7. Why the Extension of the Formation of the National Unity Government is Logical, By Garang Kuot, Juba, South Sudan
  8. The Legality of a Revitalized TGONU without Riek Machar’s SPLM-IO Faction, By Bol Chol Kucdit, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Hon. Governor Jadallah’s Order: A State’s Quest for Public Morality or Banalisation of Real Issues?, By Wol Deng Akech, Juba, South Sudan
  10. One-Year Anniversary: Kerbino Wol, the Good Citizen of South Sudan, Deserves His Freedom Now, By Dr. Robert A. Portada III, Pennsylvania, USA
  11. Stop blabbing about the University of Juba’s students in your tea places and alleys, By Marial Mangar Akol, Juba, South Sudan
  12. Meet Aluel Manyok Barach: A Proud South Sudanese Feminist and Social Activist, By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Brisbane, Australia
  13. South Sudan: The Looming Crisis in Central Equatoria and Yei River State, By Oliver J. Lomeri, Minnesota, USA
  14. Pan-Africanism: Africa Should Return to Its Roots and Legacy, By Ariik Atekdit – Wau, South Sudan
  15. Why President Kiir May Remain in Power for the Rest of His Life in South Sudan, By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan
  16. Al-Sabah Children’s Hospital: A shocking state of healthcare system in South Sudan, By Rajab Mohandis, Juba, South Sudan
  17. What is happening to my brother Kerbino Wol is a Tonj internal issue, not the government nor President Kiir, By Anyar Agok Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  18. South Sudan Under Salva Kiir: An Examination of Three Transitional periods in the South Sudanese Politics, By Tong Kot Kuocnin & Yar Telar Deng, Nairobi, Kenya
  19. The anticipated Red Card Movement protest on 16 May is the ugly face of the failed opposition, By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  20. The Appalling Situation of the South Sudanese Nationals in Egypt Needs an Urgent Intervention from Juba, By Mabil Manyok Nhial, Gweru, Zimbabwe
  21. Tribal Revenge or Democratic Transformation: What is Dr. Riek Machar Fighting for in South Sudan?, By Amb. John Kassara Koang Nhial, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  22. The Principles of Tribocracy (Part 1-8), By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  23. Yirol Revolutionary Sons: Honoring the Pioneers of Our Revolutionary Armed Struggle in South Sudan, By Abraham Majak Makur, Juba, South Sudan
  1. What Really Happened to Gen. Martin Kenyi in the Aftermath of July 2016 Fighting in Juba?, By Nicholas Osobi, Kampala, Uganda
  2. The National Dialogue – Final Communique from the Equatoria Regional Conference in Juba, Aug 2019, Final Report from the National Dialogue initiative
  3. South Sudan National Dialogue: Final Communiques from Upper Nile, Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria Regions, Final Report from the National Dialogue initiative
  4. Taking of South Sudan – The New Sentry Report on Corruption in South Sudan, September 2019, Sept 2019 Sentry Report
  5. The Sudanese Revolution: A Different Political Landscape and a New Generation Baptized in the Struggle for Change, Yasir Arman’s Presentation at Oxford University’s North East Africa Forum and the African Studies Centre
  6. 16th May 1983: Childhood Memories of Yom Sitashar Mayo, By John Deng Diar Diing, Mombasa, Kenya
  7. The 74th Birthday Anniversary of Dr. John Garang – The Towering Legacy of Dr. John Garang De Mabioor, By PaanLuel Wel, Bor, South Sudan
  8. Joseph Ukel Garang Wël – The Dilemma of the Southern Intellectual (1961), By the southern Sudanese communist leader, Joseph Garang
  9. John Garang’s 1987 Heritage Interview with Arop Madut – By Hon Arop Madut Arop, Khartoum, Sudan
  10. The 35th Anniversary of May 16th: Comrade Salva Kiir and the Founding of the SPLM/A, By PaanLuel Wel (Juba) and Simon Yel Yel (Kampala)
  11. HSBA Report: The long, traumatic Flight of Dr. Riek Machar from Juba to the DRC Congo – Spreading fallout; The collapse of the ARCSS and new conflict along the Equatorias-DRC border
  12. Chiefs’ Massacre: The 50th Commemoration of the killing of Chief Athiu Madol Anyar – By Peter Wal Athiu Madol Anyar, Kampala, Uganda
  13. How South Sudanese Ruling Elites bankrupted the “Young” Nation: Leaked audit report by the UK Guardian newspaper shows how family and friends of top government officials benefited from letters of credit scam.
  14. John Garang’s Last Speech Marking the 22nd Anniversary of May 16th, 2005 – By Dr. John Garang, Rumbek, South Sudan
  15. Commemorating the 10th Anniversary: Who Killed Dr. John Garang de Mabioor? – By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  16. Glimpse of History: Maker Jool Deng was not the only Martyr of May 16th Bor Uprising – By David Aoloch Bion, Bor, Jonglei state
  17. Remembering the Launching of the SPLM/A Liberation Struggle, 1983 – 2005 – By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia
  18. Joseph Ukel Garang Wel: The Firebrand Marxist and Intellectual of South Sudan, By Mangar Marial Amerdid, Juba, South Sudan
  19. Happy Birth Day South Sudan: Reflections on the Independence of South Sudan – By Hon. Arop Madut-Arop, Nairobi, Kenya
  20. The exigency of an indigenous middle-class caste for state building in South Sudan, By Hon. Peter Wal Athiu Madol, Kampala, Uganda
  21. South Sudan: The Role of Intellectuals as Cream of the Society, By Hon Arop Madut Arop, Nairobi, Kenya
  22. Gen. Paul Malong: Why is the Government so Bent on Making me a Rebel?, By Gen. Paul Malong Awan Anei, Nairobi, Kenya
  23. Bush Chronicle with Gen. Anthony Bol Madut – By Okello Peter, Juba, South Sudan
  24. 34th anniversary of May 16th: Reflection on the contributors through the 34 years of our liberation struggle – By Kur Garang Deng, Nairobi, Kenya
  25. President Kiir’s remarks concerning the removal of Gen. Paul Malong Awan – President Salva Kiir Mayardit briefed the public on the Removal of General Paul Malong Awan from his Position as Chief of General Staff of the SPLA
  27. The 32 Federal States of the Republic of South Sudan, By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan

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