log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA <- readRDS(here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.missing.WGCNA.RData"))

Set Up Environment

The WGCNA package requires some strict R session environment set up.


# Run the following only if running from terminal
# Does NOT work in RStudio

Choosing Soft-Thresholding Power

WGCNA uses a smooth softmax function to force a scale-free topology on the gene expression network. I cycled through a set of threshold power values to see which one is the best for the specific topology. As recommended by the authors, I choose the smallest power such that the scale-free topology correlation attempts to hit 0.9.

threshold <- softthreshold(soft)

Scale Free Topology

Mean Connectivity

Pick Soft Threshold

Power SFT.R.sq slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
1 0.5465425 2.9665100 0.9429054 4970.78415 5074.296364 6691.3976
2 0.0644743 0.3904906 0.8376001 2127.09094 2158.713796 3650.2262
3 0.1015397 -0.4058008 0.8091679 1102.81854 1093.736628 2323.5608
4 0.3570354 -0.8166773 0.8460783 642.78117 614.707278 1613.2215
5 0.5050288 -1.0541463 0.8763005 405.77152 371.137557 1184.4329
6 0.5961136 -1.1934118 0.9078318 271.49512 235.911706 904.2017
7 0.6526853 -1.2865229 0.9267020 189.89710 156.230844 710.4712
8 0.6952292 -1.3571552 0.9427953 137.55932 106.598458 571.5220
9 0.7215724 -1.4204442 0.9496898 102.51622 75.130573 468.4787
10 0.7404023 -1.4658761 0.9549286 78.21714 54.003876 389.7865
11 0.7585837 -1.5094376 0.9590279 60.87066 39.491017 328.3912
12 0.7768269 -1.5329874 0.9654022 48.17933 29.372079 280.1128
13 0.7835730 -1.5609821 0.9659901 38.69634 22.085292 241.1996
14 0.7919351 -1.5802025 0.9675566 31.48015 16.934274 209.3814
15 0.8023885 -1.5947681 0.9705433 25.90051 13.142257 183.0666
16 0.8143300 -1.6015464 0.9736404 21.52498 10.262051 161.0839
17 0.8200639 -1.6099484 0.9736915 18.05034 8.118358 142.5558
18 0.8257282 -1.6175605 0.9742033 15.25990 6.483738 126.8143
19 0.8316685 -1.6221747 0.9749324 12.99606 5.205528 113.3502
20 0.8329838 -1.6294658 0.9729368 11.14249 4.216264 101.7764
soft$fitIndices %>%
    output_name = "Soft Threshold Prefrontal Cortex",
    output_extension = ".csv",
    button_label = "Download data as csv",
    button_type = "info",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save"

Calculate Adjacency Matrix and Topological Overlap Matrix

I generated a weighted adjacency matrix for the gene expression profile network using the softmax threshold I determined in the previous step. Then I generate the Topological Overlap Matrix (TOM) for the adjacency matrix. This reduces noise and spurious associations according to the authors.I use the TOM matrix to cluster the profiles of each metabolite based on their similarity. I use dynamic tree cutting to generate modules.

soft.power <- which(soft$fitIndices$SFT.R.sq >= 0.8)[1]
cat("\n", "Power chosen") 
##  Power chosen
## [1] 15
cat("\n \n")
adj.mtx <- adjacency(log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA, power=soft.power)

TOM = TOMsimilarity(adj.mtx)
## ..connectivity..
## ..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
## ..normalization..
## ..done.
diss.TOM = 1 - TOM

metabolite.clust <- hclust(as.dist(diss.TOM), method="average")

min.module.size <- 15

modules <- cutreeDynamic(dendro=metabolite.clust, distM=diss.TOM, deepSplit=2, pamRespectsDendro=FALSE, minClusterSize=min.module.size)
##  ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 0.998  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
##  ..done.
# Plot modules
cols <- labels2colors(modules)
## cols
##            aliceblue         antiquewhite        antiquewhite1 
##                   47                   40                   54 
##        antiquewhite2        antiquewhite3        antiquewhite4 
##                   61                   32                   76 
##           aquamarine              bisque2              bisque3 
##                   26                   23                   29 
##              bisque4                black       blanchedalmond 
##                   83                  201                   36 
##                 blue                blue1                blue2 
##                  368                   44                   67 
##                blue3                blue4           blueviolet 
##                   49                   57                   57 
##                brown               brown1               brown2 
##                  266                   49                   67 
##               brown3               brown4            burlywood 
##                   43                   84                   35 
##           burlywood1           burlywood2            chocolate 
##                   28                   23                   26 
##           chocolate1           chocolate2           chocolate3 
##                   33                   40                   47 
##           chocolate4                coral               coral1 
##                   54                   62                   77 
##               coral2               coral3               coral4 
##                   76                   61                   52 
##       cornflowerblue             cornsilk            cornsilk2 
##                   46                   39                   32 
##                 cyan                cyan1        darkgoldenrod 
##                  159                   26                   23 
##       darkgoldenrod1       darkgoldenrod3       darkgoldenrod4 
##                   29                   36                   44 
##            darkgreen             darkgrey          darkmagenta 
##                  124                  119                  102 
##       darkolivegreen      darkolivegreen1      darkolivegreen2 
##                  102                   49                   58 
##      darkolivegreen4           darkorange          darkorange2 
##                   67                  115                   84 
##          darkorchid3          darkorchid4              darkred 
##                   17                   26                  128 
##           darksalmon         darkseagreen        darkseagreen1 
##                   33                   40                   47 
##        darkseagreen2        darkseagreen3        darkseagreen4 
##                   54                   62                   78 
##        darkslateblue        darkturquoise           darkviolet 
##                   83                  123                   67 
##             deeppink            deeppink1            deeppink2 
##                   57                   49                   43 
##          deepskyblue         deepskyblue4          dodgerblue1 
##                   35                   28                   23 
##          dodgerblue2          dodgerblue3          dodgerblue4 
##                   22                   29                   36 
##            firebrick           firebrick2           firebrick3 
##                   44                   50                   58 
##           firebrick4          floralwhite           goldenrod3 
##                   68                   86                   18 
##           goldenrod4                green               green1 
##                   26                  216                   33 
##               green2               green3               green4 
##                   40                   47                   54 
##          greenyellow                 grey               grey60 
##                  171                  681                  135 
##             honeydew            honeydew1             hotpink3 
##                   62                   78                   23 
##             hotpink4            indianred           indianred1 
##                   29                   36                   44 
##           indianred2           indianred3           indianred4 
##                   50                   58                   69 
##                ivory               khaki2               khaki3 
##                   86                   19                   26 
##               khaki4             lavender        lavenderblush 
##                   33                   41                   47 
##       lavenderblush1       lavenderblush2       lavenderblush3 
##                   55                   63                   79 
##        lemonchiffon4            lightblue           lightblue1 
##                   23                   29                   36 
##           lightblue2           lightblue3           lightblue4 
##                   44                   50                   59 
##           lightcoral            lightcyan           lightcyan1 
##                   69                  143                   89 
##      lightgoldenrod3      lightgoldenrod4 lightgoldenrodyellow 
##                   19                   26                   33 
##           lightgreen            lightpink           lightpink1 
##                  131                   41                   47 
##           lightpink2           lightpink3           lightpink4 
##                   55                   64                   80 
##         lightskyblue        lightskyblue1        lightskyblue2 
##                   23                   30                   36 
##        lightskyblue3        lightskyblue4       lightslateblue 
##                   44                   50                   59 
##       lightsteelblue      lightsteelblue1          lightyellow 
##                   70                   89                  131 
##         lightyellow4            limegreen                linen 
##                   21                   27                   34 
##              magenta             magenta1             magenta2 
##                  182                   41                   47 
##             magenta3             magenta4               maroon 
##                   55                   64                   80 
##         mediumorchid        mediumorchid1        mediumorchid2 
##                   75                   23                   30 
##        mediumorchid3        mediumorchid4         mediumpurple 
##                   37                   44                   50 
##        mediumpurple1        mediumpurple2        mediumpurple3 
##                   59                   70                   91 
##        mediumpurple4         midnightblue            mistyrose 
##                   61                  149                   52 
##           mistyrose1           mistyrose2           mistyrose3 
##                   21                   27                   34 
##           mistyrose4             moccasin          navajowhite 
##                   41                   47                   55 
##         navajowhite1         navajowhite2         navajowhite3 
##                   65                   80                   46 
##         navajowhite4              oldlace           olivedrab4 
##                   39                   31                   24 
##               orange              orange1              orange2 
##                  118                   25                   30 
##              orange3              orange4            orangered 
##                   37                   44                   51 
##           orangered1           orangered3           orangered4 
##                   60                   70                   92 
##           palegreen4        paleturquoise       paleturquoise1 
##                   22                  104                   27 
##       paleturquoise3       paleturquoise4        palevioletred 
##                   34                   41                   48 
##       palevioletred1       palevioletred2       palevioletred3 
##                   56                   65                   81 
##           peachpuff4                 peru                 pink 
##                   24                   31                  193 
##                pink1                pink2                pink3 
##                   37                   45                   51 
##                pink4                 plum                plum1 
##                   60                   70                   94 
##                plum2                plum3                plum4 
##                   82                   67                   57 
##           powderblue               purple              purple2 
##                   49                  172                   43 
##                  red                 red1                 red4 
##                  205                   35                   28 
##           rosybrown1           rosybrown2           rosybrown3 
##                   22                   22                   27 
##           rosybrown4            royalblue           royalblue2 
##                   34                  128                   42 
##           royalblue3          saddlebrown               salmon 
##                   48                  109                  161 
##              salmon1              salmon2              salmon4 
##                   56                   65                   81 
##            seashell3            seashell4               sienna 
##                   25                   31                   37 
##              sienna1              sienna2              sienna3 
##                   45                   52                   98 
##              sienna4              skyblue             skyblue1 
##                   60                  111                   71 
##             skyblue2             skyblue3             skyblue4 
##                   75                   94                   61 
##            slateblue           slateblue1           slateblue2 
##                   52                   46                   38 
##           slateblue3           slateblue4            steelblue 
##                   31                   25                  104 
##           steelblue3           steelblue4                  tan 
##                   22                   28                  163 
##                 tan1                 tan2                 tan3 
##                   35                   43                   48 
##                 tan4              thistle             thistle1 
##                   57                   66                   81 
##             thistle2             thistle3             thistle4 
##                   82                   66                   57 
##               tomato              tomato2              tomato4 
##                   49                   43                   35 
##            turquoise           turquoise2           turquoise4 
##                  526                   28                   22 
##               violet           violetred4               wheat1 
##                  102                   25                   31 
##               wheat3                white           whitesmoke 
##                   38                  111                   46 
##               yellow              yellow2              yellow3 
##                  232                   52                   60 
##              yellow4          yellowgreen 
##                   74                   95
  metabolite.clust, cols, xlab="", sub="", main="Gene Clustering on TOM-based Similarity", 
  dendroLabels=FALSE, hang=0.03, addGuide=TRUE, guideHang=0.05

Calculating Intramodular Connectivity

This function in WGCNA calculates the total connectivity of a node (metabolite) in the network. The kTotal column specifies this connectivity. The kWithin column specifies the node connectivity within its module. The kOut column specifies the difference between kTotal and kWithin. Generally, the out degree should be lower than the within degree, since the WGCNA procedure groups similar metabolite profiles together.

net.deg <- intramodularConnectivity(adj.mtx, merged.cols)
saveRDS(net.deg,here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex","Chang_2DG_BL6_connectivity_prefrontal_cortex.RData"))
##                        kTotal    kWithin       kOut       kDiff
## ENSMUSG00000000001 20.6475869 6.56064941 14.0869375 -7.52628806
## ENSMUSG00000000028  0.8270968 0.27883147  0.5482654 -0.26943388
## ENSMUSG00000000031  0.9565852 0.06033695  0.8962482 -0.83591128
## ENSMUSG00000000037 12.0555068 6.80378720  5.2517196  1.55206761
## ENSMUSG00000000049  0.1245447 0.03610669  0.0884380 -0.05233131
## ENSMUSG00000000056  0.5966459 0.26250468  0.3341413 -0.07163659


The dataset generated coexpression modules of the following sizes. The grey submodule represents metabolites that did not fit well into any of the modules.

## merged.cols
##    antiquewhite      aquamarine         bisque2           black  blanchedalmond 
##             201             960             718            2080            2698 
##           blue4      blueviolet       burlywood      chocolate2      chocolate4 
##              57             372              35              77            2449 
##        cornsilk       cornsilk2 darkolivegreen2 darkolivegreen4   darkseagreen4 
##              39             275            1419             681             268 
##   darkturquoise     dodgerblue4      goldenrod3            grey        hotpink3 
##             360             293              87             681              23 
##          khaki3  lavenderblush2       lightblue lightgoldenrod3      lightpink1 
##             320             110              29            1932             253 
##    lightskyblue   lightskyblue2       limegreen   mediumorchid1       mistyrose 
##              23              36              27              23              52 
##    navajowhite3         oldlace            pink            plum      rosybrown2 
##             231              31             193             104              22 
##          salmon 
##             161
# Module names in descending order of size
module.labels <- names(table(merged.cols))[order(table(merged.cols), decreasing=T)]
# Order eigenmetabolites by module labels
merged.mes <- merged.mes[,paste0("ME", module.labels)]
colnames(merged.mes) <- paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA_", module.labels)
module.eigens <- merged.mes
# Add log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.WGCNA tag to labels
module.labels <- paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA_", module.labels)

# Generate and store metabolite membership
module.membership <- data.frame(
  Module=paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA_", merged.cols)

saveRDS(module.labels, here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA.module.labels.RData"))
saveRDS(module.eigens, here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA.module.eigens.RData"))
saveRDS(module.membership, here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex", "log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA.module.membership.RData"))

write.table(module.labels, here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA.module.labels.csv"), row.names=F, col.names=F, sep=",")
write.csv(module.eigens, here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA.module.eigens.csv"))
write.csv(module.membership, here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.prefrontal.cortex.WGCNA.module.membership.csv"), row.names=F)

Analysis performed by Ann Wells

The Carter Lab The Jackson Laboratory 2023
