log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA <- readRDS(here("Data","Hypothalamus","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.missing.WGCNA.RData"))

Set Up Environment

The WGCNA package requires some strict R session environment set up.


# Run the following only if running from terminal
# Does NOT work in RStudio

Choosing Soft-Thresholding Power

WGCNA uses a smooth softmax function to force a scale-free topology on the gene expression network. I cycled through a set of threshold power values to see which one is the best for the specific topology. As recommended by the authors, I choose the smallest power such that the scale-free topology correlation attempts to hit 0.9.

threshold <- softthreshold(soft)

Scale Free Topology

Mean Connectivity

Pick Soft Threshold

Power SFT.R.sq slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
1 0.3572320 1.4608066 0.8432363 5311.78071 5285.004944 7872.2853
2 0.1042735 -0.2841925 0.7996520 2429.97913 2280.856205 4909.0908
3 0.6623934 -0.7875397 0.9043205 1342.72698 1155.231987 3476.8795
4 0.8045534 -0.9962505 0.9276023 830.47967 645.467420 2636.7361
5 0.8399950 -1.1128797 0.9282658 553.76111 384.647264 2087.1171
6 0.8535998 -1.1833409 0.9314950 389.62589 240.731083 1701.6497
7 0.8585690 -1.2324981 0.9322639 285.41431 156.899351 1417.9707
8 0.8734672 -1.2599093 0.9444936 215.73691 104.970641 1201.6904
9 0.8863359 -1.2812215 0.9539879 167.21828 72.444878 1032.3886
10 0.8846802 -1.3038105 0.9543299 132.30884 50.926875 897.4662
11 0.8814863 -1.3239066 0.9528432 106.50525 36.424692 787.5637
12 0.8875035 -1.3337608 0.9592374 86.99682 26.493157 696.7081
13 0.8853058 -1.3448866 0.9600692 71.96189 19.632679 620.6496
14 0.8789485 -1.3612654 0.9576409 60.18147 14.694100 556.2865
15 0.8845999 -1.3685519 0.9630346 50.81721 11.137944 501.3044
16 0.8807653 -1.3801481 0.9606901 43.27874 8.584439 453.9445
17 0.8828753 -1.3892138 0.9625452 37.14158 6.668277 412.8480
18 0.8768878 -1.4043292 0.9599819 32.09490 5.219548 376.9500
19 0.8792290 -1.4072977 0.9630983 27.90735 4.116817 345.4055
20 0.8806498 -1.4114030 0.9657176 24.40424 3.285183 317.5362
soft$fitIndices %>%
    output_name = "Soft Threshold Hypothalamus",
    output_extension = ".csv",
    button_label = "Download data as csv",
    button_type = "info",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save"

Calculate Adjacency Matrix and Topological Overlap Matrix

I generated a weighted adjacency matrix for the gene expression profile network using the softmax threshold I determined in the previous step. Then I generate the Topological Overlap Matrix (TOM) for the adjacency matrix. This reduces noise and spurious associations according to the authors.I use the TOM matrix to cluster the profiles of each metabolite based on their similarity. I use dynamic tree cutting to generate modules.

soft.power <- which(soft$fitIndices$SFT.R.sq >= 0.88)[1]
cat("\n", "Power chosen") 
##  Power chosen
## [1] 9
cat("\n \n")
adj.mtx <- adjacency(log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA, power=soft.power)

TOM = TOMsimilarity(adj.mtx)
## ..connectivity..
## ..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
## ..normalization..
## ..done.
diss.TOM = 1 - TOM

metabolite.clust <- hclust(as.dist(diss.TOM), method="average")

min.module.size <- 15

modules <- cutreeDynamic(dendro=metabolite.clust, distM=diss.TOM, deepSplit=2, pamRespectsDendro=FALSE, minClusterSize=min.module.size)
##  ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 0.996  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
##  ..done.
# Plot modules
cols <- labels2colors(modules)
## cols
##   antiquewhite2   antiquewhite4         bisque4           black            blue 
##              46              83             108             510            1162 
##           blue2           brown          brown2          brown4           coral 
##              60             846              62             109              47 
##          coral1          coral2          coral3            cyan       darkgreen 
##              83              81              46             269             204 
##        darkgrey     darkmagenta  darkolivegreen darkolivegreen4      darkorange 
##             188             149             151              63             181 
##     darkorange2         darkred   darkseagreen3   darkseagreen4   darkslateblue 
##             111             211              48              86             108 
##   darkturquoise      darkviolet      firebrick4     floralwhite           green 
##             201              59              63             113             602 
##     greenyellow            grey          grey60        honeydew       honeydew1 
##             315              98             235              49              88 
##      indianred4           ivory  lavenderblush2  lavenderblush3      lightblue4 
##              65             115              50              89              23 
##      lightcoral       lightcyan      lightcyan1      lightgreen      lightpink3 
##              68             238             118             226              50 
##      lightpink4  lightslateblue  lightsteelblue lightsteelblue1     lightyellow 
##              93              27              70             120             222 
##         magenta        magenta4          maroon    mediumorchid   mediumpurple1 
##             439              51              93              78              30 
##   mediumpurple2   mediumpurple3   mediumpurple4    midnightblue    navajowhite1 
##              71             122              42             252              52 
##    navajowhite2          orange      orangered1      orangered3      orangered4 
##              94             186              31              73             125 
##   paleturquoise  palevioletred2  palevioletred3            pink           pink4 
##             166              58              96             496              37 
##            plum           plum1           plum2           plum3          purple 
##              73             129             105              58             406 
##             red       royalblue     saddlebrown          salmon         salmon2 
##             537             214             173             291              58 
##         salmon4         sienna3         sienna4         skyblue        skyblue1 
##              97             145              39             175              75 
##        skyblue2        skyblue3        skyblue4       steelblue             tan 
##              78             138              42             166             299 
##         thistle        thistle1        thistle2        thistle3       turquoise 
##              58             102             103              58            1345 
##          violet           white          yellow         yellow3         yellow4 
##             156             179             760              40              75 
##     yellowgreen 
##             139
  metabolite.clust, cols, xlab="", sub="", main="Gene Clustering on TOM-based Similarity", 
  dendroLabels=FALSE, hang=0.03, addGuide=TRUE, guideHang=0.05

Calculating Intramodular Connectivity

This function in WGCNA calculates the total connectivity of a node (metabolite) in the network. The kTotal column specifies this connectivity. The kWithin column specifies the node connectivity within its module. The kOut column specifies the difference between kTotal and kWithin. Generally, the out degree should be lower than the within degree, since the WGCNA procedure groups similar metabolite profiles together.

net.deg <- intramodularConnectivity(adj.mtx, merged.cols)
##                        kTotal    kWithin       kOut      kDiff
## ENSMUSG00000000001 446.682428 181.951383 264.731045 -82.779662
## ENSMUSG00000000028  30.953292  18.080976  12.872316   5.208660
## ENSMUSG00000000031  15.022966   5.064422   9.958544  -4.894122
## ENSMUSG00000000037 199.423312  52.333495 147.089817 -94.756322
## ENSMUSG00000000049  13.502491   5.997018   7.505472  -1.508454
## ENSMUSG00000000056   9.084321   3.587350   5.496972  -1.909622


The dataset generated coexpression modules of the following sizes. The grey submodule represents metabolites that did not fit well into any of the modules.

## merged.cols
##   antiquewhite2   antiquewhite4         bisque4           black            blue 
##            1746             978             289            3598            1461 
##          brown2       darkgreen   darkslateblue   darkturquoise            grey 
##             533             590             108             276              98 
##      indianred4  lavenderblush2      lightblue4      lightgreen      lightpink4 
##            3241              50             591            2387             272 
##  lightslateblue lightsteelblue1   mediumpurple1    midnightblue    navajowhite2 
##              27             120              30             252              94 
##      orangered1            plum         salmon4         skyblue        thistle3 
##              31              73              97             175             197
# Module names in descending order of size
module.labels <- names(table(merged.cols))[order(table(merged.cols), decreasing=T)]
# Order eigenmetabolites by module labels
merged.mes <- merged.mes[,paste0("ME", module.labels)]
colnames(merged.mes) <- paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA_", module.labels)
module.eigens <- merged.mes
# Add log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.WGCNA tag to labels
module.labels <- paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA_", module.labels)

# Generate and store metabolite membership
module.membership <- data.frame(
  Module=paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA_", merged.cols)

saveRDS(module.labels, here("Data","Hypothalamus","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA.module.labels.RData"))
saveRDS(module.eigens, here("Data","Hypothalamus","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA.module.eigens.RData"))
saveRDS(module.membership, here("Data","Hypothalamus", "log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA.module.membership.RData"))

write.table(module.labels, here("Data","Hypothalamus","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA.module.labels.csv"), row.names=F, col.names=F, sep=",")
write.csv(module.eigens, here("Data","Hypothalamus","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA.module.eigens.csv"))
write.csv(module.membership, here("Data","Hypothalamus","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.hypothalamus.WGCNA.module.membership.csv"), row.names=F)

Analysis performed by Ann Wells

The Carter Lab The Jackson Laboratory 2023
