This dataset contains nine tissues (heart, hippocampus, hypothalamus, kidney, liver, prefrontal cortex, skeletal liver, small intestine, and spleen) from C57BL/6J mice that were fed 2-deoxyglucose (6g/L) through their drinking water for 96hrs or 4wks. 96hr mice were given their 2DG treatment 2 weeks after the other cohort started the 4 week treatment. The organs from the mice were harvested and processed for metabolomics and transcriptomics. The data in this document pertains to the transcriptomics data only. The counts that were used were FPKM normalized before being log transformed. It was determined that sample A113 had low RNAseq quality and through further analyses with PCA, MA plots, and clustering was an outlier and will be removed for the rest of the analyses performed.


Modules chosen according to the filtering criteria described in the paper were assessed for their correlation to one another.

needed.packages <- c("tidyverse", "here", "functional", "gplots", "dplyr", "GeneOverlap", "R.utils", "reshape2","magrittr","data.table", "RColorBrewer","preprocessCore", "ARTool","emmeans", "phia", "gProfileR","rlist", "pheatmap","Hmisc")
for(i in 1:length(needed.packages)){library(needed.packages[i], character.only = TRUE)}

heart <- readRDS(here("Data","Heart",""))

hypothalamus <- readRDS(here("Data","Hypothalamus",""))

liver <- readRDS(here("Data","Liver",""))

prefrontal.cortex <- readRDS(here("Data","Prefrontal Cortex",""))

muscle <- readRDS(here("Data","Skeletal Muscle",""))

small.intestine <- readRDS(here("Data","Small Intestine",""))

Analysis performed by Ann Wells

The Carter Lab The Jackson Laboratory 2023