Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence

I am a Professor of Computer Science at the Christian-Albrechts-University (CAU) in Kiel, Germany, where I lead the Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence (VCAI) group. Prior to joining the Faculty of Engineering at CAU, I was a Senior Research Scientist and manager at Adobe Research, a Software Engineer in the Google AI (Robotics at Google) team and a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Geometry Lab of the Computer Science Department at Stanford University, supported by the MPC-VCC and the SAIL-Toyota Center for AI Research. I received my PhD from the University of Konstanz (Visual Computing Lab), Germany.

The website of my group at Kiel University can be found here: link.

Research Interests

  • Generative AI and Synthetic Data
  • Multi-Modal and Time-variant Data Streams
  • Agent-centric Representations
  • Environmental Modeling and Physical Simulations


April 24, 2024 Four papers accepted to ACM SIGGRAPH 2024.
April 15, 2024 Two of our papers on synthetic data generation were accepted to the CVPR Workshops Synthetic Data for Computer Vision and Vision for Agriculture: link, link.
February 27, 2024 Our paper on Multi-View Reconstruction with Diffusion Models was accepted to CVPR 2024: link.
January 26, 2024 Our paper on modeling trees with neural networks was featured in: SCIENMAG,, TechTimes, Purdue University, Eureka Alert!
January 22, 2024 Two Minute Papers discussed our work on environmental modeling: link, link.
October 16, 2023 Our paper on generating interaction poses was accepted to 3DV: link.
October 05, 2023 Our paper on simulating the wilting process of plants was accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia: link.
September 29, 2023 Together with three other panelists I talked about the impact of AI on education at the science day at Kiel University: link.
September 28, 2023 It was an honor to introuce myself as a new Professor for AI at the 4th AI Conference in Schleswig-Holstein: link.
August 19, 2023 Our paper DeepTree: Modeling Trees with Situated Latents was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
July 14, 2023 Two papers accepted at ICCV 2023: GAIT and 3DMiner (more info below).
July 1, 2023 I was appointed to join the Faculty of Engineering at Christian-Albrechts-University (CAU), Kiel as Full Professor for Computer Science to lead the Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence group.
March 28, 2023 Our paper on modeling tree roots (Rhizomorph) has been conditionally accepted to SIGGRAPH 2023: link
September 29, 2022 I am co-organizing the embodied AI workshop at CVPR 2023: link.
June 7, 2022 I was invited by the ACM to chat about research on environmental modeling. The interview is available here: link.
January 7, 2022 Together with Prof. Dr. Dominik Michels, I am technical co-chair of SCA 2022: link.


D. Xie, S. Bi, Z. Shu, K. Zhang, Z. Xu, Y. Zhou, S. Pirk, A. Kaufman, X. Sun, H. Tan, LRM-Zero: Training Large Reconstruction Models with Synthesized Data, under submission, 2024
[ArXiv], [Preprint]
A. Maesumi, D. Hu, K. Saripalli, V. G. Kim, M. Fisher, S. Pirk, D. Ritchie, One Noise to Rule Them All: Learning a Unified Model of Spatially-Varying Noise Patterns, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2024
[Website], [ArXiv], [Preprint], [Bibtex]
A. Kokosza, H. Wrede, D. G. Esparza, M. Makowski, D. Liu, D. L. Michels, S. Pirk, W. Pałubicki, Scintilla: Simulating Combustible Vegetation for Wildfires, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2024
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
B. Li, N. Schwarz, W. Pałubicki, S. Pirk, B. Benes, Interactive Invigoration: Volumetric Modeling of Trees with Strands, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2024
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
J. A. Amador Herrera, J. Klein, D. Liu, W. Pałubicki, S. Pirk, Dominik, L. Michels, Cyclogenesis: Simulating Hurricanes and Tornadoes, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2024
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
M. Cieslak, U. Govindarajan, A. Garcia, A. Chandrashekar, T. Hädrich, A. Mendoza-Drosik, D. Michels,
S. Pirk, C.-C. Fu, W. Palubicki, Generating Diverse Agricultural Data for Vision-Based Farming Applications, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop: Vision for Agriculture, 2024
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Poster], [Bibtex]
J. Kaluzny, Y. Schreckenberg, K. Cyganik, P. Annighöfer, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, M. Cieslak, F. Assaad, B. Benes, W. Palubicki, LAESI: Leaf Area Estimation with Synthetic Imagery, EEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop: Synthetic Data for Computer Vision, 2024
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Bibtex]
D. Xie, J. Li, H. Tan, X. Sun, Z. Shu, Y. Zhou, S. Bi, S. Pirk, A. E. Kaufman, Carve3D: Improving Multi-view Reconstruction Consistency for Diffusion Models with RL Finetuning, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024
[Website], [Preprint], [ArXiv], [Bibtex]
M. Na, J. Klein, B. Zhang, W. Palubicki, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, A Lennard-Jones Layer for Distribution Normalization, under stubmission, 2024
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Video], [Bibtex]
J. Deng, S. Marri, J. Klein, W. Palubicki, S. Pirk, G. Chowdhary, D. L. Michels, Gazebo Plants: Simulating Plant-Robot Interaction with Cosserat Rods, under stubmission, 2024
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Video], [Bibtex]
Z. Zhu, Y. Li, W. Lyu, K. Kumar Singh, Z. Shu, S. Pirk, D. Hoiem, Consistent Multimodal Generation via a Unified GAN Framework, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Bibtex]
O. Taheri, Y. Zhou, D. Tzionas, Y. Zhou, D. Ceylan, S. Pirk, M. Black, GRIP: Generating Interaction Poses Using Spatial Cues and Latent Consistency, International Conference on 3D Vision, 2024
[Website], [Preprint], [ArXiv], [Bibtex]
F. Maggioli, J. Klein, T. Hädrich, E. Rodolà, W. Palubicki, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, A Physically-inspired Approach to the Simulation of Plant Wilting, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2023
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
D. Xie, P. Hu, X. Sun, J. Zhang, S. Pirk, R. Mech, A. Kaufmann, GAIT: Generating Aesthetic Indoor Tours with Deep Reinforcement Learning, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023
[Website], [Preprint], [Code], [Bibtex]
T.-Y. Cheng, M. Gadelha, S. Pirk, T. Groueix, R. Mech, A. Markham, N. Trigoni, 3DMiner: Discovering Shapes from Large-Scale Unannotated Image Datasets, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023
[Website], [Preprint], [Bibtex]
A. Francis, C. Pérez-D' Arpino, C. Li, F. Xia, A. Alahi, R. Alami, A. Bera, A. Biswas, J. Biswas, R. Chandra, H.-T. L. Chiang, M. Everett, S. Ha, J. Hart, J. P. How, H. Karnan, T.-W. E. Lee, L. J. Manso, R. Mirksy, S. Pirk, P. T. Singamaneni, P. Stone, A. V. Taylor, P. Trautman, N. Tsoi, M. Vázquez, X. Xiao, P. Zu, N. Yokoyama, A. Toshev, R. Martín-Martín, Principles and Guidelines for Evaluating Social Robot Navigation Algorithms, 2023
[Preprint], [ArXiv]
X. Zhou, B. Li, B. Benes, S. Pirk, DeepTree: Modeling Trees with Situated Latents, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2023
[Website], [Preprint], [ArXiv], [Video], [Bibtex]
B. Li, J. Klein, D. L. Michels, B. Benes, S. Pirk, W. Pałubicki, Rhizomorph: The Coordinated Function of Shoots and Roots, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2023
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
A. Francis, C. Pérez-D' Arpino, C. Li, F. Xia, A. Alahi, A. Bera, A. Biswas, J. Biswas, H.-T. Lewis Chiang, M. Everett, S. Ha, J. Hart, H. Karnan, T.-W. E Lee, L. J. Manso, R. Mirksy, S. Pirk, P. T. Singamaneni, P. Stone, A. V. Taylor, P. Trautman, N. Tsoi, M. Vázquez, X. Xiao, P. Xu, N. Yokoyama, R. Martín-Martín, A. Toshev, Benchmarking Social Robot Navigation Across Academia and Industry, Best Paper Award Nominee, AAAI Spring Symposium, 2023
[Preprint], [Bibtex], [Symposium Website]
J. Klein, R. E. Waller, S. Pirk, W. Pałubicki, M. Tester, and D. L. Michels, Synthetic Data at Scale: A Paradigm to Efficiently Leverage Machine Learning in Agriculture, under submission, 2023
C. Cuan, E. Lee, E. Fisher, A. Francis, L. Takayama, T. Zhang, A. Toshev, S. Pirk, Gesture2Path: Imitation Learning for Gesture-aware Navigation, 2023
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Bibtex]
D. L. Michels and S. Pirk (Eds.), ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium of Computer Animation (SCA), Computer Graphics Forum, 2022
[DOI], [Bibtex]
A. Z. Zhu, V. Casser, R. Mahjourian, H. Kretzschmar, S. Pirk, Instance Segmentation with Cross-Modal Consistency, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Bibtex]
W. Pałubicki, M. Makowski, W. Gajda, T. Hädrich, D. L. Michels, S. Pirk, Ecoclimates: Climate-Response Modeling of Vegetation, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2022
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
T. Niese, S. Pirk, M. Albrecht, B. Benes, O. Deussen, Procedural Urban Forestry, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) and SIGGRAPH, 2022
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, E. Lee, X. Xiao, L. Takayama, A. Francis, A. Toshev, A Protocol for Validating Social Navigation Policies, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshop: Social Robot Navigation: Advances and Evaluation, 2022
[Preprint], [Poster], [ArXiv], [Bibtex]
H. Karnan, A. Nair, X. Xiao, G. Warnell, S. Pirk, A. Toshev, J. Hart, J. Biswas, P. Stone, Socially Compliant Navigation Dataset (SCAND): A Large-Scale Dataset of Demonstrations for Social Navigation, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) and IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Dataset], [Bibtex]
W. Raateland, T. Hädrich, J. A. Herrera, D. Banuti, W. Pałubicki, S. Pirk, K. Hildebrandt, D. L. Michels DCGrid: An Adaptive Grid Structure for Memory-Constrained Fluid Simulation on the GPU, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2022
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Supplementary Material], [Code], [Video], [Bibtex]
R. Jean, S. Brodeur, S. Pirk, P.-L. St-Charles, Self-Supervised Learning of Pose-Informed Latents, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop: Learning with Limited Labeled Data for Image and Video Understanding, 2022
[Preprint], [Poster], [Supplementary Material], [Bibtex]
H. Shao, T. Kugelstadt, T. Hädrich, W. Pałubicki, J. Bender, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, Accurately Solving Rod Dynamics with Graph Learning, Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
[Website], [Preprint], [ArXiv], [Supplementary Material], [Video], [Bibtex]
J. A. Amador Herrera, T. Hädrich, W. Pałubicki, D. T. Banuti, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, Weatherscapes: Nowcasting Heat Transfer and Water Continuity, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2021
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Technical Papers Trailer], [Bibtex]
B. Li, J. Kałużny, J. Klein, D.L. Michels, W. Pałubicki, B. Benes, S. Pirk, Learning to Reconstruct Botanical Trees from Single Images, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2021
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Technical Papers Trailer], [Bibtex]
T. Hädrich, D. T. Banuti, W. Pałubicki, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, Fire in Paradise: Mesoscale Simulation of Wildfires, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2021
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Talk], [Two Minute Papers], [Gallery of Fluid Motion], [Bibtex]
Y. Lu, S. Pirk, J. Dlabal, A. Brohan, A. Pasad, Z. Chen, V. Casser, A. Angelova, A. Gordon, Taskology: Utilizing Task Relations at Scale, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR), Oral, 2021
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Supplementary Material], [Poster], [Talk], [Bibtex]
J. Klein, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, Domain Adaptation with Morphologic Segmentation, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop: Autonomous Driving: Perception, Prediction and Planning, 2021
[Website], [Preprint], [ArXiv], [Video], [Bibtex]
T. Hädrich, M. Makowski, W. Pałubicki, D. T. Banuti, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, Stormscapes: Simulating Cloud Dynamics in the Now, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2020
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Talk], [Technical Papers Trailer], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, K. Hausman, A. Toshev, M. Khansari, Modeling Long-horizon Tasks as Sequential Interaction Landscapes, Conference on Robotic Learning (CoRL), 2020
[Website], [Preprint], [ArXiv], [Video], [Talk], [Bibtex]
T. Hädrich, J. Scheffczyk, W. Pałubicki, S. Pirk, D. L. Michels, Interactive Wood Fracture,
Eurographics / ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation - Posters, 2020
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
V. Krs, T. Hädrich, D. L. Michels, O.Deussen, S.Pirk, B. Benes, Wind Erosion: Shape Modifications by Interactive Particle-based Erosion and Deposition, Eurographics / ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation - Posters, 2020
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, M. Khansari, Y. Bai, C. Lynch, P. Sermanet, Online Learning of Object Representations by Appearance Space Feature Alignment, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2020
[Preprint], [Video], [Talk], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, M. Khansari, Y. Bai, C. Lynch, P. Sermanet, Online Object Representations with Contrastive Learning, CVPR Workshop: Learning from Unlabeled Videos, 2019
[Website], [Poster], [ArXiv], [Bibtex]
X. Yan, M. Khansari, J. Hsu, Y. Gong, Y. Bai, S. Pirk, H. Lee, Data-Efficient Learning for Sim-to-Real Robotic Grasping using Deep Point Cloud Prediction Networks, 2019
[ArXiv], [Website], [Bibtex]
M. Makowski, T. Hädrich, J. Scheffczyk, D. L. Michels, S. Pirk, W. Pałubicki, Synthetic Silviculture: Multi-scale Modeling of Plant Ecosystems, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2019
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Technical Papers Trailer], [Two Minute Papers], [Bibtex]
H. Wang, S. Pirk, E. Yumer, V. G. Kim, O. Senner, S. Sridhar, L. J. Guibas, Learning a Generative Model for Multi-Step Human-Object Interactions from Videos, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 2019, Best Paper Honorable Mention
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Code + Data], [Stanford AI Blog], [Bibtex]
V. Casser, S. Pirk, R. Mahjourian, A. Angelova, Unsupervised Monocular Depth and Ego-motion Learning with Structure and Semantics, CVPR Workshop on Visual Odometry & Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues (VOCVALC), 2019
[Website], [ArXiv], [Code], [Bibtex]
V. Casser, S. Pirk, R. Mahjourian, A. Angelova, Depth Prediction without the Sensors: Leveraging Structure for Unsupervised Learning from Monocular Videos, Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'19), 2019
[Website], [ArXiv], [Code], [Bibtex]
R. Ma, A. Gadi Patil, M. Fisher, M. Li, S. Pirk, B.-S. Hua, S.-K. Yeung, X. Tong, L. Guibas, H. Zhang, Language-Driven Synthesis of 3D Scenes from Scene Databases, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), 2018
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
S. Vora, R. Mahjourian, S. Pirk, A. Angelova, Future Semantic Segmentation Using 3D Structure, ECCV 3D Reconstruction meets Semantics Workshop, 2018
[ArXiv], [Bibtex]
V. Ganapathi-Subramanian, O. Diamanti, S. Pirk, C. Tang, M. Niessner, L. J. Guibas, Parsing Geometry Using Structure-Aware Shape Templates, International Conference on 3D Vision, 2018
[Preprint], [ArXiv], [Video], [Bibtex]
J. Kratt, T. Niese, R. Hu, H. Huang, S. Pirk, A. Sharf, D. Cohen-Or, O. Deussen, Sketching In Gestalt Space: Interactive Shape Abstraction Through Perceptual Reasoning, Computer Graphics Forum, 2018
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, M. Jarząbek, T. Hädrich, D. L. Michels, W. Palubicki, Interactive Wood Combustion for Botanical Tree Models, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), 2017
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Technical Papers Trailer], [Two Minute Papers], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, O. Diamanti, B. Thibert, D. Xu, L. J. Guibas, Shape-aware Spatio-temporal Descriptors for Interaction Classification, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017
[Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]
Y. Yoshiyasu, E. Yoshida, S. Pirk, L. J. Guibas, 3D Convolutional Neural Networks by Modal Fusion, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017
[Preprint], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, V. Krs, K. Hu, S. D. Rajasekaran, H. Kang, B. Benes, Y. Yoshiyasu, L. J. Guibas, Understanding and Exploiting Object Interaction Landscapes, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2017
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [ArXiv], [Video], [Bibtex]
T. Hädrich, B. Benes, O. Deussen, S. Pirk, Interactive Modeling and Authoring of Climbing Plants, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 2017, Best Paper Honorable Mention
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Two Minute Papers], [Bibtex]
Y. Li, S. Pirk, H. Su, C. R. Qi, L. J. Guibas, FPNN: Field Probing Neural Networks for 3D Data, Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016
[Website], [Preprint], [ArXiv], [Code], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, B. Benes, T. Ijiri, Y. Li, O. Deussen, B. Chen, R. Mech, Modeling Plant Life in Computer Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2016 Courses
[Website], [DOI], [Bibtex]
J. Kratt, M. Spicker, A. Guayaquil, M. Fiser, S. Pirk, O. Deussen, J. C. Hart, B. Benes, Woodification: User-Controlled Cambial Growth Modeling, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 2015
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, T. Niese, T. Hädrich, B. Benes, O. Deussen, Windy Trees: Computing Stress Response for Developmental Tree Models, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), 2014
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
J. Kratt, F. Eisenkeil, S. Pirk, A. Sharf, O. Deussen, Non-Realistic 3D Object Stylization, International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, 2014
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
O. Stava, S. Pirk, J. Kratt, B. Chen, R. Mech, O. Deussen, B. Benes, Inverse Procedural Modeling of Trees, Computer Graphics Forum, 2014 and Eurographics, 2015
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
T. Lindemeier, S. Pirk, O. Deussen, Image Stylization with a Painting Machine Using Semantic Hints, Computers and Graphics, 2013
[Preprint], [DOI], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, M. F. Cohen, O. Deussen, M. Uyttendaele, J. Kopf, Video Enhanced Gigapixel Panoramas Siggraph Asia 2012, Technical Brief
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, T. Niese, O. Deussen, B. Neubert, Capturing and Animating the Morphogenesis of Polygonal Tree Models, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of Siggraph Asia), 2012
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
O. Deussen, T. Lindemeier, S. Pirk, M. Tautzenberger, Feedback-guided Stroke Placement for a Painting Machine, Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, 2012
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
S. Pirk, O. Stava, J. Kratt, M. Abdul-Massih, B. Neubert, R. Mech, B. Benes, O. Deussen, Plastic Trees: Interactive Self-Adapting Botanical Tree Models, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2012
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
Y. Livny, S. Pirk, F. Yan, Z. Cheng, O. Deussen, D. Cohen-Or, B. Chen, Texture-Lobes for Tree Modeling, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2011
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Video], [Bibtex]
B. Neubert, S. Pirk, O. Deussen, C. Dachsbacher, Improved Model- and View-Dependent Pruning of Large Botanical Scenes, Computer Graphics Forum, 2011 and EGSR 2011
[Website], [Preprint], [DOI], [Bibtex]

Professional Service

Technical Program Chair ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation: 2022, link
Associate Editor Computer Graphics Forum (2019-2022), link
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (2020-2022), link
Workshop Organizer Embodied AI Workshop, CVPR 2022, 2023 link
Committee Member ACM SIGGRAPH: 2024
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS): 2019
Computational Visual Media Conference (CVM): 2020, 2019, 2018
Eurographics: 2020 (Short Papers), 2019 (Short Papers), 2017
Web3D Conference: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
Reviewer International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML): 2021, 2020
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR): 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
International Conference on Representation Learning (ICLR): 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV): 2024, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS): 2023, 2020, 2019
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS): 2024, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
ACM SIGGRAPH: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012
Transactions on Graphics (TOG): 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2017, 2016, 2013
Eurographics (EG): 2023, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF): 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014
Pacific Graphics (PG): 2024, 2023, 2020, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics (TVCG): 2018, 2017, 2014, 2013
Computers & Graphics: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012


2023 Professor of Computer Science (W3), University of Kiel, Germany
Head of Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence group, director at the department of computer science.
2022 Senior Research Scientist and Manager, Adobe Research, USA
Research on Visual Computing and Machine Learning.
2017 AI Researcher and Software Engineer, Google AI (Robotics at Google), USA
Research on Machine Learning, Robotics, and Computer Vision.
2015 Visiting Assistant Professor at Stanford University, School of Engineering, USA
Head of the Geometric Modeling Group at the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication.
2014 Researcher and Software Engineer, Esri R&D Center Zurich, Switzerland
Research and development for large-scale geo information systems.
2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Visual Computing, University of Konstanz, Germany
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Lab for Visual Computing.
2013 Ph.D. of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Konstanz, Germany
Dr.rer.nat. of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Konstanz.
2012 Research visits at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), China
Academic projects and studies toward procedural modeling and geometric representations.
2007 Research visit at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Academic studies toward real-time rendering and augmented reality in the Human Interface Technology Laboratory (HitLab).
2007 Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Computer Science, Germany
University of Applied Sciences Emden.