log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA <- readRDS(here("Data","Brain","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.missing.WGCNA.RData"))

Set Up Environment

The WGCNA package requires some strict R session environment set up.


# Run the following only if running from terminal
# Does NOT work in RStudio

Choosing Soft-Thresholding Power

WGCNA uses a smooth softmax function to force a scale-free topology on the gene expression network. I cycled through a set of threshold power values to see which one is the best for the specific topology. As recommended by the authors, I choose the smallest power such that the scale-free topology correlation attempts to hit 0.9.

threshold <- softthreshold(soft)

Scale Free Topology

Mean Connectivity

Pick Soft Threshold

Power SFT.R.sq slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
1 0.4572816 1.6257692 0.9420347 4240.064348 4338.1167241 6494.4860
2 0.0864715 -0.3185543 0.8873081 1623.979622 1614.1612335 3546.9323
3 0.5138923 -0.9181880 0.9525486 775.694547 722.7128261 2276.1152
4 0.6977970 -1.2039476 0.9855252 423.844142 360.3200709 1599.9735
5 0.7788052 -1.4153573 0.9913897 253.599184 194.4021307 1196.2024
6 0.8193532 -1.5522111 0.9898059 162.007936 111.3157232 930.7703
7 0.8491530 -1.6338675 0.9900221 108.758234 66.8876899 745.8428
8 0.8644844 -1.7052064 0.9870057 75.910541 41.5934621 611.3444
9 0.8822362 -1.7424926 0.9876342 54.677783 26.7237722 510.2284
10 0.8974766 -1.7672766 0.9891566 40.422334 17.5565030 432.1785
11 0.9092101 -1.7814558 0.9896757 30.545811 11.7328587 370.6221
12 0.9159148 -1.7930210 0.9908326 23.519325 8.0174652 321.1946
13 0.9045424 -1.8185381 0.9792032 18.405750 5.5536692 280.8976
14 0.9150302 -1.8062500 0.9829196 14.610416 3.9120138 247.6114
15 0.9106301 -1.8182830 0.9773665 11.744555 2.7961644 219.8011
16 0.9179350 -1.8102927 0.9795423 9.547338 2.0235262 196.3317
17 0.9162802 -1.8127635 0.9785208 7.839746 1.4769222 176.3487
18 0.9007019 -1.8309228 0.9656103 6.496410 1.0905098 159.1982
19 0.9078600 -1.8174277 0.9684398 5.427941 0.8167131 144.3730
20 0.9123493 -1.8088910 0.9707584 4.569566 0.6103708 131.4744
soft$fitIndices %>%
    output_name = "Soft Threshold Skeletal Muscle",
    output_extension = ".csv",
    button_label = "Download data as csv",
    button_type = "info",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save"

Calculate Adjacency Matrix and Topological Overlap Matrix

I generated a weighted adjacency matrix for the gene expression profile network using the softmax threshold I determined in the previous step. Then I generate the Topological Overlap Matrix (TOM) for the adjacency matrix. This reduces noise and spurious associations according to the authors. I use the TOM matrix to cluster the profiles of each metabolite based on their similarity. I use dynamic tree cutting to generate modules.

soft.power <- which(soft$fitIndices$SFT.R.sq >= 0.88)[1]
cat("\n", "Power chosen") 
##  Power chosen
## [1] 9
cat("\n \n")
adj.mtx <- adjacency(log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA, power=soft.power)

TOM = TOMsimilarity(adj.mtx)
## ..connectivity..
## ..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
## ..normalization..
## ..done.
diss.TOM = 1 - TOM

metabolite.clust <- hclust(as.dist(diss.TOM), method="average")

min.module.size <- 15

modules <- cutreeDynamic(dendro=metabolite.clust, distM=diss.TOM, deepSplit=2, pamRespectsDendro=FALSE, minClusterSize=min.module.size)
##  ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 0.998  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
##  ..done.
# Plot modules
cols <- labels2colors(modules)
## cols
##       aliceblue    antiquewhite   antiquewhite1   antiquewhite2   antiquewhite4 
##              29              23              37              48              76 
##         bisque4           black  blanchedalmond            blue           blue1 
##             101             273              19             870              26 
##           blue2           blue3           blue4      blueviolet           brown 
##              58              32              40              40             541 
##          brown1          brown2          brown3          brown4       burlywood 
##              32              58              26             104              18 
##      chocolate2      chocolate3      chocolate4           coral          coral1 
##              23              29              37              50              81 
##          coral2          coral3          coral4  cornflowerblue        cornsilk 
##              74              47              37              28              23 
##            cyan  darkgoldenrod3  darkgoldenrod4       darkgreen        darkgrey 
##             215              19              26             178             152 
##     darkmagenta  darkolivegreen darkolivegreen1 darkolivegreen2 darkolivegreen4 
##             128             130              32              42              61 
##      darkorange     darkorange2         darkred    darkseagreen   darkseagreen1 
##             143             104             187              24              29 
##   darkseagreen2   darkseagreen3   darkseagreen4   darkslateblue   darkturquoise 
##              37              51              83              99             169 
##      darkviolet        deeppink       deeppink1       deeppink2     deepskyblue 
##              57              40              31              26              17 
##     dodgerblue4       firebrick      firebrick2      firebrick3      firebrick4 
##              20              27              32              42              63 
##     floralwhite           green          green2          green3          green4 
##             105             339              24              29              38 
##     greenyellow            grey          grey60        honeydew       honeydew1 
##             239             486             211              51              83 
##       indianred      indianred1      indianred2      indianred3      indianred4 
##              20              27              33              43              64 
##           ivory        lavender   lavenderblush  lavenderblush1  lavenderblush2 
##             107              24              30              38              53 
##  lavenderblush3      lightblue1      lightblue2      lightblue3      lightblue4 
##              83              21              27              33              43 
##      lightcoral       lightcyan      lightcyan1      lightgreen       lightpink 
##              64             211             113             201              24 
##      lightpink1      lightpink2      lightpink3      lightpink4   lightskyblue2 
##              30              38              54              85              21 
##   lightskyblue3   lightskyblue4  lightslateblue  lightsteelblue lightsteelblue1 
##              27              34              43              65             115 
##     lightyellow         magenta        magenta1        magenta2        magenta3 
##             195             255              24              30              38 
##        magenta4          maroon    mediumorchid   mediumorchid3   mediumorchid4 
##              54              85              74              22              27 
##    mediumpurple   mediumpurple1   mediumpurple2   mediumpurple3   mediumpurple4 
##              34              43              65             116              47 
##    midnightblue       mistyrose      mistyrose4        moccasin     navajowhite 
##             214              36              25              30              39 
##    navajowhite1    navajowhite2    navajowhite3    navajowhite4          orange 
##              54              85              28              23             145 
##         orange3         orange4       orangered      orangered1      orangered3 
##              22              28              34              44              66 
##      orangered4   paleturquoise  paleturquoise4   palevioletred  palevioletred1 
##             121             133              25              30              39 
##  palevioletred2  palevioletred3            pink           pink1           pink2 
##              55              90             263              22              28 
##           pink3           pink4            plum           plum1           plum2 
##              35              45              66             123              94 
##           plum3           plum4      powderblue          purple         purple2 
##              57              39              31             241              25 
##             red            red1       royalblue      royalblue2      royalblue3 
##             291              15             188              25              30 
##     saddlebrown          salmon         salmon1         salmon2         salmon4 
##             138             218              39              55              91 
##          sienna         sienna1         sienna2         sienna3         sienna4 
##              22              28              36             126              45 
##         skyblue        skyblue1        skyblue2        skyblue3        skyblue4 
##             141              68              70             123              46 
##       slateblue      slateblue1      slateblue2       steelblue             tan 
##              36              28              23             135             222 
##            tan2            tan3            tan4         thistle        thistle1 
##              25              30              39              55              93 
##        thistle2        thistle3        thistle4          tomato         tomato2 
##              94              57              39              31              25 
##       turquoise          violet          wheat3           white      whitesmoke 
##            1574             132              23             143              28 
##          yellow         yellow2         yellow3         yellow4     yellowgreen 
##             363              36              46              69             123
  metabolite.clust, cols, xlab="", sub="", main="Gene Clustering on TOM-based Similarity", 
  dendroLabels=FALSE, hang=0.03, addGuide=TRUE, guideHang=0.05

Calculating Intramodular Connectivity

This function in WGCNA calculates the total connectivity of a node (metabolite) in the network. The kTotal column specifies this connectivity. The kWithin column specifies the node connectivity within its module. The kOut column specifies the difference between kTotal and kWithin. Generally, the out degree should be lower than the within degree, since the WGCNA procedure groups similar metabolite profiles together.

net.deg <- intramodularConnectivity(adj.mtx, merged.cols)
##                         kTotal     kWithin        kOut        kDiff
## ENSMUSG00000000001 18.58648742 5.361840218 13.22464720  -7.86280699
## ENSMUSG00000000028  0.06558317 0.004713301  0.06086987  -0.05615657
## ENSMUSG00000000031  1.47376269 0.993015063  0.48074762   0.51226744
## ENSMUSG00000000037 22.73302874 3.536517694 19.19651104 -15.65999335
## ENSMUSG00000000049  0.06781934 0.005651393  0.06216795  -0.05651655
## ENSMUSG00000000056  0.68957200 0.299373165  0.39019883  -0.09082567


The dataset generated coexpression modules of the following sizes. The grey submodule represents metabolites that did not fit well into any of the modules.

## merged.cols
##       aliceblue    antiquewhite  blanchedalmond          brown1          brown3 
##              62            4566             128             273             646 
##       burlywood      chocolate3          coral3            cyan        darkgrey 
##              57              74             233            2192            1136 
## darkolivegreen4    darkseagreen   darkslateblue       deeppink2     dodgerblue4 
##            1280             109             353             501              20 
##      firebrick4          green3          green4            grey        honeydew 
##             339             174             155             486             300 
##      indianred3  lavenderblush1  lavenderblush2  lavenderblush3      lightblue1 
##              66            1316              53             157             144 
##      lightblue2      lightcoral        magenta1        magenta3        magenta4 
##              27              64             425             129             343 
##   mediumorchid3    mediumpurple         orange3      orangered1      orangered4 
##              22             394              22             504             121 
##  paleturquoise4           pink2            plum       royalblue        thistle3 
##              95              28              66             188              57 
##          wheat3 
##              23
# Module names in descending order of size
module.labels <- names(table(merged.cols))[order(table(merged.cols), decreasing=T)]
# Order eigenmetabolites by module labels
merged.mes <- merged.mes[,paste0("ME", module.labels)]
colnames(merged.mes) <- paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA_", module.labels)
module.eigens <- merged.mes
# Add log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.WGCNA tag to labels
module.labels <- paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA_", module.labels)

# Generate and store metabolite membership
module.membership <- data.frame(
  Module=paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA_", merged.cols)

saveRDS(module.labels, here("Data","Brain","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA.module.labels.RData"))
saveRDS(module.eigens, here("Data","Brain","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA.module.eigens.RData"))
saveRDS(module.membership, here("Data","Brain", "log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA.module.membership.RData"))

write.table(module.labels, here("Data","Brain","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA.module.labels.csv"), row.names=F, col.names=F, sep=",")
write.csv(module.eigens, here("Data","Brain","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA.module.eigens.csv"))
write.csv(module.membership, here("Data","Brain","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hip.hyp.cortex.WGCNA.module.membership.csv"), row.names=F)

Analysis performed by Ann Wells

The Carter Lab The Jackson Laboratory 2023
