log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA <- readRDS(here("Data","Heart","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.missing.WGCNA.RData"))

Set Up Environment

The WGCNA package requires some strict R session environment set up.


# Run the following only if running from terminal
# Does NOT work in RStudio

Choosing Soft-Thresholding Power

WGCNA uses a smooth softmax function to force a scale-free topology on the gene expression network. I cycled through a set of threshold power values to see which one is the best for the specific topology. As recommended by the authors, I choose the smallest power such that the scale-free topology correlation attempts to hit 0.9.

threshold <- softthreshold(soft)

Scale Free Topology

Mean Connectivity

Pick Soft Threshold

Power SFT.R.sq slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
1 0.3135009 0.9084004 0.4860802 5474.52077 5276.544976 8294.7573
2 0.3723904 -0.3819636 0.2861740 2651.44036 2247.471737 5538.8915
3 0.8015318 -0.7166151 0.7453908 1565.36846 1132.283543 4204.3747
4 0.8730707 -0.8490528 0.8372420 1035.89223 638.190780 3402.0568
5 0.8805814 -0.9393276 0.8466313 737.27705 388.316952 2869.1864
6 0.8773132 -0.9976829 0.8438473 551.52983 247.742555 2476.0903
7 0.8714931 -1.0374971 0.8412314 427.66727 164.606127 2171.3506
8 0.8662610 -1.0662577 0.8407856 340.71318 113.593305 1926.8744
9 0.8645393 -1.0925861 0.8459215 277.22370 80.647333 1725.7984
10 0.8511895 -1.1172364 0.8393946 229.41409 58.234409 1557.2606
11 0.8550061 -1.1313784 0.8508515 192.50713 43.014165 1413.8767
12 0.8507925 -1.1491267 0.8535778 163.43002 32.462611 1290.4119
13 0.8527970 -1.1597074 0.8623260 140.12825 24.721304 1183.0293
14 0.8481418 -1.1762096 0.8631199 121.18296 18.956198 1088.8396
15 0.8565609 -1.1809611 0.8754847 105.58711 14.762382 1005.6185
16 0.8568787 -1.1899092 0.8819458 92.60907 11.741628 931.6209
17 0.8558067 -1.2003995 0.8855642 81.70638 9.369532 865.4564
18 0.8606257 -1.2084899 0.8918230 72.46974 7.568808 806.0016
19 0.8609341 -1.2181280 0.8958867 64.58547 6.174519 752.3379
20 0.8646870 -1.2237273 0.9014236 57.80986 5.001578 703.7069
soft$fitIndices %>%
    output_name = "Soft Threshold Heart",
    output_extension = ".csv",
    button_label = "Download data as csv",
    button_type = "info",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save"

Calculate Adjacency Matrix and Topological Overlap Matrix

I generated a weighted adjacency matrix for the gene expression profile network using the softmax threshold I determined in the previous step. Then I generate the Topological Overlap Matrix (TOM) for the adjacency matrix. This reduces noise and spurious associations according to the authors.I use the TOM matrix to cluster the profiles of each metabolite based on their similarity. I use dynamic tree cutting to generate modules.

soft.power <- which(soft$fitIndices$SFT.R.sq >= 0.88)[1]
cat("\n", "Power chosen") 
##  Power chosen
## [1] 5
cat("\n \n")
adj.mtx <- adjacency(log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA, power=soft.power)

TOM = TOMsimilarity(adj.mtx)
## ..connectivity..
## ..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..
## ..normalization..
## ..done.
diss.TOM = 1 - TOM

metabolite.clust <- hclust(as.dist(diss.TOM), method="average")

min.module.size <- 15

modules <- cutreeDynamic(dendro=metabolite.clust, distM=diss.TOM, deepSplit=2, pamRespectsDendro=FALSE, minClusterSize=min.module.size)
##  ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 0.983  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
##  ..done.

# Plot modules
cols <- labels2colors(modules)
## cols
##           black            blue           brown            cyan       darkgreen 
##             386            2132             935             227             138 
##        darkgrey     darkmagenta  darkolivegreen      darkorange         darkred 
##             127              76              77             109             140 
##   darkturquoise           green     greenyellow          grey60       lightcyan 
##             135             459             274             191             198 
##      lightcyan1      lightgreen lightsteelblue1     lightyellow         magenta 
##              27             188              28             181             311 
##   mediumpurple3    midnightblue          orange      orangered4   paleturquoise 
##              29             219             116              48              92 
##            pink           plum1          purple             red       royalblue 
##             381              56             298             392             144 
##     saddlebrown          salmon         sienna3         skyblue        skyblue3 
##              97             231              73              98              66 
##       steelblue             tan       turquoise          violet           white 
##              94             266            7088              81             103 
##          yellow     yellowgreen 
##             853              72
  metabolite.clust, cols, xlab="", sub="", main="Gene Clustering on TOM-based Similarity", 
  dendroLabels=FALSE, hang=0.03, addGuide=TRUE, guideHang=0.05

Calculating Intramodular Connectivity

This function in WGCNA calculates the total connectivity of a node (metabolite) in the network. The kTotal column specifies this connectivity. The kWithin column specifies the node connectivity within its module. The kOut column specifies the difference between kTotal and kWithin. Generally, the out degree should be lower than the within degree, since the WGCNA procedure groups similar metabolite profiles together.

net.deg <- intramodularConnectivity(adj.mtx, merged.cols)
##                       kTotal    kWithin      kOut      kDiff
## ENSMUSG00000000001 415.44248  95.369953 320.07253 -224.70257
## ENSMUSG00000000028  61.89615   9.291988  52.60416  -43.31217
## ENSMUSG00000000031 289.27483 171.650109 117.62472   54.02539
## ENSMUSG00000000037  52.92083   4.641655  48.27917  -43.63752
## ENSMUSG00000000049 179.43989  96.973970  82.46592   14.50805
## ENSMUSG00000000056 801.97669 764.017184  37.95950  726.05768


The dataset generated coexpression modules of the following sizes. The grey submodule represents metabolites that did not fit well into any of the modules.

## merged.cols
##           black           brown            cyan       darkgreen        darkgrey 
##             697            1400            1010             138             127 
##     darkmagenta      darkorange         darkred   darkturquoise      lightcyan1 
##             153             109            1191             183              27 
##      lightgreen lightsteelblue1     lightyellow   mediumpurple3   paleturquoise 
##             188              28             181              29              92 
##            pink           plum1       royalblue     saddlebrown         sienna3 
##             381           10127             594              97              73 
##         skyblue        skyblue3       steelblue          violet     yellowgreen 
##              98              66              94              81              72
# Module names in descending order of size
module.labels <- names(table(merged.cols))[order(table(merged.cols), decreasing=T)]
# Order eigenmetabolites by module labels
merged.mes <- merged.mes[,paste0("ME", module.labels)]
colnames(merged.mes) <- paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA_", module.labels)
module.eigens <- merged.mes
# Add log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.WGCNA tag to labels
module.labels <- paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA_", module.labels)

# Generate and store metabolite membership
module.membership <- data.frame(
  Module=paste0("log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA_", merged.cols)

saveRDS(module.labels, here("Data","Heart","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA.module.labels.RData"))
saveRDS(module.eigens, here("Data","Heart","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA.module.eigens.RData"))
saveRDS(module.membership, here("Data","Heart", "log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA.module.membership.RData"))

write.table(module.labels, here("Data","Heart","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA.module.labels.csv"), row.names=F, col.names=F, sep=",")
write.csv(module.eigens, here("Data","Heart","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA.module.eigens.csv"))
write.csv(module.membership, here("Data","Heart","log.tdata.FPKM.sample.info.subset.heart.WGCNA.module.membership.csv"), row.names=F)

Analysis performed by Ann Wells

The Carter Lab The Jackson Laboratory 2023
